Times With the Kids

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Preference - Times With the Kids
Harry: He stood looking in the bathroom mirror, his head pounding. Last night he had went out with Niall and he was now suffering the consequences. Six year old Madisyn came thumping down the hall and Harry winced at every step she took, praying that she wouldn't come in. "Daddy!" she exclaimed, jumping into his arms. "Hey there" he smiled weakly, moving her to his other hip. "Daddy why do we live?" she asked. Harry cleared his throat and placed her back on the ground. "Actually Poppet I've got a bit of a headache...do you think you cou-" The small girl cut him off "Do you know how kangaroos keep themselves cool?" He thought for a moment before hesitantly answering "No..." Madisyn climbed up on the closed toilet seat "I do! They cover themselves in spit. That's kind of disgusting isn't it? Do you think I could cover myself in spit?" Harry left the bathroom while Madisyn was still talking in search of you and possibly some paracetamol for his head. "Daddy where are you going? I haven't finished my story!"

Liam: "Why are you moving your feet?" you giggled, watching as Liam and Lexi raced in a game of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. "I'm overtaking you!" Lexi squealed excitedly. Suddenly both the nunchuck and controller went flying from Lexi's small hands, narrowly missing the tv. Liam paused the game and turned to his daughter "Lex, how many times have I told you to wear the wrist restraint?" She smiled up at him innocently and you watched in amusement as Liam struggled to keep a stern face. "How many times?" he asked again. "Twelve" she grinned, taking off to go play with another toy. Liam caught her arm gently and bent down so he was eye level with her. "Sweetheart you could have hit the tv. Or worse, you could have hit mummy. You have to wear the strap or you're going to hurt someone" Lexi stared at her father for a moment then took a look at his own wrist "Daddy you're not wearing the wrist strap either" Liam looked at his wrist and his shoulders sagged in defeat "Go play with your toys" She skipped off happily as he sat down beside you, lifting his arm so you could cuddle up to him. "You done good" you giggled, placing a kiss to his cheek.

Louis: Yourself and Louis decided to take Tommy on a tour of London so the three of you set off early in an attempt to beat traffic. You arrived mid morning and Tommy's eyes instantly clocked on one of the open top tour buses. "Can we go on one?" he asked, bouncing up and down. "Course we can buddy" Louis laughed, ruffling his son's brown hair. On the bus, you and Louis sat talking and you could hear Tommy counting out loud. Louis turned to him "What are you doing?" You almost choked on your spit at his answer. "I'm counting chavs!" he exclaimed. "Tommy!" you hissed, shrinking back into your seat as other passengers turn to glare at you. After getting off at the next stop, you heard your son counting again. "Tommy, stop playing spot the chav!" you exclaimed. "I'm not playing that anymore" he shrugged. You sighed in relief as Louis wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "I'm playing count the lesbians!" he yelled, pointing out two women holding hands.

Niall: "Murderer!" Amy yelled, pointing a small finger at you. Niall looked at the two of you over his paper. "Excuse me?" you asked, laughing slightly. "I saw the mouse you caught in the trap" your little girl explained, crossing her arms across her chest. You sighed, rubbing a hand over your face "We had to do it darling or it would just have brought more mice into the hou-" you tried to explain but she cut you off. "Where is it?" she asked. "In the bin..." you replied, confused as to why she wanted to know that. "Give me it. I want to give it a proper send off" she glared at you. Niall sighed and got out of his seat, opening the bin and giving Amy the black bag that contained the mouse. She snatched it from him and went outside. "Little mouse, I give you this bread and cheese or your journey up to heaven. And if you go to hell...cheese on toast" Amy said with a serious expression on her face as you and Niall watched from the kitchen window. "Should we be worried?" he asked, rubbing your shoulders lightly. "Nah" you replied, turning to look up at him "She'll grow out of it...touch wood" you tapped the counter, smiling as Niall kissed your forehead.

Zayn: Adeel was always up to mischief. At school, at home, even in public. You had been called into his school this afternoon because Adeel and his friend Mitch had decided to play Call of Duty and massacre all the girls on the playground...again. Zayn was waiting for the two of you when you got back. Adeel went straight upstairs to his room while you slumped on the couch. "What did he do this time?" Zayn asked, sitting down beside you. You explained to him and he sighed "What's his punishment at school?" You pushed some hair back with your hand "No playtimes for three days" Upstairs, you heard some sort of machine whirring to life, making you groan "What is he doing now?" The two of you investigated, finding Adeel in the middle of the hallway with the shredder. To his left, there was a line of things that were waiting to be destroyed -including a pair of yellow rubber gloves- Zayn told you to go downstairs while he spoke to yous son. Later that night after Adeel had gone to bed, you and Zayn were watching tv when he suddenly got up. "What are you doing?" you asked as he pulled back the curtains. "Adeel's been at the glow in the dark paint again" You got up and joined him at the window, seeing that the bush outside your window had glowing patches on it. "Wait a minute...are those snails?"

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