Your daughter's friend thinks your husband is hot

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Harry: Every weekend all of Darcy's friends would spend the night at your house. You weren't complaining, all of the girls were very nice, but it was hard having to accommodate five teenage girls and your own son at one time. The gossiping and laughter in the living room could be heard from your bedroom upstairs. "Harry, its eleven at night. Can you please tell them to be quiet?" you groaned, burying your face into the plush pillow. Harry sighed and rolled out of bed, pulling on a pair of plaid pyjama pants, not bothering with a shirt. He trudged downstairs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Darce...," his raspy voice filled the room. The four others girls all fell silent as Darcy made her way over to her father. "Keep it down please. Your mother and I are trying to sleeping and so is your brother, alright?" Darcy nodded and mumbled a quick apology before rejoining her friends as Harry made his way back up the stairs. "We have to be quiet," Darcy mocked her father's voice, plopping on to the floor. All the girls were looking at her. "What?" "Darce, your dad's hot!" one of them exclaimed. Darcy pretended to gag, "You mean the man that just came down the stairs?" The four nodded, giggling. "Gross! He's old!" "Ugh, your mom is so lucky!" another said, dramatically falling back onto the pillows scattered across the floor. Darcy flung at pillow at her, causing the group to erupt in giggles. "Can we change the subject, please? I really don't like talking about my 'hot' dad," she said, using air quotes. The next morning, after the girls had left, Darcy sat herself at the kitchen table between you and Harry. "Did you have fun last night?" Harry asked, reading the newspaper. "Is was fun until you came downstairs," she sighed, pushing her eggs around her plate with her fork. "Darce, you girls were being loud," you said, defending your husband. "No, I don't mean that. I mean, at least put a shirt on, dad! My friends think you're hot," Darcy explained with a disgusted look on her face. "I can't help it!" Harry joked, throwing his hands up. You chuckled, taking a sip of your orange juice. You knew your husband was hot, he was Harry Styles for crying out loud. "Next time, we'll just have to send your brother downstairs shirtless..." you teased. "Mom..."

Liam: Taylor was chatting away to her friend on the front steps of school waiting for Liam to pick her up. Her and her friend were gossiping about the new "it" couple in the freshmen class. The conversation abruptly ended when Liam pulled up, beeping his horn to let Taylor know he had arrived. "Is that your brother?" the other girl asked, looking at Liam in the car. "What? No. That's my dad," Taylor responded, picking up her backpack. "Damn...," the girl muttered under her breath, then shaking it off as if nothing had happened. "You think he's cute? You think my dad is attractive?" Taylor asked, bewildered. She nodded and mumbled a quick goodbye, saying she'll text her later, before running off to her car. Taylor shook her head as she walked back to her dad's car. "Hi Tay! How's was school?" Liam asked, sliding his sunglasses onto the top of his head. "Fine...I just...My friend, she, uh, she thinks you're attractive...," Taylor said, trying to stifle her laughter. "Why are you laughing? That is a great compliment!" Liam replied, joining in with his daughter's laughing fit. "That's so weird though. I mean, no offense, but you're like forty and that's so old!" "I'm only thirty-nine, actually," Liam corrected, "Wait til your mother hears about this." When your husband and daughter got home, Taylor wanted to avoid the impending conversation and ran upstairs to her room after giving you a quick greeting. "Hi babe," Liam said, giving you a peck on the lips. "You'll never guess what one of Taylor's friends said...," he started. "What?" "She thinks I'm attractive and Taylor was completely appalled." "You're kidding," you said in between laughs. "I'm serious! That's why she ran upstairs, she's embarrassed." "At least I know now that I have good taste," you joked, ruffling his hair, "But now I have to compete with a fourteen year old. Yikes." "Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about..."

