Fight with your teenage daughter

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Niall: "Where the hell is she? It's almost 1 in the morning!" Niall paced around your daughter's room angrily, arms crossed and blue eyes ice cold. "Ni, calm down. I'm sure Lisette is fine." You tried to stand up for her, knowing that you did the same thing as a teenager. But at the same time, you felt exactly what Niall was feeling, and a major part of you wanted to freak out with him. "I'm sure she's just--" Both of you froze as the front door squeaked open, and you heard the slight tapping of footsteps as Lisette headed up the stairs. The door to her room creeped open, revealing your daughter, eyes wide and hands shaking. "Where the hell have you been?" Niall shouted, and Lisette screamed, not expecting him to be there. "Dad! What the hell?" "Me? No! You! Where have you been?" Niall glared, Irish accent becoming stronger with every word. "I was over at a friend's house! I lost track of time!" She screamed back, mirroring her father's determination. "Why didn't you call?" "Because I left my phone at home!" Lisette rebutted, going over to her bedside and showing you her cell phone. "God, why do you always have to be so overprotective?" She muttered, and Niall let out a noise of frustration. "Give me that!" He stalked over to her and snatched her phone and her computer. Muttering cuss words underneath his breath, he left the room, leaving your enraged teenage daughter, about to break down in tears. "You know, he has a point." You spoke up, then left the room to make sure Niall didn't break something...

Harry: "Dad? I have to tell you something." Your daughter, Annabelle poked her head in the room where you and Harry were watching TV. Harry looked confusedly towards you and you motioned for him to talk to her. You knew what Annabelle was going to tell Harry, and you knew it was highly possible that he wouldn't like it. "What is it, Belle?" Your husband asked, pausing the show and leaning forward, placing his hands on his knees. "I... erm, I kind of... erm..." She stammered, face going slightly pink, green eyes darting all over the room, looking anywhere except her father. "What was it that you have to tell me?" He asked, eyebrows raised expectantly. "I kind of... have a boyfriend." Her voice dropped to a whisper for the last word, but Harry heard it anyway. He stood up instantly, eyes wide and a shocked expression written across his face. "You what?" "She has a boyfriend, Harry. Calm down." You joined the conversation since you felt bad for your daughter, who stood anxiously against the wall. "He's a really sweet boy, actually. And I know you'll approve--" "Wait a minute, you knew about this?" He whirled around at you, arms crossed over his chest. You bit your lip, shrugging slightly. "Belle? Did you tell dad yet?" Your son's voice was audible from the downstairs room. "Daad! 'Belle has a boyfriend!" Your other son shouted, voice echoing. "You've gotta be kidding me. They know too?" Harry looked frustrated and groaned angrily. He stormed out of the room, sweeping past your dismayed daughter. You giggled slightly and got up to comfort her. "Don't worry, Annabelle. It might take time, but he'll get used to the idea."...

Louis: "So how are your grades going?" Louis pestered your oldest daughter, Amelia, again. "Fine." She murmured, taking another bite of food. "Daddy, my grades are great!" Lucy, your youngest daughter piped up. "Me too, daddy!" Logan added, grinning wide. "That's great, honey. But I'm talking to Amelia right now." "I told you, my grades are fine." Amelia said again, a drop of annoyance seeping into her voice. "Then how come your mother checked and it says that you haven't been turning in your homework?" Her blue eyes widened nervously, taken by surprise. "'Melia, you're such a bright, beautiful young lady. You have so much potential. Don't mess this up by not doing simple work!" Louis scolded, voice stern. "I know. But it's useless! I don't give a shit about the history of the Ancient Maya! I'm not going to spend my life studying that!" She blurted out, your younger two children gasping at her language. "Kids, go with your mother to start getting ready for bed." Louis said, voice steely calm, hands clenched. You nodded and picked up the kids, dealing with their squirming. You had shut the door to the room so the younger kids couldn't hear the words that they were saying, but you couldn't hear anything either. 20 minutes later, after muffled shouting, Louis stormed into the room, face red from annoyance. "It's okay, Lou." You wrapped your arms around him, kissing his cheek. "She'll realize that she's been acting stupid soon enough." Louis shrugged, face returning to it's normal color. He returned your hug, nestling his head in your neck. "I hope so. I really do."...

Liam: "How was dance?" Liam asked your 15 year old daughter, Juliette, as she was washing the dishes. "Fine." She mumbled, drying as quickly as possible. "Anything going on?" You took a turn, and Liam gave you a look, wondering about her sullen behavior. "No." "Are you even alive?" You tried again, hoping that she would crack a smile, but nothing happened. "Whatever." Juliette put the final plate away, and Liam stood up. "What did you just say?" "Nothing." She rolled her eyes, stalking out of the room. "Juliette Payne, get back here right now!" Liam bellowed, voice louder than you'd heard it for a long time. "Li, calm down!" You pulled on his arm, but he tugged it out of your grasp. "No! She's been acting like we killed her cat or something! Her attitude is rude, and I'm sick of it!" You nodded, agreeing with him slightly. Juliette nervously poked her head back into the room, biting her lip. "I'm sorry." She tried speaking, but Liam cut her off. "You're sorry? You said that last week! You need to shape up your attitude or you can fucking leave!" Liam's fists were clenched angrily. Your daughter nodded meekly, bolting towards Liam and wrapping her arms around him. "I'm sorry, Dad. I know I've been acting rude and I just don't know why. I really am sorry." She whispered, and Liam relaxed, hugging her back. "I'm sorry I freaked out at you, Jules. You know I love you, right?" "I love you too, Dad."...

Zayn: "Quit it!" Brielle squealed, throwing out a punch at Max's nose. Your youngest son's face scrunched up as he erupted into tears, clutching his nose as his other brother watched in horror at the blood. "Brielle!" You shouted, shooting a glare towards her and rushing to comfort your son. Brielle's eyes widened in shock, and the door to the room swung open, revealing a jet-lagged Zayn. "What the hell is going on here? I got in at 3 in the morning, and can't even get a full night's sleep?" Zayn yelled miserably. "Max!" He looked in shock towards his son and the amount of blood that was coming from his nose. "What happened?" "Brielle punched him!" Your other son, Oliver, blurted out, causing Zayn to turn to your daughter. "Brielle? What were you thinking, punching Max like that?" Zayn shouted, voice slightly raspy and intimidating. "He started it!" She yelled back stubbornly, crossing her arms over her chest. "So what? If I punched you, would you punch me back, just because I started it?" "Yes!" She responded, and Zayn's eyebrows furrowed together as he realized that was a bad analogy. "Well, that's no excuse! You're grounded! No phone, no computer, no TV, no friends for the next month!" Zayn slammed a hand on the table, and Brielle looking even more angry than before. "Welcome home, Dad." She muttered bitterly, stalking past him as she left the room. "Daddy, I missed you!" Oliver went up and hugged your husband, holding him tight. Zayn relaxed and hugged him back. "I missed you too, Oliver. Come on, I guess I was a little harsh on Bri. I better go check on her." He sighed, setting your son down and going to check on your daughter...

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