Daddy son moment

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~Daddy Son Moment~

Liam: He smiled; wrapping his long arms around your son while they sat on your couch snuggled to each other. Your son's light brown eyes were staring to the television screen, small thumb on his mouth. "Daddy why does superman have a cape but Spiderman doesn't," he asked, tiny baby voice curious when he lifted his head to look at Liam's stubbly face. He had a proud grin on his face when he looked at his son who was taking after both of you, becoming curious and sweet little boy. "Spiderman doesn't need a cape. He can fly with his web," Liam chuckled, stroking his son's bare arm what was hugging his side. He was only wearing his small race-car tank top and boxers, wanting to be like daddy. It was their day off while you were working, and it was their daddy son relaxing time. Your son nodded, smiling happily before turning his attention to the screen. Liam chuckled, seeing how his son's eyes widened when he saw enemies in the television. "Daddy," he winced, eyes getting even wider, making Liam scrunch his nose, knowing that he was getting scared. "It's okay, buddy," he smiled gently, brown eyes soft when he turned the tv mute before collecting his son to his strong, tattooed arms. Your son whimpered silently against his chest when Liam stroked his back, kissing his brown hair gently. "Daddy?" your son's small voice whispered almost inaudible, making Liam look down and brush few of his hair off his face, "Are you a superhero?" Liam chuckled, smirk spreading to his face, when his son's words made his heart swell. "What do you think bud?" he smirked, cuddling the small boy closer, making him trace his chubby fingers over his tattoos, "Mommy say so when I'm scared, and mommy's never wrong, daddy."

Louis: "Yes!" Louis screamed happily, making the small boy on his arms burst in to giggles. Louis was holding him down so his tiny baby feet would reach the grass, even though he couldn't walk yet. "Again!" he yelled smirking, eyes squinting when he took the small football in front of him. He was teaching his son how to kick, even when he didn't know how to walk, but the littlest Tomlinson was catching up really well. His instincts made him wiggle his tiny toddler feet, what made him kick the ball. Louis was holding him under his armpits gently, keeping him in balance. He was wearing a small jersey, a small version of Lou's playing shirt. Your son left out another giggle when his foot touched the ball, making Louis scream with happiness. "Yes, son! Well done, little one!" he smirked, placing a big kiss to his chubby cheek, drying some drool of his chin. Your son replied with babbles, making Louis squint his eyes happily. He was excited to share his love with football with someone who meant so much to him. "Da da," your son babbled, making Louis smirk happily, rocking the baby on his arms when he scanned the empty football field where he had been rehearsing just few hours ago. "Daddy's here," he cooed, beaming at him when he thought how happy he was when his son's first word was dad. Letting your son down to the grass, he stretched his arms, smiling to the boy who was crawling to the goals, blue eyes locked to few colorful footballs. "Like a father like a son, huh?" he chuckled when he jogged after the small boy, cooping the wiggly boy to his arms, placing another kiss to his cheek. "C'mon big boy," he smirked, tickling his sides, making him give his dad a toothless grin.

Harry: "Does this go here?" he asked, smiling with his dimples when his son giggled, shaking his head. He was holding a puzzle piece, trying to fit it to the simple baby-puzzle. "No daddy," your son giggled, tugging his brown curls while he laughed, small voice bouncing around the room. "There?" Harry asked smirking, trying to fit the piece to another hole, with no luck. "NO!" your son screamed laughing, clutching his belly with his tiny hands. Harry chuckled, green eyes full of joy when he looked how his little boy was filled with happiness and joy. "I give up," Harry groaned playfully, smirk still on his eyes when he handed the piece to his boy, "You give it a go." Your son giggled, greenish eyes full of playful joy when he grabbed the piece of wood, putting it to the right place, making Harry's eyes widen. "You did it!" he said with fake surprised voice, making your son's chest rise proudly. "I did it daddy!" he yelled smiling, raising his chubby hands to the air, making Harry attack him with tickles. "Daddy! Daddy stop!" your son giggled, wiggling out of Harry's fingertips. Harry's inked hands wrapped around the small boy when he lifted him to his lap, showering him with kisses. "Daddy! Tickles! Stop!" your son laughed loudly, making Harry laugh as well, curls bouncing playfully. Harry smiled stopping, still holding the small boy on his lap, hugging him tightly. He buried his nose to his son's brown curls, inhaling his scent. A big smile came to his face when he smelled him. He smelled him like home, like coming home after long tour. He smelled like you. "Daddy, why are you sniffing me?" the baby giggled, making Harry smirk again, eyes burning with tears. "I'm gonna miss you buddy," Harry sniffled, chin trembling when he thought the two week tour what was coming too soon. Your son looked at him curiously, pressing his chubby palm to his daddy's cheek. "Daddy no crying!" your son said with confused frown, making Harry smile gently, wrapping his arms around his son, kissing the top of his head, "You're right, bud, no crying."

