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Parenting Series (Toddler) - Singing

Louis: Every night after their baths the twins would always get giddy, so Louis would wrap them up in their blankets and sit with them in their rocking chair and sing them 'Look After You' by The Fray. He would always explain that if was your wedding song. It only took a few verses to get the twins to sleep.

Niall: When Sophie was in a bad mood, Niall would grab his guitar and they'd sit down together and let her pick out the few songs she knew and he'd sing them with her. Most of the time she picked 'Heart Attack' and they'd sit together while Soph sang at the top of her lungs, missing a few words here and there, making Niall grin.

Liam: When Ben was sad, Liam and Ben would sit down together and sing. Ben loved music and he could actually sing, just like his father. Some nights Ben would put on shows for you and Liam. His favorite song to sing was 'Change My Mind'. Liam would play the guitar and Ben would sing along, amazing you both.

Zayn: Zayn would always hum your wedding song, 'You're the reason I come home' when he was trying to concentrate. With Caroline being around him a lot, she ended up picking up the habit. She would listen closely and memorize what he was humming and eventually she would hum along, not knowing the words or what it meant, but only doing it because her daddy did it.

Harry: Harry had experimented with a few friends while still in the band and they had written a few songs. Your personal favorite was 'Don't Let Me Go' and you sang it Olivia whenever she was upset. Harry caught you one day and it soon became a tradition to sing the song to Olivia whenever she was upset and before she went to bed at night. She quickly learned the words and she always sang along with her daddy, proud of herself.

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