Are you my daddy ? (LOUIS ONLY)

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Are You My Daddy? Louis Tomlinson One Shot

Creds : love_Jai_Brooks13 ( check her account on wattpad)

Louis Tomlinson sat on the small leather couch that rested just outside the recording booth. Running his thumb over his phone as he scrolled through twitter for something to do while he waited for it to be his turn again in the booth. Zayn soon came back into the room plopping down beside Louis, stretching his jean clad legs out in front of him. Liam and Harry went out for food, they were all starving, and he couldn't wait for them to come through the door with food in their arms. There was suddenly a knock at the door, making Louis' stomach growl in response. Louis looked at Zayn eyebrows raised. The boys usually just walked in they never knock.
"Maybe their hands are full," Zayn said nonchalantly with a lift of his shoulders. Louis nodded and got up to get the door for them. They were usually never allowed to get the door by themselves incase it happened to be a large group of frenzied fans. But Louis didn't care he was so hungry he was ready to run through the fans to get to the food Liam and Harry would have. He opened the door, and was about to yell at the boys for taking so long when he noticed it was just a tiny girl standing just on the other side. Louis' hunger faded, he was usually very good with children. Always helping his mom when he was younger to calm down his little sisters. But right now all knowledge of children left his mind when he looked at the little girl in front of him. She stood their frozen fear tears running down her cheeks, from her blue grey eyes. Her brown hair was in a ponytail on the top of her head, while she shifted back and forth on her little adida clad feet.
"Um, hello there, are you lost?" Louis asked peering past the girl to look for her parents behind her. The girl raised her shoulders in a small shrug. More tears started to fall from her eyes. Louis started to become more concerned for her. "Ok, um what's your name love?" Louis asked bending down a little, trying to get the girls attention. With Louis taking so long Zayn began to wonder what was taking him so long, he stood up and walked up behind Louis when he noticed the scene in front of him. He stopped completely watching his friend with the girl. She didn't answer Louis' earlier question though, she merely held out a letter in front of her, chubby hands clasping it. Confused Louis took the letter, Louis Tomlinson was written on the back. He looked at the girl one last time before opening the letter.
Dear Lou,
It has been a while since the last time we spoke, three years to be exact. I was just a fling from when you were on your Up All Night tour. We met at your concert in New York City. I knew it was just sex for you, but for me, you were my first, which was important to me. We talked for a little after that night but once as you went back home I knew it was the end for you. I found out a couple weeks later that I was pregnant with Mia. I knew how busy you were and that you would not want a baby at the time. I decided to never tell you and to raise her on my own. My parents were furious with me when they found out. They went as far as to kick me out, leaving me on my own. I was doing well for the first year holding down two jobs and taking care of our little girl, but I couldn't keep up with it. I lost one of them and the other wasn't enough to support us both. Louis, I can't take care of her, I don't have enough money and I am not a good mother. My parents were right; I am not made for it. You are a famous pop star with tons of money and lots of experience with children. She is yours and your responsibility now. I am sorry to do this to you but I have no other choice. Don't try to look for me, you won't find me. Take care of my angel, and tell her I love her more than anything.
Love, Y/N Y/L/N
PS: She is 100% yours, I have never been with anyone else.
Louis heart was beating so fast he was pretty sure it was going to pop out of his chest. He remembered Y/N for sure, he liked her, and she had a pretty laugh and hair that reached down to the middle of her back. She was beautiful and funny; they always had a good time together. But as soon as he got back to England he didn't think it was fair to drag her along in a relationship that probably wasn't going to last. Louis was now feeling angry towards the girl he once had fond memories of. How could she just leave her daughter at a door? What if he wasn't here? What if there were tons of fans? She could have gotten hurt. He stopped his thoughts as he passed the letter to Zayn without a word indicating for him to read it as well. He took a second look at the scared little girl. She had his eyes, that's for sure, and the more he looked the more she resembled his mother. Louis noticed she had his nose when she sniffled it. Louis was convinced the girl in front of him was his daughter, panic was running through him, was he ready to be a father? Would he be any good at it? His heart sank when he saw her whimper, tears started to come at a more rapid pace. The once cries were turning into sobs.
"It's ok Mia, It's Mia right? Come inside ok?" Mia stood still for a moment, seeming hesitant, but nodded her tiny head and walked inside. Louis looked outside the door one more time to see if Y/N was still there. With a sigh he closed the door.
" you remember her? This Y/N? Is this really your daughter?" Zayn asked grabbing Louis' attention. Louis nodded face a little pale from all the information and surprises. Zayn nodded his head placing a hand on his shoulder in comfort. "You can do this mate, your great with kids, and will be a natural father," with that Louis' face paled even more and gave a slight nervous nod. Finally Liam and Harry walked through the door as Niall walked out from recording. Mia suddenly started to shake in fear from all the strangers around her, she felt completely alone. She just wanted to take her stuffed puppy, Petals out and hug him close to her for comfort. Louis notices the poor girl trembling and quickly gave Zayn a look. Zayn nodded in response taking the confused remaining band members into the recording booth to explain.
Louis turned around to Mia; she was still sniffling and crying, though less than earlier, and no longer shaking, clutching the princess backpack that was on her tiny back.
"Mommy told me ta stay wifout her, said I not gonna see her gain. Mommy don't wuv Mia no more!" Mia said reverting back to sobs; soon she was having trouble catching her breath from all the crying. Louis knew if he didn't get her to stop she would make herself sick. He rushed forward wrapping the small girl in his arms. She stiffened at first, but then flung her tiny arms around Louis's neck chubby hands grabbing his shirt. Louis hugged the little girl back happy that he was able to comfort her. She pulled away wiping at her tears. "Hey now don't think that. Mommy loves you very much. She just couldn't take care of you anymore. That's why she wanted you to stay with me. So you would be nice and safe and happy," Louis said looking at the crying girl with sad eyes.
