he finds out about your daughter's first boyfriend

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he finds out about your daughter's first boyfriend (tumblr)

Liam: "Aurora! Get down here!" Liam called as he walked in the door. You poked your head out from behind the kitchen wall and smiled at him. "Hi beautiful" he said as you walked towards him, smiling. "Hi babe" you whispered, kissing his cheek. You hugged him as you heard Aurora bounce down the stairs. You turned to smile at her. Aurora had grown up so much, it was like the time was flying past you. You remembered her being the cute little ten year old, out in the backyard playing and catching bugs with Liam. Now, at fifteen, she was a young woman. She had hopes, dreams, thoughts of her own. She was beautiful, self aware, intelligent. It was a lot to take in as she stood in front of you, smiling anxiously at Liam. His body tensed as his eyes set on her, and you glanced up at him. "Hi dad" she whispered, almost as if she knew what was impending. "What's this I hear about Shane Tomlinson, Aurora? Are you kidding me? Louis gave me the news. You are too young to date, too young to even go out without supervision. You are not see Shane again, do you understand me?! Don't talk to him, don't go anywhere with him. Nothing!" Liam said, and you stood beside him in shock. Aurora didn't speak. She wiped a tear from her cheek and glared at Liam. She wanted to speak, all three of you knew she wanted to defend herself. Instead, she sighed and ran up the stairs. "Liam Payne!" you scowled as you heard Aurora's door shut. He walked past you and sat on the back of the couch to take his shoes off. "Y/N, she's fifteen. I am not about to allow her to see someone at such a young age" Liam said, and you shook your head. "She's smart, funny, beautiful and sensible. She knows right from wrong, we raised her well. You can't hold on to her being a little girl Liam. What happens when she's sixteen? She can drive, she has so much freedom. Then eighteen is only a little while away. We can't keep her caged up forever, Liam. She's going to rebel. At least we know Shane. At least we know Louis. We know that he's a good boy with good morals and a good soul. Who knows what she will go with next if she doesn't get to be with Shane? Give your daughter a chance to prove herself to you, Liam" you said, and Liam looked down. You cupped his face in your hands and looked him in the eyes. He fought tears. "I just wish she was young again" he said, and you nodded. "Me too, but she isn't. We have to be fair to her" you said, and Liam nodded. "I'll go talk to her" he said, and you kissed his forehead encouragingly. After an hour, you heard Liam coming down the stairs. You were cooking in the kitchen when he came in to join you. "So?" you asked, as he sat down. You stood in front of him, chopping potatoes. "She has a curfew, 10:30 pm. She is only to see Shane two school nights a week. She has to have her phone on at all times and check in with us once every hour. And I want to talk to Shane about him and Aurora" Liam said, and you looked at him and smiled. "No security?" you asked, as you turned to put a roast in the oven. "She wouldn't agree to them" Liam said, exasperated. "Well I guess not!" you giggled, turning to Liam. "I love you, my persuasive wife" he said, and you smirked. "I love you too, my overprotective husband."

Zayn: "Popcorn machines are far too complicated" you said, staring at the big contraption. "Here, I will do popcorn, you decide on two movies from these" Zayn smiled, sliding you the stack of movies. "Couldn't come up with something easier?" you smirked, looking at the twenty DVDs. "Sit and watch like a princess?" Zayn offered, sarcastically. "If you insist" you replied, smiling sweetly as you took a seat at the breakfast bar. Zayn narrowed his eyes at you jokingly until the popping of the popcorn startled him. "Dork" you laughed, and he smiled goofy at you. "Um, mum, dad" Haven said from the doorway. You turned and smiled, as did Zayn. It was weird how old Haven was, as if time flew before your eyes. She was fourteen now, and you couldn't fathom where the time had gone. She was a young woman now, standing in front of you. You never really had to worry about Haven. She held her own, even with her 'celebrity' status because of Zayn. She was really someone to be proud of. "What's up sweetie?" Zayn asked, breaking the silence. "I just kind of wanted to talk to you" she said, hesitantly. You raised an eyebrow at Zayn. Both your and Zayn's relationship with Haven had led to her never being afraid to tell you anything. Now, all of a sudden, she seemed scared to death. "Could you two, just like, come to the door" she said, and you looked at Zayn as he stood up. You met him at the doorway and he took your hand. You smiled at him as he pulled it up to his mouth and kissed the back of the hand. You did the same thing to him and he kissed your temple. You two were so caught up in each other, you didn't even notice Ollie Payne in the doorway. "Oh hey Ollie, you alright mate?" Zayn said, shoving his hand forward. Ollie shook his hand and Haven looked at the floor. You looked at her, puzzled, and she glanced up at you and forced a smile. "Hi Mr Malik, how are you?" Ollie said, and your head jerked to him. "Mr Malik?! Since when!?" you asked, and Ollie turned to Haven. "You didn't..." he started, but Haven shook her head. He took a deep breath and it all clicked for you. You looked up at Zayn, still in the dark as to the train coming his way. "I was wondering, if, I guess, I would like to ask if I could date your daughter?" Ollie asked, and Haven gripped his arm. You noticed she held Ollie's hand the way you held Zayn's, and you smiled. "You want to date Moxie?!" Zayn asked, and you scrunched your eyebrows. "Uh, no, umm, Haven" Ollie said, and you smirked. "I know goofball. Alright, yeah sure. Just, Ollie, mark my words if you hurt this girl there's going to be hell to pay" Zayn said, smacking his arm. Ollie turned to you and his eyes widened, searching for your approval. "Oh, yeah, absolutely. But if you're scared of Zayn, you don't even want to know what's coming from me" you said, and everyone laughed. Haven hugged you both before leaving. "Remember when you and I were like that?" you asked adoringly. "Remember?! That was us today!" Zayn said, scooping you up bridal style as you laughed the whole way to the kitchen.

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