Your toddler gets sick

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Preference- Your Toddler Gets Sick
Harry: "Austin, what's wrong?" you asked your toddler after he came into your room at the middle of the night. "It's 3 in the morning. What's wrong baby?" He looked up at you with his father's emerald eyes and his face turned really pale. Immediately you jumped out the bed and carried him to the bathroom as he hovered over the toilet and threw up. Harry heard your son crying and throwing up so he came into the bathroom. "Sara, what's going on?" he asked rubbing his eyes. "Austin got sick. He spent the night with you did he eat anything funny?" "Well, we went for tacos..." he said. You face palmed and rubbed Austin's back. "He has food poisoning," you declared and when Austin was done he slept in your bed and Harry felt bad so he went with Austin whenever he had to throw up.

Liam: "Daddy, my tummy hurts," your little girl Samantha told your husband Liam as you all stood in line at Disney World. Instinctively, he picked her up and grabbed your hand leading you both out of the line and out into the amusement park. He led you both to a table and sat you and Samantha down and walked off. You looked at your little girl as you could tell she was nervous about her daddy leaving. She crawled into your lap and you rubbed little circles on her back and felt her forehead. Yup. She had a slight fever. Liam returned with a ginger ale and had your little girl sip some. "Samantha we'll go back to the hotel. But I got you something, too!" Her big round eyes lit up as Liam pulled a Jessie doll out of his pocket. "Thanks daddy!" she exclaimed throwing her little arms around his neck.

Niall: You were away on business and Niall was home watching your toddler Sydney. One morning, Sydney woke up but couldn't speak. She had lost her voice! She opened her door and her little feet padded along the hardwood floor as she reached yours and his bedroom and she opened the door. She climbed onto the bed and poked her daddy's face. Niall let out a grunt and rolled over. Sydney didn't give up. She started poking your husband's face and finally he opened his eyes. "What is it princess?" he asked. Sydney tried motioning to her mouth and opening it up and closing it. "Food?" Niall asked. She shook her head at her dad. "Why aren't you talking?" he questioned and then it dawned on him. "Oh." He said realizing your daughter had laryngitis. He swept her up in his arms and took her downstairs where they drank tea with lemon, ate and watched Disney movies all day.

Louis: You, Louis and your son Tyler were all watching Happy Feet when Tyler started sniffing a lot. "Ty, buddy, you okay?" Louis asked him as Tyler looked up at his dad and grinned nodding happily. But, Ty wouldn't stop sniffling. It seemed like every 5 seconds he was sniffling. Soon enough, your son started to sneeze. "Achoo! Achoo! ACHOOO!" Louis reached over to the coffee table and grabbed the tissue box, blowing the toddler's nose. Louis then picked him up and carried him to the kitchen as you followed, leaning against the doorway. "Okay, take this medicine." Tyler shook his head no and put his hand on his hip. He really was a mini Louis. "If you take the medicine, I'll buy you a new striped shirt." Ty took the medicine and grinned at his father. "Only if you can find a matching one for you!" He jumped down and ran back into the living room to continue the movie.

Zayn: "Bella. Wake up sweetie," Zayn said as he went to wake up your sleeping three-year-old. He felt her forehead and realized that your little girl was sick. Bella sat up in bed and looked up at her dad as he grabbed an outfit for her. "What are you doing daddy?" "Getting you ready. I'm taking you to the doctors." She frowned and crossed her arms across her chest. "But why? I feel fine!" "You have a fever." She sighed and got out of the bed as your husband dressed the little girl and drove her to the doctors office. "Bella Malik?" a nurse said as she led you both back to a room. There, the doctor came in and took her temperature. "Mr. Malik, it isn't anything serious. Just a slight fever. She can go home. Just make sure she rests and drinks plenty of fluids. It should be down by tomorrow." Bella looked up at her dad and gave sassed at him. "See!" she said sticking her tongue out at him. He laughed and picked her up, kissing her cheek. "Just looking out for my baby." He said as they walked out the doctors office.

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