he's alone with your child for a while

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Louis: Today was the day of your family barbecue. You had left for a bit to go pick up things for it, while Louis stayed with your twins Aiden and Addison o set up games in the back yard for the rest of the children. "Alright, you guys. Lets make this a race. I'm going to set up Cornhole, Addison set up Horseshoes, and Aiden get out all of the nerf guns and water guns. Loser gets pelted with water balloons! CHILDREN ARE YOU READY!?" Louis exclaimed. "Yes daddy!" the children yelled with glee. Eyes lit up with eagerness, ready to pelt water balloons at there father. "ONE, FOUR, SEVEN, GO!" Your husband and the children ran off in different directions. Hoping to win the race. They were all moving surprisingly fast! Louis screamed in victory as he stood up, looking at his now completed Cornhole station. When he turned around to rub it in your children's faces, he saw that the horseshoes were also set up, and a wide selection of nerf and water guns were stacked neatly against the house. His pride in accomplishment was completely destroyed when his eyes fell to the two small children, about five feet away, holding large water balloons with sinister grins lurking on their faces. "ATTACK!" they screamed throwing the balloons at their father. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Louis ran around like a 5 year old, terrified of the balloons. Thats when you pulled up in your car in the drive way. "Hey you guys! Could you come help me with the grocery bags!" You yelled over the fence, knowing they were in the back yard. You sighed after having to carry them all in yourself. Only to walk and look through your back door, to see a full on water balloon fight filled with laughter between your children and your amazing husband.

Niall: Your boss called you at about 6 a.m asking you to come into work for a few hours. You hung up, followed by a quiet "Ugh" and you gently shook Niall awake. "Nialler, Niiiiiiiiiaaaallleeeeerrr. Wake up babes!" "Ughhhh what is it (Y/N)?" he said, grumpy from waking up too early. "My boss called me in, I have to go in for a couple of hours. When I get back will you please have Emily bathed and dressed?" "Okaaay" he said rolling back over to go to sleep. About 2 hours later he was awakened by your 3 year old daughter "Daddy daddy get up! Where's mommy???" she said as she jumped up and down, shaking his arm. "Oh GOD! Em what time is it!? Mommy went to work for a little while, i've got to get you dressed!" he said scooping up your daughter and running her to the bathroom. After he got the bath water nice and warm and your daughter stripped down, he turned ready to put her in. But she stood there with her arms crossed and angry face plastered on. "I don't wanna take a bath daddy!" "You've got to! Momma said so!" "NO!" she yelled in rebelion. With no succsess Niall had already picked her up and started to set her in the water. The second her foot touched the surface she screamed and curled her legs up "NO DADDY I SAID NO I DON'T WANNA!" "Em its just a bath! You don't wanna be a stinky girl do ya? Water won't hurt you, i promise!" he explained to her. She uncomfortably agreed and gave the water now surrounding her a stinch face. Niall went to grab the shampoo and again your daughter protested. She proceeded to argue with every step of the bath until she broke out into screams and sobs. Niall was tired of putting up with the tantrums and was trying everything to calm her down "Emily please!" He tried to compromise, talking over her wails. "If you stop crying I'll, I-I'll take you to Nando's for dinner tonight!" When hearing this your daughter automatically shoots him a smile and jumps out to hug him in excitement. "Woah woah calm down there princess!" he said with a chuckle. "Lets just hurry and get you dressed" "Okay daddy" she gidily agreed. When you walked through the front door about a half hour later, you were surprised to see Emily snuggled up into your husbands chest, with his arms wrapped protectively around her. They had passed out on the couch after the exhausting struggles in the bath tub.

Zayn: Zayn woke up to your four year old son sitting on the bed next to him, attempting to read words off a little index card. "H-hey hon-ney. I h-ad had to le-leave f-for.." Eric stopped reading when he saw your husband looking at him. "Hi daddy! Mommy left this card on the night stand." He handed the card to Zayn and he read it in a groggy early morning voice. "Hey honey. I had to leave for a bit. My mom wanted one of our deep dishes so she could make a Lasagna tonight. Be back soon. Love you guys!xx" now mocking your voice, causing your son to giggle. "Well looks like mommy will be out for a while. Wanna help daddy make some breakfast?" "When does daddy ever get up before noon?" Eric said with a smart little tone. Zayn laughed at him and said "There's a first time for everything, son!" He lifted your son in the air and ran down to the kitchen making airplane noises, Eric squealing all the way. When they "landed" Zayn smiled and said "So whats my little bradford bad boy hungry for?" Eric thought for a minute, "Pancakes!" "Alrighty then, lets make pancakes!" Zayn not being much of a cook, made some pretty ugly pancakes. They weren't even round. Eric picked one up and said "This one looks like a dinosaur!" He ran it over to the table and put it on a plate. Zayn watched curiously. As he went to peak over his sons shoulder, he watched his son create a more elaborate dinosaur with two blueberries for eyes, polka dots of syrup, and a horn made of a squirt of whipped cream. "See daddy! A dinosaur!" Zayn laughed and said "Wow Eric that looks awesome! You definitely get your artsy side from me" Zayn smiled as your son continued turning mishaped pancakes into mini mouth-watering masterpieces.

