He gets in an argument with your child.

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Liam: "Dad, seriously she was being so rude to me. Did you expect me let it slide?" whined your eight year old son. Liam breathed heavily through his nostrils. "Look, Jason, violence isn't the answer. I don't get angry very often but what you did today was bad. You never, ever hit a girl. Do you understand?" Liam said, barely concealing his anger. Jason just huffed and rolled his eyes. "Dad, she's just another person, I don't see why it's any diff-" "Because Jason," yelled Liam. "She is weaker and smaller than you. Do you take pride in hurting those weaker than you?" Jason took a step back, surprised at his father's outburst. "Fine, Dad. I'm just gonna go to my room - I know, I'm grounded for two weeks, no computer games. Got it," Jason muttered as he trudged up the stairs. Liam looked at you guiltily. "Was I too harsh?" he whispered. You cupped his face and kissed him gently. "No, love, and one day he'll learn, but he's young still. I'm sure he'll be just as gentle as you when he grows up."

Zayn: "And just where are you going, big guy?" Zayn said from the darkness, stopping your teenage son in his tracks. "Langston, we discussed this," Zayn sighed. "No more sneaking out. If you want to go somewhere, just ask. We'll more than likely say yes." Langston scoffed petulantly. "Alright, Dad, whatever. What about last weekend, when Sarabi was having her party? You didn't let me go then." Zayn rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth. "Yeah, because last weekend was your mother's birthday. And you know what? You're not going out tonight either. You've broken my rules and you're talking back to me. Get to the living room," Zayn ordered, pulling the fatherly card on his son. Langston stood his ground. "No," he said simply. Zayn's eyes narrowed. "Excuse me, did you just defy me in my own house?" Zayn hissed, advancing on his now frightened son. Langston shook his head frantically. "I didn't think so," Zayn smiled tightly. "We're going to watch movies until your mother wakes up, whereupon you'll explain to her everything that has happened tonight," Zayn commanded, smirking at the groan of protest his son gave.

Louis: "Eloise, for the last time, you are not seeing that boy." Louis said firmly to your 16-year-old daughter. "Daddy, that's not fair. He's a sweet guy; you're my father so you have to hate him!" she whined, trying to lighten the situation. You peeked in the door. "Louis, darling, she's 16. Let her out on a date, she'll be fine," you say, trying to appease both your daughter and your overprotective husband. Louis scoffed. "You've never met him, [Y/N], he's a total ass." Eloise must of heard, because you could hear her muffled 'humph!' before she let out an excited squeal. "He's here! Bye Mom, bye Dad, love you guys!" she called as she raced out of the door and out of her father's protective web. Louis wearily sighed, rubbing his forehead. You took one of his hands and smiled cheekily. "You know, Mr. Tomlinson, I distinctly remember that you were not always such the charmer. Remember how my father hated you when he met you?" you giggle, reminiscing. Louis winked before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. "He loved me, I swear."

Niall: Your four year old daughter held her mouth firmly shut as Niall tried to feed her some mashed potatoes. She refused to eat them and Niall couldn't accept that his little Irish princess didn't like potatoes! He sighed exasperatedly, dropping the spoon, causing Niamh to giggle. He hid his grin. "Niamh, why wont you eat the potatoes?" he moaned, sneaking a glance at her. "I know you love them, sweetie." Niamh gasped and pointed her chubby toddler fingers at her father. "Do not!" she said in her light childish voice. Niall sat back up and wiggled one of his eyebrows at her. "Yes, you do!"-"No!"-"Yes" "No"-"Yes"-"Yes" "No-hey wait a minute!" Niall said, honestly bewildered. "You tricked me!" Niamh giggled and grinned her toothiest smile. "Oh, you're in for it now, princess," he laughed, starting the tickle war that you found them in when you arrived home.

Harry: "LOUISE, JONATHON," roared your husband, Harry. "Get down here. I need to speak with the two of you." Identical shouts of "coming dad!" could be heard from upstairs as your twins stumbled down to the kitchen. "Yes, Daddy?" cooed Louise, the girl. Jonathon slung an arm around his sister and partner-in-crime. Harry stared down at the fourteen-year-olds, letting them know that they're in trouble. "Louise, I know you ate that pasta, and I know that you knew that it was for my dinner tonight. Why did you do that?" Louise's eyes began to water, and assuming they were nothing but crocodile ears, Harry ignored them. She said nothing, but looked down at her converse-clad feet. "Louise," Harry warned, getting impatient. Louise looked up at him, and he realized, as did Jonathon, that Louise, his tough little girl, was crying real tears. "Are you calling me fat, dad? I know I'm not perfect but, God really? Never mind. I didn't even eat the stupid pasta!" Louise cried as she turned and ran back up stairs. Jonathon turned to his father, hardening his gaze. "Look what you did," he said coldly to his father. "You made Louise cry. Louise, of all people! What's wrong with you?" Flustered, Harry tried to pin the blame elsewhere. "It's not my fault she's crying. If she hadn't eaten the pasta, none of-" "Are you kidding me, Dad? I ate the damn pasta. You can punish me later, but right now I have to go comfort my sister, who's upstairs probably crying her eyes out." Harry just watched as his son skipped steps upstairs. Sure, he felt guilty, but he was also comforted knowing that his little girl had someone like Jonathon to look after her.
(how i wish i have a brother like that) 😪

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