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Parenting Series (Toddler) - Toys
a/n:im sorry i didnt update and we've finish the p1:baby series and now we're in p2:toddler series so yeahh enjoyyyy!!!

Grayson, as expected, loved football as much as his father, but he also loved animals. You and Louis stumbled upon these footballs that had animals depicted on them. You bought them right away and that's about all he plays with.

Quincy fell in love with the movie Tangled when it came out. She became obsessed with the tale even though she didn't understand it as much. When she saw the doll in the store, she snatched it up quickly and barely let go of it since.


Sophie was known to everyone as Niall's princess, so it was fitting when she began to like the Disney princess stories once she was introduced to them. Whenever there was a holiday, all she asked for anything Princess. One Christmas you and Niall bought her a whole set of Disney princess outfits and she loved dressing up in them and having tea parties with her daddy.


Ben was a very hands on kids. He loved to build things out of pillows and random objects around the house. When he was old enough, you and Liam decided to give him a legos building set. He rarely stopped playing with them, making new characters every other day, showing them off to his mum and dad proudly.


Caroline had loved babies ever since you could remember. For her birthday one year, you and Zayn bought her a complete baby set and she never went anywhere without her baby, Jane. Jane was either in her carrier or stroller, even out in public. She loved taking care of it.


Olivia had always loved to "help" you in the kitchen, even when she was little. So, when Christmas rolled around, you and Harry bought her her very own kitchen set. Every night when you prepared dinner for the family, she prepared her own and served it to her stuffed animals, very proud of herself.

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