your child loses their first tooth

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your child loses their first tooth

Liam: "Mum! Dad!" you heard Jake scream through the house. You glanced over at Liam, who was on the phone. "I have to call you back, Lou" he said, hanging up. You raced up the stairs as Liam trailed on your heels. Jake's scream sounded panicked, like he was hurt. "Jacob!" you screamed, and you heard him start to cry. You ran towards his crying and flung open the bathroom door to see him leaning over the sink. "What?! What is it?!" Liam called behind you in a terrified tone. You couldn't help but smile. Jacob was leaned over the sink, his mouth dripping a little blood, a baby tooth in hand. "Jakey lost a tooth" you smiled as Liam caught his breath behind you. Jake turned to you and showed you the huge gap in his teeth. "Its bleeding Mum" he said, and you nodded. "You'll be fine" you said, kissing his forehead. You took the tooth and told him to put it under his pillow. You and Liam got a good laugh out of it, and left Jacob five pounds under his pillow.

Harry: "Can you stop wiggling your tooth Aspen? It's weird" Grayden asked, and Aspen closed her mouth embarrassed. You smiled at her, and she smiled back. Her front tooth was very loose. You cut your chicken and took a bite. "Dinner's very good, love" Harry said across the table. "Thanks" you smiled, and Trent gave you a thumbs up. You looked over at Aspen who was wiggling her tooth again. "Aspen, eat, we have to go to dance" you urged, and she nodded and took a bite of broccoli. Her face went white and she covered her mouth. "It's out!" she squealed, running to the kitchen. Harry went after her and you put your face in your hands. Trent slid his chair and followed her while Grayden sat at his chair, stealing some of Trent's sauce and smiling at you. "Um, sweetie, can you come here" Harry asked, and you raised your eyebrow at Grayden. "I know what my plate looks like" you whispered, and he smiled as you got up to go to the kitchen. You reached the counter and Aspen had spit all her broccoli out on the counter. "A little help?" Harry asked. He handed you a spoon. "Come on" you sighed, and Aspen shot you an apologetic look from Harry's arms. You started sifting through the broccoli until you found the little white tooth. "Thank you mummy!" Aspen squealed as you handed her her tooth. "Dad, Mum's tougher than you are" Trent laughed, and Harry jokingly narrowed her eyes at him as you all made your way back to the table, Grayden and your untouched plate.

Niall: "Dad, why do people lose teeth?" Rory asked, wiggling his front tooth back and forth. You smiled and bounced Brenna up and down on your knees as she giggled. "Well, if you're becoming a big boy you don't want to keep your baby teeth! Baby teeth are for babies" Niall explained. Rory nodded, and Niall winked at you. "Will it hurt?" he asked, and Niall shook his head. "Shouldn't, it will be fine" Niall said, pulling Rory into a hug. "What's the tooth fairy going to do with my teeth?" Rory asked as Niall released him. "She makes her castle out of teeth! She uses your teeth to live in" Niall said. "So does she use a toothbrush to clean her house?!" Rory asked, astonished, as he turned to you. "Yep, and toothpaste! Maybe I'll start doing that" you said, and Rory smirked. "Silly mum" he said, running towards you. He hopped up on your lap and you started bouncing him with Brenna. After a few minutes, Rory tensed up. "I bit my lip!" he screamed, and you stopped and looked. His lip was bleeding a little, but that wasn't what you noticed. Instead, there was a huge gap in the middle of his smile. "Woah, smile" you said and Rory went to wiggle his tooth. "I ate it!? What about the tooth fairy! She needs me!" he said, his eyes watering. You glanced down and noticed the little, white, blood stained tooth on your lap. "Hey, it's okay love, it's here" you said, picking it up. "Oh thank god!" Rory gasped, and you and Niall burst out laughing before going to clean Rory up.

Zayn: "Mox, you need to relax" Zayn said, as Moxie paced back and forth. You and Haven both couldn't help but laugh as Zayn tried to control this diva tantrum. Moxie was freaking out because her two front teeth were loose. Both of them. She was going to have a huge gap in the middle of her smile and she was not very happy. "No dad, I can't go out with a hole the size of France between my teeth" your little six and a half year old desperately said. "Do you even know where France is?" Zayn asked, and you smirked. "I know I don't want to go out looking like an old lady" Moxie said and you shook your head. "Moxie, you're going to look pretty regardless" you said, and Moxie shook her head. "You have to say that, mum" she said, rubbing her temples. If this had been the first time 'Moxdonna' had come out, like you and Zayn liked to call her, this might be different. But you were well accustom to the woes of this child, and found the humour in them. "I don't have to, and I still think you'll be pretty" Haven said, and Moxie started to soften up. "Let me see that smile" Zayn said, and as she did her tongue hit her teeth. One of them shot out while the other hung by a string. "Oh no!" Moxie squealed as Zayn picked up her tooth. "Let's get this one" you said, bending in front of Moxie. She started crying as you lightly pulled the other one out. As all this was happening, Haven ran up to her room. She returned with Dracula teeth from Halloween. "Wear these, Mox" she said, handing her sister the fake teeth. Moxie smiled as she slid them in. "They're perfect! Thanks Have" she said, hugging her sister. You and Zayn smiled at how wonderful your daughters were.

Louis: "Remember Kings, you owe us half of what you get from this tooth" you heard Shane say as you walked by the bathroom. You stopped dead in your tracks and put your ear to the door. "Is it gonna hurt?" Kingsley's voice asked fearfully. "No, don't be a baby" Noah said. "Ready, one, two" you had heard enough as you threw open the door. There were the boys, with Kingsley's loose tooth tied to a string. The string was attached to the shower door. "Really boys?!" you asked angrily as Noah and Shane bowed their heads. "The boys wanted to make some fast cash, mummy" Kingsley smiled. At five and a half, Kingsley didn't know what was going on. But Noah was eight and Shane was ten, and they knew full well what they were doing. "Time out. Both of you" you said, and Noah and Shane went to the kitchen and office respectively. "Come here baby" you said, pulling Kingsley on your lap. The tooth was barely attached, so you took her hand. "Squeeze mummy's hand until it goes pink. Ready, one, two, three" she started squeezing and you pulled out the tooth. Louis came upstairs after seeing the boys on time out and you told him the story. "Boys, come here" he said, and they both walked like zombies up the stairs. "I just spoke to the tooth fairy, she will not be paying either of you for your next teeth" he said, shaking his head. The boys were upset, but understood. "I get money for this?!" Kingsley asked, holding the little tooth firmly between her fingers. "We should have kept quiet" Louis smirked, kissing your cheek as you laughed.

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