GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM): Part 11: First Day of School

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GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM): Part 11: First Day of School

A Year Later...
I woke up to my alarm going off at 5:30. It was (y/n)'s first day of Kindergarten. We had talked about it the last few days, and she wasn't too thrilled. We haven't been separated this long since she moved in, so I was nervous. I got up and slowly made my way to my closet. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I walked into her room and she was fast asleep. I decided she could sleep a little longer and I went and made her a lunch. I put it in her polka dot lunch box and made sure that her backpack was ready. I made her a small breakfast and I went to wake her up. I slowly pried her out of sleeping. "Good morning bug. We gotta get up and get ready for school." She whined but reluctantly stood up. I chuckled and held her. I walked into the bathroom and helped her brush her teeth and her hair. "I'm going to get an outfit ready. Go potty and then come back into your room." I told her gently. She nodded and closed the door. I walked into her room and was searching in her closet when I heard her yell. "Li! I need toilet paper please?" I laughed and walked into the hall closet and got it for her. "Here baby" I smiled replacing the old roll with a new one. I walked out and shut the door. I walked back in and laid out a couple different outfits for her to choose. She walked back in and looked at me. "Flush?" I asked. She smile and nodded. "Which one do you want to wear?" She walked over and picked out her white ruffled skirt and her yellow tank-top with a white flower. I strapped on her sandals and we went to the kitchen. "Li, is school fun?" She asked while
eating. I nodded "So much fun. You're going to have a blast." She started to tear up. I walked closer putting my hands on the counter. "What's the matter?" "I don't wanna go. I don't want you to leave me" I knew this was coming. "Baby. You're going to have so much fun and you won't even realize I'm not there. You will meet new friends and play all day. You'll learn new things too. So, maybe you can be smarter than Uncle Zayn!" She smiled. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Positive" I kissed her forehead. "Now, hurry up and finish or we're going to be late." I cleaned off the table when she was finished and I walked her to the car. I put her in and strapped her in before driving off. We talked all about how much fun she was going to have. We arrived and hopped out. I held her hand as we walked into her classroom. "Let's find your desk" I said to her. She looked worried and unsure but I led her around. "Look, here it is! And it even has your name on it!" I smiled at her. She smiled and motioned me to come closer. She locked her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. I bent down and hugged her. She laid her head on my shoulder. We sat there for a few minutes until I had to leave. "Baby?" I said pulling back.
"I gotta go now, but you're going to stay here okay?" She started tearing up. I swiped my thumb under her eyes and caught her tears. "Are you to be a big girl for me and not cry?" She nodded and took a deep breath. "There's my girl." I smiled. "I will pick you up right after school and then we can go home and do whatever you want, alright?" She nodded and kissed my cheek. "Bye Li" She whispered. "Bye baby" I stood up and walked out, turning around to see her talking to someone. I smiled and kept walking. She was a good girl.
___After school
I went and picked up (y/n). She talked non stop about her day. When I asked what she did, she led me minute by minute through her day. I was so proud of her. We got home and she ate a snack and we just laid on the couch watching movies. First day...done...what surprises come next??...

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