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Harry - "Darcy... what's wrong?" He knelt down outside his daughters school at four in the afternoon, arms open as she hobbled and ran into them, features in pain but settled as he held her and rubbed her back soothingly with his hand, almost taking up the entire expanse.

"All the other boys..." Darcy sobbed into her father's chest, "they make fun of me... my of... of my face..."

"No," Harry groaned, and peeled back Darcy from the front of his shirt. He grazed his thumb across her cheeks, and wiped the tears, watching her eyes and the beautiful settled space between them, widened by her Down's Syndrome, the tiny cusp of her top lip, skin where it was softer and more precious than any other part of her. "Don't you listen to those boys, baby," he murmured to her, holding her cheek and brushing back hair that had clung with her tears, "you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world, you know that? And no one, not any boy or anyone else, can make you think otherwise."

"But daddy, I.. I'm different than... than they are, I..."

Harry shook his head, eyes shut dully, "that's just what makes you special, Darce. That's just what makes you who you are. Besides," he smiled and leaned in to catch her widened eyes, "not one of those girls are my special princess, just you, hey? Mummy and daddy love you just the way you are, and that'll always be enough," he picked her up and carried her in his arms to the car, "now, let's go for ice cream, yeah?"

Liam - you sat down at the kitchen table with a hand through your hair, tucking the strands back into a bun. "Eat up, Sammy," you smiled at your son, playing with the dregs of his cereal. You dropped your hands and fiddled with a few words in sign language, making him smile and nod, "I... uh huh, I will, mum..." he grinned the words out, spilling a little milk. You laughed and tucked a finger under his chin for him, brushing past the hearing aid pressed into his right ear neatly.

"How's my little man this morning?" Liam snuck up behind him and gripped his shoulders, making him smile when he squeezed him and pretended to be thrown aback when Sam tensed, the look of a superhero in his eyes. Liam took the seat opposite you, as you stood up and carried Sam's bowl to the sink. Placing it down, you watched as Liam did the same thing he did every morning, fiddling his hands into sign language to tell Sam all about the dream he'd had last night.

"That's cool, dad," Sam's eyes widened. Liam nodded with a closed smile, and ruffled his son's hair. "I love you," he mouthed, leaning in close enough to press tightly, forehead to forehead. Sam, getting used to lip reading, smiled and replied, "I love you too, dad. You're... the best... dad in the world."

Louis - "Oscar James Tomlinson, you get back here right now," Louis followed the slammed front door, growling after his teenage son. You struggled with the grocery bags by the car, "Lou, go easy on him, please!"

Oscar stalked the path to his bedroom, pushing on the wood of the door, before his father could shake it open and follow him in. "You know what you did was wrong," Louis huffed, managing his way around a faulty lock and stepping quickly across the carpet.

"Yeah, well, I don't care..." Oscar snarled, sitting down angrily on his desk chair. He retrieved a notepad from the adjoined shelf and flipped it open, scribbling with a thick pen onto the crisp lined paper.

"You should," Louis growled, sending a hand through his hair, "Oscar, you have to care about other people's feelings... you can't just go around saying things like that... especially not to the cashier who's serving us," a shadow of a smirk, like a memory retrieved, made it's way across his face.

"Well," Oscar threw his arms up, dropping the notepad, "I guess that's what happens sometimes when you've got an autistic freak for a son!"

"You know we don't think you're a freak," Louis calmed his voice.

"I know," Oscar's expression changed, "but other people do, and I can't stop it, I can't stop them thinking that stuff about me."

"Hey, hey," Louis hurried forwards and took his fourteen-year-old son in his arms, brushing back the light sandy hair that made him smile with every golden strand, "what do I tell you? Hmm? Don't listen to those assfaces? Because they don't know anything. You're better than them, Oscar, you always have been and you always will be."

It took a moment, for Oscar to listen to his father, to calm down, to raise his light head and stare oddly at brown eyes just like his. "How do you always know what to say, dad?"

"I don't," Louis confessed, leaning against the edge of the counter, one hand on his son's back, "I just know you, and I'd never let anything happen to you, don't you forget that."

Zayn - "Hmm, you think mum will like this cereal?" Zayn held up the box for his daughter to see, scuffing feet down another aisle at the supermarket.

"I don't know, she likes the chocolate one," Zara smiled, wheeling her chair around her father to reach out for the bright red box on the third shelf from the bottom.

"I'll grab it for you, sweetie," Zayn reached outwards, stopping when Zara turned her head and gave him a fierce enough look, his own petrified glimpse at what would happen when she turned sixteen.

"I can grab it myself," she protested, trying not to smile when her father rolled his eyes, and clapped the back of her chair, "I know, I know, you're a superhero, you don't need me..." he grinned down at her, perching a kiss at the crown of her head, smoothing back strands of her dark hair, just like his, "but you know, I'm your dad, I like doing everything for you, even if you can do it yourself..."

"I can't do everything myself," Zara's smile faded, a toddler with bright hair and scrunched fists darting past her on his way to the yoghurt.

"Hey," Zayn peered down at her, brushing back her fringe, "it doesn't matter if you're in a chair or you're walking right beside me. You can do anything you want in this world, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're my special girl, the most special girl in the world, and I love you, I love you to the moon and back," he knelt down and scuffed away ingredients he decided not to pick up after all, "like I said, you're a superhero, yeah?"

"Yeah," Zara smiled at the words.

"Now, chocolate it is," Zayn took the box from his daughters hands and tossed it into the basket, picking it up, ready to move onto the frozen foods.

Niall - "Hey, you... come here," he held out long arms for his daughter to climb into, "how's my little princess today?" You walked into the living room as he bounced her by his hip, her little shoulder falling limply for a moment before jumping back up, Cerebral Palsy keeping her movements undefined and fidgety, little lips forming around slight giggles as Niall tickled her stomach, lifting her shirt, grazing her soft skin with his fingers.

"Hey," you walked over and pecked his forehead as he sat on the floor with your daughter, "I made the appointment for three," you murmured close to him, bending down to convey the words, "so, Annie," you smiled and took your daughter's cheek in your hand, "we're gonna go for a drive in the car later, how does that sound?"

"P... perfect," she turned up a smile that you returned, facing Niall as he did the same, hands fitting around his daughter's frame perfectly.

"Hey, and maybe we stop at the toy store on the way back," he excited his features when Annie perked up, clapping at the idea, "yeah, and we can buy you a new toy for being such a good girl!"

"Yay... d-daddy, yay, I.. I like that!"

"Me too," you stood back and watched Niall kiss his daughter's nose, smiling at her laugh, her soft lines of skin, her everything, "me too."

a/n : its okay i cried too btw thanks for the 4k and the 70+ votes tho !!! love yaaa <3
and sorry for the late update , just came back from my mom's hometown :))

-yanni xxx

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