DDM:You're little and he gives you a bath

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DDM ( daddy - daughter moment)?You're little and he gives you a bath

Harry: 1 week old: Harry carefully rocked your small newborn figure as he prepared the baby bath with lukewarm water and bubbles. The bubbles calmed you down and since you hated getting baths, it was almost necessary. He ever so carefully placed you into the water and you started wailing instantly. "Oh Y/N Baby it's alright." He soothed and began singing Little Things. Your wails quieted and now he was massaging baby shampoo into your small wisps of hair. After a nice calm bath, he changed you into a fuzzy onesie and began feeding you your bottle. You were now in a deep slumber and he gently placed you into your crib before giving you a goodnight kiss. "Goodnight Baby Girl, I love you." He murmured before plugging in the baby monitor and exiting the room.

Liam: 1 year old: Liam carried you into the bathroom while bouncing you on his hip. "It's bath time Y/N." He said happily making you squeal excitedly. Bath time was the best time of the day for you; you could splash, play, and swim. He filled the tub with water, making sure it wasn't too hot before placing you into it along with some rubber ducks. You had the biggest smile on your face and clapped your hands. He started washing you with baby body wash and began rubbing shampoo into your caramel colored hair. However, you didn't want to sit still. You shook your head causing shampoo to get in your eye. Wailing filled the room and Liam immediately took action. "Y/N it's alright. There's no need to cry." He cooed while putting you in a duck towel and rubbing your back. He then changed you into some comfy pajamas and gave you a pacifier. "Dada Toy Stowwy?" You asked giving him puppy eyes. "Yeah Babe let's go watch Toy Story.

Louis: Age 2: "Y/N Tomlinson get back here!" Louis yelled laughing as he sprinted down the hall trying to find you. You giggled happily waddling into the living room naked to see the boys watching a game of soccer. All of them burst out laughing and Liam ran over and scooped you up. "Someone doesn't want to take a bath ey?" He laughed making you nod. "Finally, I found you!" Louis said dramatically as he enters the room. "It's time for a bath Pumpkin and there's no getting out of it."

Niall: Age 1½: Niall had left you alone in the kitchen with a chocolate cake at your reach. The ending result wasn't pretty. When he came back in, you were a mess. Chocolate was in your hair, all over your face, everywhere. You were smiling happily and he couldn't fight the smile. He took a picture on his phone before preparing to clean you up. "Dada yummy!" You squealed. He chuckled. "Yeah Babe yummy but we need to give you a bath." You nodded and he picked you up carefully bringing you into the bathroom to clean all of that chocolate off.

Zayn: Age 3: Zayn had taken you to the studio today and you were absolutely exhausted. Adding on to that, you weren't able to take a nap which made the situation a lot worse. After a long day of work, he was finally able to bring you home. When he finished parking in the driveway, he came over to your door to get you out of your car seat but he realized you were fast asleep. "Y/N Boo you need to get up. You have to take a bath once we get inside." He said as he picked you up out. "No bawf, Daddy." "You need one Baby girl, you didn't have one this morning." You were way too tired to throw a tantrum so you just complied with everything. He brought you into the bathroom and filled the tub with warm water before placing your tired body in. He made sure to wash you quickly so you didn't fall asleep in the water. After 5 minutes, you were gently placed into a towel and changed into warm pajamas. You laid your head on Zayn's shoulder sleepily before he carried you to your bedroom while kissing you goodnight. "Sleep well Boo, I love you." He turned on your nightlight and wrapped some blankets around you before leaving the room.

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