He loses you:louis

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He Loses You: Louis


Since it was the summer time and you were both hot and tired of being cooped up in the house, your dad decided to take you to the local park. "Are you ready to play y/n?" he asked as he parked the car. You shrieked excitedly, which made him laugh. "Im gonna take that as a yes!" he chuckled, stepping out of the car and opening the back door to get you out of your car seat. "Dada!!" you said, grabbing at his face as he lifted you into his arms. "Hi baby girl!" he relied, pretending to chew on your hand when it accidentally went in his mouth, which made you laugh. "What should we do first?" he asked. He didn't really expect an answer since you were barely a year old, and therefore couldn't talk that much, but he thought it was nice to ask anyways. "Do you want to go on the swings?" he asked, spotting a swing set close by. You nodded before shoving your thumb in your mouth and sucking on it. Once you guys reached the baby swings, he carefully placed you into one. "You ready?...Weeeee!!" He cooed, pushing you gently. This went on for a few minutes. As you got higher and higher, you began to worry. Your father could clearly tell since he immediately began to try and distract you from your height. Every time you swung close to him, he would grab at your feet and try to tickle them before you swung backwards. This made you laugh hysterically every single time, never getting old. It lasted for about 10 minutes before you heard a loud annoying tune coming from behind where you were swinging. "Do you want some ice cream babe?" your dad asked, looking at the truck that had just pulled up. You nodded happily so he took you out of your swing and set you down on the grass. You wrapped your little hand around one of his fingers and started walking. Once you finally reached the truck, he had to let go of your hand so he could get his wallet out of his pocket. There was a surprisingly long line up for such an annoying ice cream truck, so it felt like you were waiting forever and weren't making any progress. You looked around, trying to take in your surroundings and hopefully find something that could make you less bored. You weren't really having much luck until something caught your eye on the other end of the park. You looked up at your dad to see if he saw it too, but he didn't, he was busy looking at the sign that listed all the different kinds of ice cream the truck sold. Since he didn't see it, you decided that you would have to take this adventure on your own. Taking a few wobbly steps off of the sidewalk, you headed towards the thing. It took a long time for you to get close to it since your legs were very tiny, but when you finally did, you saw that it was a fluffy ball that a lady had on a string. You walked right up to it and started feeling it, trying to figure out what exactly it was. The lady holding it's string looked down at you and smiled. "Hello little missy! What's your name?" she asked. You stared at her with a confused look for a moment, then went back to the fluff. "Do you like him?? His name is George." She said, leaning down and touching it with you. You both stood in silence for a while, just touching the fluffy white thing. Suddenly, it turned around and jumped at you, knocking you down and licking your face. You quickly burst into tears, not liking it anymore since it hurt you. "Y/N?!?!" you heard in the distance. You turned and saw the blurry image of you dad through your teary eyes. He looked around for a moment or 2 before seeing you and running over. "Y/n!!!" he sighed in relief as he lifted you into his arms and hugged you tight. "Don't you ever, EVER run away like that again, ok?? You really scared daddy! I thought I lost you for ever and ever" he explained as he rocked you back and forth lightly. It took you a minute to calm down, so as you did, he took in what was going on around the 2 of you. "Hi, I'm Louis! Thank you for finding my daughter ma'am." He said to the lady with the string, shaking her hand. "Lovely to meet you, I'm Sherri. To be honest, I didn't find her, she found me! I think she likes my dog." She explained to him. He smiled, "Do you like the puppy dog y/n??" he asked as he knelt down to pet it. "NO!!! noo dada! No!!" you cried, trying to get away from it. "It's ok y/n, he's a nice puppy!" he said, grabbing your hand and pulling it to the dog's nose. The dog sniffed you hand, then licked it a few times. "NI PUPPYYY!!" you squealed, petting him probably a little rougher than you should have. Your dad picked you up as he and the lady laughed. "Yeah babe, nice puppy" he repeated. "Thanks again." He told the lady before turning around and heading back to the car, you in hand.

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