Family Road Trip

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"I don't know why we had to stop here?" You say peeking at your husband. His hair was matted to his forehead which is now sweaty from the heat. You smiled remembering so vividly the face you'd see after every show. Sweaty. You look into the rear view mirror, where your kids are sleeping. "Because, we needed water, and before the baby wakes up we need to get more wipes." Harry replied keeping his eyes on the road. You were two and a half hours into a family car trip, cross country when your three kids decided it was time to bring fun into the equation. The baby threw her snacks everywhere, and the boys in the back were horse playing. Harry nodded at you and stepped out the car, making his way to the front of the gas station. You heard rustling . "Are we there yet?" You smiled. "Not yet almost" You said hearing a yawn. "Mom! I'm hungry and bored." You grimaced hoping the baby wouldn't wake-. "Mommy!" The baby started crying as you looked back . Harry came back , with loads of stuff. He smiled. "Awake. As I thought they would be." He handed out snacks and the kids settled down. You all were on the road back again.


You sighed, and rubbed your arms."I can't believe this!" You said looking at your husband. He was angry and was really freezing. The kids in the back were siting patiently. You cleared your throat, "It's only temporary baby, we can wait until then." He sighed. "We will be way off schedule Y/N! I can't believe the car stopped." You smiled. "I know but c'mon let's just sit in the car for know. It's freezing." You climbed into the passenger seat. The kids bombarded you with questions "Is the car ok?", "Are we leaving?", "Why is daddy still outside mommy it's so cold!". You held a hand up, to get them to quiet down. "We will leave in a few minutes, daddy is just checking the car he will only be a minute." You smiled. You laid back holding your youngest child. "I'm cold mom.", You reached and got a blanket . You could tell the kids were getting impatient and such so you were about to call Liam but he came inside. "Hey.", He smiled and started up the car, to your surprised it cut on. "See! It just needed a minute!" You laughed .


You groaned as your daughter got louder and louder with his shouting. "I'm tired!" "Are we there yet!" Your daughter was currently nipping on a banana "No sweetie." You tapped Niall, who was fast asleep due to taking his pain medication for his knee. "Niall, babe wake up." You said, nudging him, he slowly woke up. "Yeah love?" He said rubbing at his eyes. You smiled, "Entertain the kids please." He laughed "Yea, yea." He turned around to face your two daughters, "Who wants to sing?" They nodded and laughed . You watched the three of them sang 'Let It Go' from Frozen. Soon you joined in too. After a while the singing and laughing came to an end. "Are we there yet?!" You smiled and looked at Niall who groaned exasperatedly.


"Oh come on, buddy it's not that far!" Louis said to your 9 year old son. He groaned, loudly from the back of the car. "He's right sweetie, it's not that far!" You explained. He was just so much like his father, sarcastic, cheeky and a rebel in every way. Not to mention his sassy big mouth. "But-" Your son said beginning his whining once again. "No buts-" Louis smiled "-We are almost there I'm pretty sure you can wait a few more minutes." He kick his legs against the back of the seat and grumbled. He was upset, he was hungry and mad since you said you and the rest of the family planned a family trip on a short notice. He claimed he had stuff to do, to which you apologized that you didn't know but he was going to have fun none the less. "It's a cabin with lots of places to ride your bike and po-" You heard Louis say. The pre-teenager shrugged. "Yea I guess it sounds fun." You laughed "Well alright then that's better than nothing", you looked up as he smiled. Louis grabbed your hand and raised his eyebrows, "I guess."


You felt the seat belt tug and you glanced down. Your daughter was out of her seat and was coming onto the front. "Zayn!" You grumbled trying to concentrate on driving . He grabbed the child and sat her in the seat "Be good for mommy and daddy ok?" The little girl nodded and Zayn flashed her his glinting smile. You relaxed. "Everything good yea?" You grinned at Zayn "Yea babe everything's good." He chuckled "This was a good idea. I like it." You nodded, you planned a hiking trip. But seeing as though the camp was miles away you drove there, leaving early in the morning. You were half asleep so Zayn took the privilege to drive. "I gotta go pee", a small voice in the back chimed. It was your son, whom by the judge of it couldn't hold on his bladder. "Oh Um." You heard Zayn move "Hold on bud, we'll look for a stop area." Your son nodded. "Hurry! I can't hold it!" You looked in the mirror, "Hold on just a little longer sweetie." He grunted and groaned. You found yourself driving through the middle of nothing but trees and not a single restaurant was in sight . You heard him cry out, "Mommy I can't!" You sighed. "Hold on, ok?" Zayn said smiling "Don't want to make a mess for dad, that be bad." Your son nodded. "I promise we're looking.", Out of the corner of your eye spotted a Wendy's. "Look! See there we go." Your son smiled. You pulled over , Zayn and him running to the bathroom as you giggled. You saw your daughter out of her seat belt again. You smiled and calmly put her back. Moments later Zayn and your son running back towards the car with four ice cream cones in hand. "I got you some ice cream, but you can only have it if you stay in your seat okay?" She nodded her head and reached for the cone. "Ok let's get going!" You laughed as Zayn handed you a cone, and then helped your son into the car. "Better?" You said looking at Zayn."Much better." He replied giving you a kiss.

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