Liam: Liam didn't mind watching your six year old for a while. He knew you'd been working hard and you deserved at least a few hours out with your friends. It was about noon and he could tell Jessica was getting bored. "Hey Jessie," Liam spoke up. "You wanna go to the park? We can grab some lunch from the hot dog stand, and then maybe I can teach you how to ride your bike with out training wheels!" "Okay daddy!" Jessica yelped in excitement, running up stairs to get her black converse on. Liam walked next to her while she rode her bike (with training wheels) on the way there. She looked so cute on her Toy Story bike and her stuffed Bullseye in the little basket. By the time they reached the park, she sped over to the hot dog stand, Liam chasing after. "Two hot dogs please" She politely asked the man running the stand. He handed her the hot dogs and Liam handed him the cash. The two sat on a bench, enjoying their greasy food as they watched the birds fly around the fountain. As they started to finish up, Liam asked her "So Jessie, you ready to ride that bike like a big cowgirl?" She glanced over at the bike, then back over at her Dad with a worried 'I don't know' look. "C'mon it'll be fun! And i promise you'll be safe. I'll be behind you every step of the way" She sighed and eventually worked up a smile "Okay daddy, i trust you" Liam unfastened the training wheels from the tail end of the bike. As Jessica procrastinatingly put on her helmet. "All done!" Liam stood up and motioned your daughter to the bike. When she got on he could feel her shaking "Jessie I told you I won't let you get hurt. If this wasn't a safe idea daddy wouldn't be letting you do it. Don't you wanna be a big girl?" She nodded and smiled "Yes daddy, i do" "Then you can do this" Liam put on hand on the back of the bike and the other over her hand on the handle bar. Jessica stared to slowly peddle down the trail with Liam walking after. "See its not so hard!" he exclaimed to his daughter as she started picking up speed. He could really feel her getting her balance so he let go. Jessica screamed with happiness "Look daddy i'm doing it! Im doing it!" Liam's bright smile started to fade to a worried look as Jessica yelled back "uhh... daddy!?" Liam never taught her how to stop. She let out a small scream as she flipped into a bush "JESSIE!" Liam yelled as he sprinted for his daughter, hoping to help. When he reached her, he knelt to see if she was okay. As she lifted her head she started to laugh and said "I did it Daddy!" a little scrambled after the fall. Liam let out a small chuckle and said "You did Jess, you did!" He hugged her and helped her up as she jumped back on her bike and took off again. Liam, being as bright as he was, still forgot to teach her how to stop.

Harry: You, Harry, and your 1 year old daugher Darcy were laying in bed. Cozily enjoying each others company, when your phone went off. It was your boss. You wondered why he emailed you, it being your day off. He said a package was dropped of for you and he wanted it out of his office immediately. You sighed as you got up to pull on some sweat pants. You walked over to Harry and kissed his cheek. He woke up from the warmth of your touch "Good morning gorgeous" He smiled at you as you whispered to him "I have to pick up something from work, will you be okay with Darcy for a bit?" "Sure love" he said kissing you softly. "I'll be back in about an hour" you said as you both looked over at your daughter, who was doing little baby stretches as her eyes fluttered open. You kissed her forehead and made your way out the door. Harry smiled and said "Good morning Darc!" she was attempting to sit up, now almost wide awake. Harry got up and cradled her in his arms as he walked down to the kitchen. He put your daughter in her pink high chair and made his way to the cabinets. "So do you want Peaches n' Cream, Stawberry Banana, or Honey and Oats?" He put the three jars on the tray of her high chair, waiting for her to touch one. Darcy reached out and picked up the Peaches n' Cream. "Delicious!" Harry said putting the other jars away and stroking your daughters beautiful little brown curls. As he opened the jar and took out a little bit with the baby spoon, Darcy stared in awe. Mouth open and ready. But right before the bite made it to her mouth she pointed at the floor and said "Ooooh!" Harry gave her a puzzled look then looked in the direction she was pointing. He saw your kitten Tabu laying there. "Oh you see Tabu, kitty!" He said to Darcy "Kit-ty!" She said, Harry starring back at her. "Oh my god! Darcy what did you say!?" "Kitty!" She said also releasing a small giggle. "DARC MY BIG GIRL YOU SAID YOUR FIRST WORD! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!" Harry picked her up and spun her around the kitchen. "I'm baaack!" You said as you walked in. "In here babe!" Harry screamed to you. He sounded excited. You walked in the kitchen to find Harry laying on the floor with Darcy and Tabu. He swooped up Darc as he saw you and skipped over to you. "Guess who said kitty!" Harry laughed out. Darcy just smiled at you. A smile spread on your face and you walked over to pick up Tabu and bring him back to them. "Darcy, what is this?" You asked hopefully. "Kitty!" She yelled again with excitement as you jumped "OH MY GOD!" You and Harry proudly hugged your daughter. Then set her and Tabu down as the crawled around together. "She's such an amazing daughter" you smiled at Harry. "I know, she's just like her mother" he said kissing you.

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