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Parenting Series (Toddler) -Talking

Louis: It was no secret that Grayson was a daddy's boy while Quincy was a mummy's girl. Some days, especially after Louis had been gone awhile, Grayson got very clingy. Everywhere he went, there he was. He constantly chatted and it seemed never ending. "Daddy....Daddy.....Daddy....DADDY!" He would plead. "What is it, tommo?" He asks, looking down at his son. "Football. Now!" He practically demanded. "Oh you know my weekness, little Tommo!" He grins, taking him into the back yard and passing the ball back and forth while you and Quincy sat inside, painting your nails together.

Niall: "Dada, I'm hungwy." Sophie said as she sat her toy down. "All right then Soph, lets go find something to eat." He said, scooping her up in his arms and bouncing her as he walked into the kitchen and carefully stood her up on the counter and began pulling snacks out of the cabinet. "This one?" He asks. "No!" She giggles, "This one?" He asks again, "Nooo dada!" She giggles with a wide grin. "I want the fishes!" He nodded and poured her a bowl full of whales and sat her down, cherishing the little moments like this.

Liam: "How was your day big man?" Liam asked as he picked him up and sat him on his hip as he moved around the dressing room. "Fun!" He grins. "Oh really, what did you and mummy do?" He asks, brushing his blonde hair out of his face. "Me and mummy went to the park and then we painted and then we came here to see you, daddy!" He says all in one big breathe. "You painted?" He asks and he nods eagerly. "Can I see?" He nods and Liam sets him down and watched as he retrieved two big pieces of paper showing paintings of flowers. "These are great, my boy!" He grins, pecking his cheek.

Zayn: Caroline had a hard time remember names so Zayn often sat down with her with pictures and tried to help her. "What's this?" He asks, holding up a flashcard of a cow. "A c-cow?" She asks doubtfully. "Good job, sweetie!" He grins, "Who's this?" He asks, holding a picture of Niall up. "Niall!" She grins, "Good, who's this?" He asks. "That's me!" She giggles, "What's your name?" He asks. "Caroline Anne M-Malik." She says slowly. "I'm so proud of you sweetie." He grins, kissing her cheek.

Harry: Just last month, Olivia had started talking. You figured it would be just one word for now, but to your surprise, her vocabulary started growing. "Livi? Who's that?" Harry asked as he pointed to you while laying on the floor with her. "Mummy!" She grins. "Who am I?" He asks, pointing to himself. "Daddy!" He grins, "Who's that?" He asks pointing to Gemma on the couch across the room. "Gem!" She shouts, grinning from ear to ear. "She is a freakishly smart child..." Gemma says with a laugh, "Considering you're her father." She jokes, looking at over at you, "No offense, (Y/N)." Harry laughs and shakes his head.

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