Your child stands up for you

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Your child stands up for you


Harry: The hate was always hard for you, even after the birth of your daughter, Darcy. You'd think that the fans would have accepted you by now, right? Wrong. But you tried your best to ignore it, and to keep Darcy out of it, though it was getting harder as she was getting older. She was currently eleven, as you walked your dog through the park with her. Harry was at work, but that didn't mean that the paps would leave you alone. Nope, there they were, like always, in your face and never giving you a break. "Y/N, how did you trick Harry into staying with you?" "Y/N, I almost feel bad for Darcy. I mean, even having Harry Styles as a father, it's hard to make up for you as a mother." "Wouldn't you think you'd shed some of that baby fat, Y/N?" You tried to ignore it, keep up your strong facade and push your way through. But Darcy had other ideas. She halted, turning to the paps, her green eyes blazing. "Um, pardon me." She snapped, making them all turn. "My parents are very happy together. My dad's with my mom because he loves her, and she loves him. And you're one to talk about fat." She turned to the reporter that had made the comment. "So I would appreciate it if you'd move and get out of our faces, before I make you." She was only eleven, so it was a little humorous watching make threats to the mob of people, but they backed away, and your heart swelled with pride and gratitude. You ran a hand through her mop of dark curls. "Thank you Darc." You smiled. She puffed out her chest. "Nobody messes with a Styles'!"

Louis: Tommy, your six year old son, completely idolized his father. He loved spending time with him, repeating words and phrases he'd heard Louis say, and even tried on some of his clothes. Louis, of course, loved him right back and always made a point to take him out to dinner at least once a week. Tonight, you were off work, so you made it a family dinner at a local restaurant. Everything seemed perfectly fine, good food, laughing at the childish jokes Tommy told, all around just having a nice time. It wasn't until after Louis excused himself to the bathroom you heard the whispers behind you. Of course, not usually one to keep quiet, you turned around. "May I help you?" You asked politely, but there was an edge to your voice. Two girls eyed you smugly. "Sure. Get the fuck out." Your mouth fell open, but before you could say anything, Tommy beat you to it. "Hey! That's a bad word!" He scolded. "When I say bad words, I have to apologize, and then I get a timeout. So say sorry, and leave us alone!" You bit back laughter at the girls shocked expressions. "I said, say sorry to my mummy, now!" He snapped again. They mumbled apologies, before hurrying out the door. You heard booming laughter come from behind you, and turned to see Louis cracking up. He walked over to Tommy, ruffling his hair. "That's my son, always looking out for his family." He chuckled. "Good work Tommy, I'm proud of you." Of course, after that compliment, Tommy's eyes lit up and the smile never left his face for the rest of the night.

Liam: Taylor was only 7, but incredibly bright for her age. She was sweet and caring, just like Liam, and, much to your delight, even inherited his puppy brown eyes, too. Everything about her seemed innocent, so you were surprised when one day she came up to her, brow furrowed and eyes wide. "Mummy, why do all those people send you mean things on the internet?" You froze in the middle of making dinner, looking down at her in surprise. "Taylor, has somebody been snooping on Daddy's laptop again?" She looked down, cheeks reddening. "I heard Daddy and Uncle Zayn talking about the hurtful things you get, and I wanted to see. Why do they say that stuff about you?" You sighed, bending down to her level. "Well Taylor, some people aren't very nice. They don't like me and your father together." You tried explaining, choosing your words carefully. "But why? Why do they even care?" She asked again. "I don't know Tay, it doesn't really make sense. You just have to remember that they don't know you, or what you're like, and ignore it, alright?" She didn't look so sure, but nodded anyway and went off, calling for Liam. You let out a breath, and finished making dinner. That night though, before bed, you noticed Liam had mentioned you in a tweet. "Little Taylor's thoughts on the hate Y/N's been getting lately..." Attached was a video of Taylor, talking all about how "amazing my mummy is" and how "people shouldn't be so mean". Tears filled your eyes, and you looked up when Taylor landed on your bed, smiling at how she stopped the mean people.

Niall: Rory's mother had died when he was barely one, leaving Niall by himself with his baby son. You and Niall had met when Rory was about five, and had gotten married by the time he was seven. You loved him like he was your own son, and you were the only mom he ever knew, as he couldn't really remember his real one. Sometimes, though, Rory inquired about her, and you respected that, knowing he was just curious. One day you were randomly scrolling through Twitter, looking at some of the things people were talking about, when a trend caught your eye. #HoranIntruder and #Y/N'sNotaPartoftheFamily circled around. '@R/T/N: Hannah's(Idk, random name) Rory's real mom. Nobody wants Y/N here. Not even Rory!' Several others said basically the same thing. You had to admit, it hurt. A lot actually. It was kind of hard becoming a part of the 'One Direction Family' after most of it had already started, and you knew everybody had loved Rory's mom before she had died. And although the boys and their wives and children had accepted you and brought you in, the thought still crossed your mind. That is, it did until you saw what Rory tweeted. He was almost 16, but you and Niall were still hesitant to get him a Twitter, knowing the consequenses of some of the hate, but gave in. He, of course, saw the trend, deciding to confront it. '@RoryHoran: Sure, I know my real mum, but she died before I really got a chance to know her. I'll always wonder what she's like, but honestly? I wouldn't want this any other way. I love Y/N, she's the only mum I've really known. She IS family, so lay off.' You smiled, a warm feeling spreading throughout your body, a feeling of acceptance.

Zayn: Destiny was 14, and growing up fast. But no matter how old she got, she would always be Zayn's baby girl, which was why he was hesitant when she asked him to go to a party with some older girls. "Please Daddy?" She whined, knowing his soft spot when she called him that. "I promise to be home by eleven, and it's not like I'm going to be drinking or anything!" He let out a breath, but surrendered. "Fine, fine. But I'm approving the outfit!" An hour and a half later, there was a knock on the door and you let in three girls, all looking to be about 16. They eyed you judmently, and barely returned your greeting. Destiny came up behind you, looking excited. "Hey Kelcie! Calliey! Maddie! Ready?" She greeted. "Where's your dad?" A girl with streaked hair and a nose piercing asked bluntly. Destiny's smile wavered slightly, but she kept it on. "Oh, he's kind of busy right now. Maybe later?" She suggested, but they glared. "Um, I think we made it clear that the only reason we invited you was so we could meet him. So go get him, or we're leaving, without you." You decided it was time to intervene. "Excuse me, but I don't think you-" You started angrily, but they cut you off. "Did we ask you, bitch? You're just keeping us from Zayn anyway, you can just leave and make it easier on everyone." You blanched; shocked someone would talk to you like that, in your own house. Destiny cut in, angry now. "Um, I don't think you should just come into my house, and talk to my parents like that. I thought going to the party would be cool, but you just talked to me because of my dad, and he doesn't even want to meet you! And you sure as hell can't talk to my mother like that, so I suggest you leave before I do get my dad and he makes you." They stood there for a second, mouths open, before another voice joined. "You heard her," Zayn growled. "Get out of here, and if I see you again, you'll regret it." They scurried away, and Zayn slammed the door before turning to Destiny. "Dez, I'm proud you stood up for your mother, but your not going to a party until your 40."

A/n : should i do Q&A or nah ?😅
-yanni 😘

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