Your Baby Yanks His Hair

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One Direction Preference : Your Baby Yanks His Hair

Niall: "Ouch, that hurt!" he complained to the five month old who had her little grubby hands in his hair, pulling it towards her. It took him a few minutes to undo her little hands from his hair and once he had her free from his hair, he put her down and came to you, rubbing the spot on his head and you sigh. "She yanked your hair again, didn't she?" Niall gave you a tiny glare. "What do you think?"

Louis: "Regret growing your hair out now?" you smirk evilly at your husband who glared right back and you just continued on with your day. "I warned you, i really did. I said that he'd pull your hair if you let him get to close to it, that you might want to cut it, but oh no, i don't know what i'm talking about." you threw his words back at him and he sighed as he held his son a safe distance from his hair. "Why does your mom have to be right?"

Harry: "My curls!" he says rather loudly and you stop cooking your dinner to see what your husband is up to with your one year old daughter. "Harry, babe? What's going on?" You stopped in your tracks at seeing your daughters hand stuck in your husbands curly mop of hair on his head, he had a look of desperate need of help on his face and you sighed walking over and untangling her hands from his hair and putting her on your hip. "Do you want to finish cooking dinner now that i've saved your hair once again?" Harry got up and walked to the kitchen. "Gladly, let her yank your hair and get her fingers stuck."

Zayn: "Don't!" he warned your daughter who just had the look of evil behind her eyes that mirrored his. "What are you thinking you little evil one." She thrust her hand out and put it on top of Zayn's head. He eyed his little girl closer. "What are you plann...ouch!" she had seized ahold of a chunk of hair and now held it in front of Zayn's pain filled face. "You just ripped hair out of my head, why would you do that?" he asked putting the baby in her crib, taking back his hair and throwing it away. "Damn kid has a tight grip!" he whimpered, looking for a mirror to inspect the damage done to his precious hair.

Liam: "Careful up there!" Liam says to his son who sits up on his shoulders, hands on top of his head to keep him steady. "Watch the hands." Liam tried again as they watched the parade proceed in front of them. "Daddy!" the one year old screamed and Liam held his ear from the ringing and as Liam held his ear, his son grabbed hold of hair and got so excited when he saw the Spongebob balloon that he ripped back the hair he was holding, removing it from his father's head. "Ow!" Liam says and brings your son back down to level, eyeing his hand. "That hurt!" "Sorry daddy." "Ouch!"

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