He brings your child to work

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He brings your child to work

Harry: "Uncle Paul, Uncle Paul, My daddy sings in there." Your son giggles as the boys file into the recording booth. Paul gives the younger boy a quick ruffle of the hair before nodding. "I know, he's quite good at singing you know." "Oh I know, my daddy is a great singer. He sings me to sleep sometimes." Paul smiles before nodding. "Alright, ready to hear your daddy sing a new song?" This causes the boy to, not so quickly, climb in the stool and give his father a thumbs up. "I'm ready!"

Liam: Your daughter giggles as her father's voice spills from the speakers only to be accompanied by her Uncle Zayn. "Uncle Zayn and my daddy sounds pretty." She states to the producer before dancing around the room. The men give her a smile before lowering the music "Zayn, could you try just a bit higher on the -" "Can I say something? Can I say something?" your daughter interrupts causing the older men to nod reluctantly "Daddy," she says after toddling up to the soundboard, "you sounded really pretty and you too boys. Oh and Uncle Zayn your hair is pretty." She gives a grin before walking back to her toys piled in the corner.

Louis: Your son has had quite the fascination with Louis' music ever since he realized just what his daddy did for a job. So one day Louis decides to take him to the studio, as soon as the pair walk in your little boys eyes grow wide with enjoyment. "Oh my goodness." Michael mumbles lowly as he grazes his fingers along the soundboard "Daddy you actually get to work here and sing?" Louis ruffles his hair before nodding "I do, and when you're older you could work here too." Michael smiles at the thought as he nods his head. "Maybe I can record a song with you?" Louis laughs before picking up the little boy "One day, squirt."

Niall: Your twins decided to join their father at the studio while the boys were recording Story Of My Life. The girls sat side by side on the floor watching their father and uncles practicing pitches and harmonies for the verses, needless to say the girls had a blast and for the next few days pranced around the house singing the song heard that day. "You need to go back to the studio!" The oldest whispers to her father as he tucks the girls in for bed "Me and Molly had a lot of fun. We even wrote a song for you to play. It's about Barbie and Ken and Uncle Ed helped us." Niall just gives her a kiss on the forehead before nodding "Alright, we'll go back."

Zayn: Your little boy is all smiles as he sits with the sound producers at the soundboard. While the boys sing your son pulls funny faces and starts to wave which the boys return at the same time. "My daddy is the one in the jacket." Your son admits to the older man sitting beside him "His name is Zayn and his hair is very pretty." The producers nod their heads before handing over the headphones "If you listen to these, you can hear their voices with the music." Instantly the smaller has the rather large headphones latched onto his head "Oh wow!" He giggles "This is great!"

sorry i didn't update forr a longggggg time btw thanks for the 8k reads and the votes !!! love you alll 😘😘😘😘😘 btw follow me for the next update xxxyanni

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