BSM: he yells at you (2/5) (baby sister)

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#23 preference: BSM: he yells at you (2/5)
A/n: ok for this one you're a toddler, like around 3 or 4 years. you're really young, I find it cuter.


You were sleeping in your bed when you suddenly woke up not feeling good at all. Your head was burning and you obviously had a fever. You got up from your bed and headed down stairs. Louis had the boys over, and they were watching the game. You slowly made your way towards Louis, who was sitting on the edge of the couch. You tugged his pants trying to get his attention. He looked down at you for a split second, before returning his gaze to the tv. "(y/n) it's late go back to bed" he muttered his eyes still glued to the game. You let out a groan feeling another wave of pain, and extended your arms so he'll hold you in, you just wanted to be close to him hoping you'll forget about your sickness. Louis gave you a brief look before muttering "not now". you pouted feeling sad that he was ignoring you. You tried one more time, but he didn't even look at you. "LOU LOU" you yelled frustrated, hoping you'd catch his attention. You did catch it, but he was furious. "(y/n) I'm not going to hold you! You're old enough so go to your room and sleep! And stop being such a baby!!". You were quiet for a few seconds, still absorbing what happened then you started crying. Zayn, noticing you, got up from his place and quickly picked you up shushing you. "mate! That's just a game, not more important than your baby sister!". Louis was speechless for a moment, mad at his own actions. "crap! I think she's sick, her head is burning!" zayn exclaimed when you rested your head in the crook of his neck allowing him to feel the heat radiating from your head. But you continued crying; only making your head hurt more. "umm... I'll get her medicine" Louis shouted as he ran away to get it. Zayn rocked you around trying to calm you down. "here I'll give it to her" Louis said when he came back. But to his disappointment you shrieked away from him and turned your face the other way scared. Louis felt his heart shatter into millions of pieces, and his eyes started to water. "I'm sorry mate, I'll take care of it" zayn spoke taking you to the kitchen in his arms. After he -finally- calmed you down, he gave you your medicine, and your Sippy cup with some warm milk. Just then Louis walked in, his eyes red and sorrow written all over his face. "pumpkin I'm so sorry for shouting at you" he said, his voice breaking. You moved closer to zayn frowning. "baby please please forgive me, I promise it won't happen again, you can always come to me when you're not feeling well" he begged you. You gave zayn your sippy cup and kissed him on the cheek before holding out your arms for Louis. He smiled widely and held you close. He took you to his room, and cuddled with you until you fell asleep, telling the boys to watch without him, you were more important.


You were with liam in the tour bus. He just came back from the studios because of his headache. You spent your day at the bus learning your alphabets since you didn't have another distraction. Once liam came, you jumped and sat next to him. He gave you a kiss on the cheek, before closing his eyes again, trying to forget about his pain. "li li do you know what I did today?" you asked happily. "mmhm" that was his only response. "I learned my abc's" you said very proud of yourself. Seeing no reaction from him, you thought that it would be a good idea to start singing the song. "A B C D E F G...." you started singing louder and louder unaware of your brother's headache. You were oblivious of your effect on him until he abruptly snapped at you. "(y/n)! my head is killing me so stop singing that stupid alphabet song!" he yelled at you, his voice getting thicker. Your bottom lip started shaking and your eyes soon became watery. You took off and climbed into liam's bunk. You hid your face in his pillow and started crying, hurt that he yelled at you and ignored what you thought was a great accomplishment. Hearing your muffled sobs, liam quickly got up and headed to his bunk to find you. He put a hand on your small back, rubbing it. "bug, please don't cry.. I'm sorry" liam told you feeling guilt overwhelm him. He hated knowing he was the reason. You turned around to face him, your eyes red, tears running down your cheeks. "did you feel bad when I yelled at you?" you nodded looking at him sadly. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to but my head hurts" he said picking you up, putting you on his lap. You reached up and kissed his head, thinking it would heal him seeing that he always does that to you when you're in pain. "better?" you innocently asked him. Lima smiled at you lovingly, and nodded, "now how about you show me what my big girl learned today?". You gladly started singing again, making sure that you keep your voice low. Liam didn't care that his head was still hurting him probably more than before, but he would do anything for his little baby..

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