Louis: Louis screamed as Alice ran up and down the football field. "Go Alice!" he shouted. Alice waved and turned her attention back to her coach. When halftime came, her team was winning by one. "That guy sitting next to your mom is hot," one of her teammates said. Alice looked over expecting her to be talking about her older brother, but Tommy had left to get food. "Which one?" she asked. "The one with the sunglasses. He's talking to your mom now," the girl pointed out. Alice almost choked on her water when she realized the girl was talking about her dad, "No, he's not hot. He's my dad." The girl's eyes grew and she stepped away to rid herself of the awkward situation. When the game was over, Alice made her way over to you. "Great game, kiddo," Louis said, taking her bag. Alice was unusually quiet. "What's wrong?" you asked. Alice shook her head before saying, "A girl on my team thinks you're hot." You looked over at Tommy and smiled. "No, not Tommy. She thinks dad is hot." Tommy's smile fell and Louis's smiles proudly. "Well, what can I say?" he gushed teasingly, slipping his hair. "Please don't. This is already awkward enough," Alice said, getting embarrassed more and more by the second. Louis just couldn't let it go, he was loving this. "Hey, I look like dad. Does that mean she thinks I'm hot, too?" Tommy asked, offended he was left out of this. "I don't know go ask her yourself. I'm too traumatized to ever talk about dad's looks again. Can we just go home?" Alice groaned, beginning to walk to the car. Louis laced his fingers with yours, "You hear that, honey? You've got a hot husband." "Dad..."

Niall: Brielle always kept it a secret that her dad was in One Direction before she was born. Yeah, she thought it was pretty cool, but at the same time, she didn't understand all the older woman fawning over him. A few girls in the front of the room were giggling and squealing at some magazine. "OMG! Niall's so hot, even if he's old," one of the annoying girls exclaimed. Brielle's ears perked up, there weren't many Niall's roaming around the world, not to mention one famous enough to be in a magazine. "Brielle!" one of the called, waving Brielle over to the seats. She sighed and went over to them. "This guy from One Direction has the same last name as you!" she screeched, causing Brielle to step back. "Maybe because he's my dad," Brielle replied casually, as if she gets asked the same question everyday. The girls looked at each other before screaming in unison. "Brielle's dad is famous and hot!" another yelled. "Alright, well I'm going home," Brielle said, dismissing herself from the classroom. When she got home, Niall and you were in the kitchen talking. "Hi Bri," you said. Your daughter waved, then blurted, "The girls in my class think you're hot. Alright, bye!" She ran up to her room, not wanting to be bothering about the subject any longer. You and Niall looked at each other. "Well, at least someone agrees with me," you said, breaking the silence. "She seems a bit grossed out...," Niall replied. "I'd think so. I mean its not everyday someone thinks your dad is hot." "At least I can sleep well knowing I can still get girls's attention even at forty."

Zayn: Zayn had dragged the whole family to one of his reunion concerts. Mollie and Trevor sat backstage with you before the concert started. Like every one of his shows, a group of fans made their way backstage to meet the boys, or men rather. The fans ranged from teenagers to grown women. "Mollie!" two of the girls exclaimed, trying to get your daughter's attention. Mollie ran over to them. "What are you doing here?" the blonde one asked. "Oh, my dad's in the band," Mollie replied. "You're dad's Zayn Malik?" the other one said a bit loudly, putting together Mollie's last name with her father's. Mollie nodded. "He's my favorite! He is so sexy!" Mollie's facial expression changed from happy to disgusted in a matter of seconds. "Yeah, well I have to go," she said, rushing back over to you. Zayn had just come over to chat before heading out on stage. "You look like your about to get sick," Zayn said, chuckling at his daughter's expression. "Those girls from my school called you sexy and I think I'm about to throw up," Mollie said, dramatically gagging. "Who knew I still had it after all these years?" Zayn joked. Mollie cringed even more and quickly made her way to her father's dressing room to get away from the awkward situation. "This is definitely a confidence booster," Zayn said, giving you a peck on the cheek before joining the others.

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