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Liam: You wipe tears from your eyes, The Last Song always leaves you a teary mess. It's just your favorite movie! Liam is sitting next you on the couch with your son Drew on his lap. Liam sees you crying and then talks to Drew, "Mommy's crying! Show mommy the trick I taught you!" Drew looks up at your tear-stained face then crawls over and hugs you. "No cry, mommy!" he whispers. "Aww, thank you baby!" you coo, ruffling his curly hair. "I taught him to hug anyone whenever they're crying," Liam grins. This just makes you cry more from the cuteness and sweetness of this gesture, and Drew hugs you tighter.

Niall: "MOMMY! DADDY SHOWED ME A NEW TRICK! LOOK!" your young son Braden calls from the kitchen. "Oh God, what did he show you?" You walk into the kitchen and raise an eyebrow, watching Niall and Braden at the kitchen table with a bag of marshmallows in front of them. You watch worriedly as Braden stuffs marshmallows into his mouth, nearly seven, then chews and swallows them easily. "TA-DAA! I can eat SO MANY marshmallows at once!" You swat Niall's shoulder playfully. "Niall, he could choke!" Niall shakes his head, "Puh-leaze, no son of mine's eating skills should ever be doubted!" he jokes, tossing a marshmallow in his mouth and kissing your nose.

Harry: "Er..(Y/N)...I accidentally taught Darcy a new word today..." Harry comes home with your daughter Darcy in his arms and ruffles her curly hair. "What?" He sits her down on the couch and she smiles happily. "Well, we were all at Louis and I burnt my hand on the oven and...I shouted..." he's cut off by a very pleased with herself Darcy. "FUCK! FUCK!" she says, grinning. You laugh, but then cover your mouth. When little kids curse, you can't let them know they think it's funny or they won't stop. Harry grins and shakes his head. "Sorry! She'll forget it soon, I bet," Harry kisses Darcy's little forehead. "Time for bed, Darce. Come on!" She crosses her chubby arms and shakes her head. "Fuck no, Daddy!" Harry can't help himself and he starts laughing hysterically, and you can't help but join. Prime examples of good parenting right there.

Louis: "Louis, why is our son flirting with those middle schoolers?" You watch little Leo in his striped shirt talking to an amused group of middle school girls, who clearly find him adorable. "I taught him how to get the ladies," Louis winks, admiring his son's outgoing personality. "Lou! He's only six!" you laugh, watching Leo show off his dance moves for the girls and they all cheer. "Exactly! He's got a real head start for the future, I'd say."

Zayn: "Wow! Sierra! That's amazing!" You look at your six year old daughter's drawing of Zayn, highly impressed. Unlike most other six year olds, she's drawn the eyes proportional to the nose and mouth, and she's even colored in the lines. "Where did you learn to draw like this?" She smiles happily and points a crayon at Zayn. "Daddy!" You smile and kiss Zayn's cheek. "Looks like we've got a real Picasso on our hands, hm?" Zayn comments, hanging your daughter's drawing up on the fridge proudly.

Josh: "Madeline! Maddie! Come here, babe!" Josh calls your daughter away from her doll house and she comes running over. "Let's show mommy what I taught you today!" You watch in amusement as he hoists her up onto his lap in front of his drum kit. He hands her the drumsticks, she clutches her chubby hands around them and grins up at you. You watch in amazement and clap as she taps out a very simple, but impressive beat on the drum set."I good, I very good!" she cheers. "You are very good!" Josh laughs, kissing her forehead proudly.

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