Your Child's First Concert

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Your Child's First Concert

Harry: "Mummy, I'm tired," your two year old whined, rubbing her eyes with her tiny fists and putting her head on your shoulder. "I know, baby," you bounced her on your hip, getting impatient as well, "But just wait a few minutes, and then we'll see if you want to go home, okay?" She whined again, the large, sound-reduction headphones weighing heavily on her tiny head. But the lights in the arena went down, and the stage lit up, and the screams started. "Baby?" You shifted your side so she could see the stage, waiting as she watched. But when the music started and her daddy walked on stage, she started squealing happily. "Mummy! Mummy that's daddy!" You smiled, kissing her forehead, "Sure is, baby girl, sure is."

Liam: "Mum," your toddler whined, "I don't want to go to bed!" You frowned, biting your lip and trying to gauge if your four year old son was old enough to watch your husband's concert. You would enjoy being able to see one of the shows on tour, instead of putting your toddler to bed and sitting in the tour bus. "Okay, do you want to watch daddy then?" You smiled, picking up your son, who started clapping his hands in delight. "Here we go," you got some headphones and stuck them on your son's ears. "Let's go see daddy!" You walked backstage holding your son, catching Liam's gaze, and you couldn't tell who was more excited - dad or son.

Zayn: "Mom! I want to go see daddy," your daughter sighed, pouting on the tour bus. "Oh, babe," you chuckled, chewing over the options in your mind, "Do you want to stay here with Lux or do you want to go see daddy?" Your daughter crossed her arms over her chest, feeling defiant. "I want to go see daddy!" You smiled, scooping her up and heading backstage, moving over to find Zayn before they had to go on stage. "Hun," you smiled, grabbing his shoulder. "Hey, babe - oh, hey little girl!" He picked up your daughter and spun her around, "Are you ready to see daddy sing?" She nodded her head and clapped her chubby hands. Zayn walked off with her, almost more excited than she was. "Let's see if Lou has headphones..."

Niall: "When does daddy come on?" Your son tugged on your shirt, sitting beyond the guard rails in between the stage and the front row. "Soon, babe, soon!" You smiled, picking up your son and balancing him on your hip. "Keep your eyes on the stage," you whispered, feeling like this was almost your first concert as well. You and your son were surprising Niall on tour, and the five year old had never seen a concert before. You watched as the back of the stage lifted and the boys ran out, smiling and raising their microphones high in the air. "Look!" Your son squealed, raising his arms, "Daddy!" You waited patiently for Niall to glimpse you, knowing he wouldn't be able to hear you. About halfway through the opening number he caught you eye, and he almost missed a verse.

Louis: "Come on, baby girl!" Louis giggled, poking your daughter's dimple as they ran around backstage. "Are you ready for tonight?" He picked her up and sat her next to him in the golf cart, spinning around and causing havoc for the whole crew. "Hey, give me my daughter!" You chided playfully, removing her from the golf cart and looking at Louis. "We're excited!" Louis laughed, leaning over to kiss you and then your daughter. "You, missy," he poked your daughter's nose, "Are the envy of about twenty five thousand teenage girls out there." You shook your head again and picked your daughter up, wishing Louis good luck and heading to your seats.

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