Zayn: A huge smirk came to his face when he sat on the waiting terminal, leg popping up and down when he waited your plane to arrive. He could feel his excitement grow when he saw people start to come out of your gate. He was finally going to see you and your son again, and nothing would bring his mind down. "Daddy!" a small voice screamed, making Zayn's head pop up to see a small, black haired boy running to him, small short legs taking big steps. A huge grin broke his face when the boy came closer, making Zayn sprint to meet him. He felt his knees give out when he kneeled right in frot of his son, making the boy flung against his chest, small arms wrapping against Zayn so tightly it almost hurt. "Daddy!" your son squealed, making Zayn's heart ache when he heard the word again. "Hi man," he smiled, still hugging him, wishing that he'd never have to let him go again. He hated to be apart of his family and skype calls didn't do the work. He wanted to play with his son, he wanted to lay on bed with him on lazy Saturday morning eating cereal and watching cartoons. He wanted to tuck him to bed and hug you on his doorway, looking to the miracle you had created. "I missed you, little one," he sighed, giving a small kiss to his son's forehead, making the boy wince. "Daddy, I'm a big boy, no kisses!" he said with wide eyes, making Zayn grin happily. He had missed his buddy so much. "Oh,Daddy look! I have a tattoo, just like you do!" your son screamed excitedly, rolling up his collar sleeve, showing his fake tattoo. It was a picture of flames, making Zayn beam at his little brown eyed boy. "That is so cool," he admired, making the boy on his lap smirk happily. "Mommy said I look just like you daddy! She even said I could have one when this goes away when I'm in bath," he babbled, brown eyes widen with excitement. Zayn chuckled happily, kissing his cheek when he stood up, taking the boy to his arms, locking his eyes on you when you walked towards your family. "She did, yeah?"

Niall: Niall was frozen. He watched how the small head emerged, then shoulders, hands and legs. He could see ten toes and fingers, slimy brown hair and a small button nose. For a second everything was quiet. He held his breath, feeling how his heart bounced against his chest. Niall's blue eyes were blurry with tears while he stared to the small baby in nurse's arms. They had told you that there was a high risk your baby wouldn't survive and it was crumbling Niall to pieces. He was shaking, every inch of him yelling that he was living a nightmare when he held your hand, squeezing it tightly, praying. A small wail pierced the air, making his heart jump. He raised his eyes form the floor, eyes wide he heard the small cry what made his eyes water again. His son was here after long months of trying, waiting and worrying. He was there and he was crying against all the odds. "He looks just fine, Mr. and Mrs. Horan," the nurse said with a small smile when she placed the crying newborn to Niall's arms so he could bring him to you. "Hi," he whispered amazed, feeling how warm he was against his skin.His heart swelled with so powerful love, he never knew could exist. Your baby boy stirred wiggling, whines getting smaller when he adjusted to the life what was given to him. He opened his blue eyes to look up to his teary dad who was staring at him in silence. There were no words to the moment. Nothing described the feeling he had when you saw your son for the first time and he was alive. Niall's mouth was gaped when he looked his son's tiny, precious moves. He reached to touch his head with his calloused finger, stroking the soft, brown baby hair with care. "Thank god ya're alive buddy, I'm your daddy and I love ye so, so much," He mumbled silent tears running down his pale cheeks when he planted a kiss to his wrinkled, newborn forehead before placing him to your chest, eyes never leaving him.

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