the moment you know he'll make a great dad

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the moment you know he'll make a great dad

LIAM: You and Liam walk the streets of New York City on a getaway weekend dedicated to shopping and seeing the sights. As expected, several fans recognize him and stop him to ask for pictures and autographs. They are all very considerate, taking just long enough for a brief exchange before letting you two be on your way. As you continue to stroll, a woman and her young daughter approach you tentatively. "Are you that guy Liam from One Direction?" the mother asks. "Sure am!" he chirps with a smile. "My daughter just loves you and the rest of the band - would it be alright to get a picture?" she asks. You look to the little girl as Liam happily agrees. She's shaking and beginning to tear up. She looks to be about seven years old, and you can tell that this is literally a dream come true for her. As Liam leans down to stand next to her for the picture, she bursts into the happiest of tears, completely overwhelmed by the experience. She shakes as Liam pulls her in for a big hug, rubbing her back and talking gently to her. Liam manages to calm her and get her laughing through the tears after a few moments so her mom can snap a picture. He then takes an extra minute or two to talk to the young girl and make sure she's ok. It melts your heart in the best way possible to see him acting so sweetly to the little girl and taking care of her in that moment.

LOUIS: You're having dinner with Louis' family, meeting them for the first time, when the conversation turns to childhood stories of Louis. His mom delves into a series of stories of things he did as a child, and you note that they are all very similar to the things he does now, before segueing into anecdotes of things he's done to his little sisters and things they've done to him. "It was always a big prank war in the house: girls against boy," she says with a laugh. "I finally put an end to it when Lottie wound up getting hurt when she got knocked over in the midst of one of the infamous battles," she explains goodnaturedly. "Oh, but Louis was so sweet about it," she reminisces. "He picked her right up and helped get her an ice pack, checking to see if she had any scrapes or bruises. He's always been a wonderful big brother to the girls." Louis blushes and smiles shyly, ducking his head a bit. You smile adoringly at him, reaching over to grab his hand and give it a gentle squeeze, admiring how fatherly he'd been even at a young age.

NIALL: You and Niall had offered to babysit Makenzie for Liam and his wife while they took off for a couple days out of town for a family emergency. On her first night there, you'd made a favorite of hers for dinner: hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. You pile the food onto the plates and turn to put the pot back on the stove. Before you even have a chance to grab Makenzie's plate, Niall is already cutting up the hot dog into small pieces and blowing on the noodles to cool them down. You smile and pick up the other two plates, placing them down at their respective spots on the table. "Here it comes, Kenz!" Niall announces, placing her food down in front of her. "Chew it good," he tells the toddler and she plunges in with her fork and pops a bite into her mouth. "How'd you get so good with kids?" you question. He shrugs. "Dunno. It's just stuff I've seen other people do so I did it too." You laugh lightly, raising a forkful of macaroni to your mouth. "Good enough answer for me," you state just before taking a bite.

HARRY: "Get back here and put your clothes on!" Harry shouts as your two year old nephew streaks his way through your house, dripping leftover water from his bath as he goes. You sit back on the couch and watch the scene unfold, amused by all the action. "Come put your diaper on!" he calls, making a grab for the squirmy kid. "Hypocricy: first sign of good parenting," you muse quietly to yourself, but Harry catches your statement. "Huh?" he asks, stopping. "It's just ironic that you of all people is trying to get a kid to put his clothes on. Some might say you're being hypocritcal. In which case, that must mean you'll make a great dad one day because everyone knows a parents' famous last words are, 'Do as I say, not as I do,'" you explain goodnaturedly. Harry chuckles. "Instead of being all philosophical, do you think you could give me a hand here please?" You laugh and get up to wrangle the happily squealing boy who needs to get a diaper on before there's an accident to deal with.

ZAYN: You're excited that your childhood best friend is coming back into town and invite her and her young daughter over for a visit. She's recently divorced and moving back to the area to be closer to her parents for support and help raising her daughter. As the two of you sit and catch up, it suddenly occurs to you that Zayn's been gone for a little while and that her daughter has been awfully quiet. You two nervously get up to see what kind of trouble the four year old has gotten into, only to be greeted by a sight that doubles you and your friend over in laughter. "Care to join the tea party?" Zayn asks, a wide smile on his face, as he pours himself another cup of tea. He's wearing a tiara and a feather boa, plastic jewelry adorning his neck and wrists. "Miss Princess, Annabelle wants some more too," the young girl tells Zayn. "Miss Princess?" you question, trying not to laugh again. "That's right, ladies, there's a new princess in town!" he counters, pouring tea into the stuffed bear's cup as well. You shake your head, still trying not to laugh, and loving every single thing about the scene in front of you.

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