He scares your children during a fight(niall)

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He Scares Your Children During a Fight (Niall)
It was almost like one of those nights where Niall came home drunk, and you argued with him about changing his clothes and getting him to get in bed.

But the difference was he wasn't drunk, and the fight was real. Real as in you both had a reason for it, although that reason had been thrown out the window long ago, and now you were just yelling profanities at each other, saying things you would regret in the morning.

"I don't understand why you can't let this go!" You screamed, your voice cracking with fatigue.

"I'm not letting this go until you admit defeat," He shot back, eyes blazing as he took a step toward you, his fists clenched so hard by his sides the skin had turned white against the bone.

"We both know I won't admit defeat," You growled, glaring harshly at him. "You're an idiot if you think I will."

"Then I guess this will never end then, hm?"

You wanted to scream, but resisted as your hands flew up to your head, weaving their way through your hair and squeezing hard. "Why do you want to fight with me? Why do you want to continue to hurt me?"

"I don't," He said, his voice backing off slightly. "I really don't. But sorry obviously won't fix this by now. So why not finish off this fight until someone quits?"

This thoroughly pissed you off, as you exploded again, "Are you kidding me Niall? Is that really how you think?"

Something seemingly forgotten by both of you in the midst of this sudden fight was that your ten year old son wasn't far down the hall. He was in the office, playing computer games, right where you left him.

But even over the music coming off the game from his fathers laptop, he was still able to hear the yelling that slowly rose in volume with the passing minutes. With a frown, he clicked off the tab, slowly closing the laptop as he listened to the voices of his parents.

Sighing, he shoved back the desk chair, letting it roll and bounce off the wall as he shuffled out of the room and down the hall, being careful not to make any noise as he approached the room his parents were arguing in.

Slightly scared as he heard his father yell harsh words toward his mother, his fingers pushed gently on the cracked wood, letting it open enough for him to poke his head through.

"I'm fucking tired of this Niall! I'm tired of fighting right now. I'm tired of fighting all the time. I'm tired in general of you being a complete dick!" You took a step backwards, slightly admitting defeat as you felt a tear slip out of the corner of your eye.

"Then maybe if you're so tired of me, maybe we should split up," He spat back, his voice now growing dark and quiet.

More tears fell from your eyes, and you would have agreed with him if it wasn't for your son bursting into the room.

His hands were shaking in obvious fear, tears threatening to spill over his own eyes, eyes that matched his fathers perfectly. "No. N-n-no, you guys can't split up. You can't get a divorce. Dad you love mum. Mum, you love dad. People who love each other don't get divorced. Not over a stupid fight."

He may only be ten, but the words sunk into both of your minds, and you both realized he was right. And his words also brought Niall to the realization of how big of a jerk he was to you.

Not saying any words, Niall stepped forward quickly, catching you off guard as his arms wrapped tightly around you, bringing you into his chest. Your hands wound the way around the fabric of his t-shirt, burying your face into his chest as the tears spilled from your eyes. He simply held you like that, letting you get all the emotions out.

"So does this mean you guys forgive each other?"

Both of you turned your heads to look at your son. Through tears, you smiled, and Niall opened up your outside arms, allowing him to step through.

"Yeah buddy it does. C'here."

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