He Plays In The Snow With Your Child

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He Plays In The Snow With Your Child

This one is kinda long - should I do more long ones? (:
Harry: "Darcy, bring daddy a carrot, and ask Mommy to come bring us the box please!" Harry calls smiling as his little girl dressed in a heavy coat runs inside. The curly haired boy lifts up the last snow ball and stacks it on the other two shoving rocks resembling buttons on the snow-mans chest. After 5 minutes you come outside with a box full of supplies and your daughter tugging on your hand. Harry lifts up the small toddler allowing her to place the carrot in the top snowball now making a face. As he brings his daughter back down he gives her forehead a peck and then moves his lips to yours. "Awe, Mommy and Daddy love each other." The young girl coos giggling into her pink glove. You both nod with wide smiles and pink frost-nipped cheeks.

Liam: "James, Where are you?" Your husband calls - snowball in hand as he hunts for your seven-year-old little boy. "Ahhh!" The small boy screams running from his hiding spot pelting his father in the back with the frosty white ball. "I'm gonna get you!" Liam shouts laughing, you watch from the window - one hand holding onto your mug of tea and the other resting on your now growing belly. "One day that'll be you and daddy." you say to your undeveloped bump with a smile. Walking from the window you call out the door for the boys to come in. Both of your boys come running in with pale pink cheeks quickly kicking off their wet clothes running for their hot coco you set out on the counter.

Louis: In front of your beautiful house is a very big hill - so when it snows it's the perfect sledding material! "Alrighty Annabelle, are you sure you're ready?" The toddler in front of your husband giggles and nods looking back at you. "Count us off Mommy!!" She exclaims with a mischievous smile she stole from her father. "3...2....1... Go!" Louis pushes off the hill allowing screams to erupt from your daughters lips as they slip and slide down the hill. After coming to a stop your toddler jumps off wiggling her arms in the air and her hips side to side. "Weee! We did it Daddy.... Let's go again! Let's go again!" You smile seeing her fathers personality come out.

Niall: "When Daddy was in a band with Uncle Harry, Lou, Zayn and Liam we had fans and they called me a 'special snowflake.'" Niall tells your son as he walks around the park with your son taking in the bright Winter weather. "Does that mean I'm a special snowflake to daddy? Because I'm your son?" The Irish lad smiles down at his mini me and nods his head a bit with a chuckle. "Sure, son." The toddler nuzzles up into his fathers arms waving his hand out randomly. "Hi Snowflake! We're related!" Niall burst into laughter kissing his sons forehead.

Zayn: "Ah!" You son screams as his father lightly tosses a snowball in his direction. The young boy rushes away with a wide smile gathering snow along the way trying to throw it at his father. "Daddy." The boy whines seeing as though the snow wouldn't stick together, his lower lip jets out and he looks over at his father. "Help me." Zayn smiles as he leans down about to place his hands over his sons with the boy tosses it into his face rushing away. "I gotta admit," you say walking out into the nippy air pushing your hands into your pockets. "He got you good." Zayn smiles wiping the snow away. "Good job son." The Bradford boy says with a heartwarming smile.

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