Daddy-daughter moment

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Liam: "Darling, please," Liam said. He was attempting to strap in his daughter, (Y/D/N), into her carseat, but she was fidgeting and grabbing at his hands and biting his ear every time he got too close.

She giggled, grabbing onto Liam's face with her tiny hands and blew air at his face. Liam grabbed hers in his hands, nearly enveloping her entire head in his hands. He leaned forward, kissing her forehead and blowing a raspberry on her forehead.

(Y/D/N) laughed loudly, gripping Liam's hands before kicking her little feet as he finally strapped her fully in.

"Alright, (Y/D/N), let's go get some ice cream."

Niall: Niall had his daughter tucked into his front carrier, her feet kicking and arms flailing as he kicked a ball back and forth easily with Louis. You watched nervously from your house, worried about Louis's returns.

Niall finally let (Y/D/N) down, and she ran towards the ball, grabbing it around her little arms and tumbling over top of it. Your breath caught in your throat, but Niall ran over to her, picking her up and placing her back on her feet.

(Y/D/N) was laughing, her cheeks bright red and full. Niall pushed the ball with the front of his feet, but she tried to grab it with her hands again.

Niall jogged forward, sitting down in front of her and touching her feet and pulling it back and forth in a kicking motion. He pointed to the ball, and she jogged back up to it, arms wide and grabbed it with her little hands. She ran it back to Niall and plopped it down in front of him before throwing her foot back and kicking it towards him.

It only made it a few feet, but Niall stopped it with his foot, reached down and pulled (Y/D/N) into his arms, the biggest smile on his face.

Zayn: Zayn had (Y/D/N) on his lap, drawing away onto his sketchbook. (Y/D/N) kept grabbing at his pencil, but he shooed her little hands away until he finally took his hand off the pencil and handed it to her.

Zayn flipped to a new page, showing her where to draw. She grabbed the pencil the way Zayn would, her lower lip bunched up in her teeth as Zayn guided her hand around the paper.

"There you go, love," Zayn said, watching as she let go of his hand and started to work herself.

(Y/D/N) finally stopped, looking up at Zayn and gauging his reaction as he studied her drawing.

"This is beautiful, (Y/D/N). Absolutely beautiful," Zayn said, leaning back to study the drawing.

(Y/D/N) smiled, "Will you put it on your draw wall?" she asked, pointing to where portraits of you and her sat with small hooks on the wall.

"Yes, of course," Zayn said.

Louis: Louis was walking around the kitchen, his (Y/D/N) at his feet with her thumb stuck into her mouth.

"What's up bug?" Louis asked, turning around to see her with watery eyes and thumb slung into her mouth. Louis leaned down and picked her up and popped her onto his hip.

"Wanna' play some piano with daddy?" Louis asked, kissing her little cheek. She nodded, holding onto Louis with her arms on his shoulder.

Louis sat the two of them down on the piano bench, (Y/D/N) on his lap. He stuck her hands on top of his, and pushed down on the keys. The soft sound filtered through the air, making the house peacefully melodic.

(Y/D/N) smiled, tracing Louis's fingers while he played. Her hands fell from his, body slumping back into his chest as she slowly fell asleep to his song.

Harry: Harry took (Y/D/N) everywhere, she was always in the front carrier, her feet bouncing back and forth against his belly. He took (Y/D/N) to the grocery store, and despite there being a place for him to strap her into the cart, she remained close to his chest.

They walked together, both grabbing at sweets and food for the week. Harry was staring at a few different packages of vegetables, unsure of which ones you had asked for.

"Hmm, what do you think mommy wanted?" Harry asked, hand resting under his chin as he thought.

(Y/D/N) looked at Harry before mimicking his actions and placing her hand under her chin and scrunching up her eyebrows like he did when he was deep in thought. Harry looked down, smiling at his tiny daughter before leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Dem!" (Y/D/N) called, pointing to a bag of mixed vegetables. Harry laughed, reaching down to grab the bag.

"Good job, my love."

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