"Are you my daddy?" Mia asked looking at Louis a smile coming to her face. Louis stood shocked. Never having heard those words directed towards him he was surprised. He softened not wanted to upset Mia again Louis slowly nodded with a small smile.
"Yes Mia, I am your daddy. Are you ok with that?" Mia nodded her head eagerly hugging Louis close to her again.
The recording booth door opened revealing the boys. Mia immediately clutched onto Louis's leg terrified of the four strangers at the door.
"Who they daddy?" Mia said with a tiny voice as she peered around Louis's leg. The four boys stared at Mia a little confused but smiles still covered their faces. Mia started to cry again from the constant attention. With the sound of her cries Louis picked her up right away swaying her a little to calm her down.
"It's ok Mia, these are your uncles. They aren't scary! They are just sometimes a little rude and stare," Louis said giving the boys a look. The boy's quickly walked forward feeling bad for upsetting the girl. They were all just so surprised at seeing Louis so calm with the word daddy. Harry was the first to lean closer to the girl.
"Hello there, I'm uncle Harry, what's your name little one?" Harry asked trying to get Mia's attention. Mia clutched herself to Louis neck but still looked at Harry.
"Uncle Hawy?" Mia said looking at Harry with a small smile. Louis grinned at her pronunciation of Harry. "I Mia, I free," Mia said sitting up in Louis's arms now, and holding up three fingers to show Harry how old she was.
"It's nice to meet you Mia, I'm Uncle Zayn, this is Uncle Liam and Uncle Niall," Zayn said stepping forward and giving Mia a kind smile. Mia blushed at the attention and waved to them. Louis placed Mia back on the floor and stood back up looking at his mates.
"So what do we do now?" Zayn asked quietly enough for only the boys to hear. Mia was sitting on the floor backpack in front of her opening it up and starting to pull things out of it letting things fall all around her.
"I don't know to be honest, I mean I should get her home. I don't have a car seat though, and what if she doesn't like it? What if it's all to much for her?" Louis asked feeling himself start to get protective over Mia already.
"It's ok mate, Paul is here and he has kids maybe we can borrow his car to get to the house. We will even go back with you to make sure everything is all right. We will help you however we can, plus she is quite cute," Niall said looking down at Mia as she pulled a stuffed puppy out of her bag and hugged it close to her.
"Ya she is, it may be tough, but I am willing to make sure it all works out for all of us," Louis said smiling at Mia fondly. Sure he was worried when it came to tour time but he was convinced he was going to make sure everything turned out fine for them.
"Ok I will go talk to Paul, how about you guys go outside awhile," Liam said heading to the room Paul usually stayed in while they recorded. Turning to leave the building he felt a small tug on his sweats. He looked down to see Mia holding her arms up at Louis.
"Up," Mia said looking at Louis. He hesitantly picked her up again walking out the door and over to Paul's car. Liam came running out tossing Louis the keys.
"He said it's fine, he didn't even ask any questions. He is going to come over to pick it up later," Liam said getting into the passenger side of Paul's car. Louis placed Mia in the car seat and buckled her in, puppy clamped under one of her arms and backpack in the other. Mia started to whimper when Louis started to move away.
"Its ok, we are just going back to my, I mean our house ok?" Louis said running a hand over the girls hair. She nodded and held the puppy tighter as her uncles climbed into the car around her. Luckily the ride back to Louis' was only a 10-minute drive. He looked into the review mirror to see Mia happily looking out the window. He pulled into his drive, parking and climbing out the car going over to he side of the car that Mia sat in. He looked down to see Mia holding the movie Tangled up at him.
"Daddy we watch Tangle pwease? Uncas too?" Mia said looking up at Louis with a small pout. Louis could never say no to that. He had a feeling his band mates wouldn't be able to either, and sure enough when he looked at them they were nodding at Mia.
"Of course, why don't we do that now?" Louis said picking Mia up out of the car and placing her on the ground. He was about to walk into the house when he felt another tug. He looked down to see Mia holding her arms up at Louis.
"Up," Mia said looking at Louis. He hesitantly picked her up again walking into the house placing her backpack on the table next his door, he kept all his miscellaneous things there. They started into den with the boys following behind. Louis felt like this would all take some getting used to. "I sit next to daddy and unca Yayn!" Mia said, she had a hard time saying Zayn but he just smiled at her, loving the new way to say his name. The other boys pouted and were saying things like "no fair!" resulting Mia to release a set of giggles as Louis placed her on the couch. Louis put the movie in as the others placed themselves around the room. Louis sat on the couch next to Mia. He jumped when he felt a small body snuggle into him. He was glad Mia didn't notice his uneasiness; he quickly got over it and put his arm around her pulling her closer. A little into the movie Mia looked up Louis.
"Daddy you gonna weave me like Mommy?" Mia said little tears rolling down her plump cheeks. Louis brows furrowed as he become a little angry that she would think he would leave her. He did understand her thinking though, her mother had left her so why wouldn't he? He wiped away her tears with his thumb and pulled her onto his lap.
"Daddy is never going to leave you ok? You will always have me. No matter what," Louis said cupping her small face in his hands. Mia smiled and leaned forward cuddling into Louis' chest. Louis wrapped his arms around Mia.
"I wuv you daddy," Louis heard Mia say quietly. With those words Louis heart fluttered. He never imagined someone so small could make him so happy. He looked up to see all his band mates smiling at him. He gave them the biggest smile back.
"I love you to my girl," he said placing a kiss on the top of her head and pulling her even closer. He knew from that moment on he would always to anything for his daughter who rested in his arms. He was so happy he had this little girl in his arms. He was a father.

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