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Parenting Series (Baby) - Mummy/Daddy Moments
A/N:firstly,im sorry i didnt update . okay, so this is the first part of parenting series that is the baby series. so ENJOYY!!!!

Louis (His POV): "Wake me up in an hour." (Y/N) repeated before she finally fell asleep. I made my way to the nursery and smiled at the twins who were laying in each of their beds. "Hey guys. Let's lay on the floor, yeah?" I smiled, spreading a thick blanket out on the floor. I grabbed them each one by one and laid them on their backs, watching as they laid there. I sat back and stared at them, jumping slightly when Grayson started to cry. I carefully picked him up and rocked him. I started singing quietly and suddenly he stopped crying, staring up at me. "You like that?" I laugh. "You're going to be a singer. I can just tell."

Niall: You laughed as Niall gingerly laid her in her bath seat that was seated in the sink, causing Sophie to start crying instantly. Niall looked up at you with a horrified expression and you laughed as you scooted him to the side and replaced his hands with yours. "Hi Sophie girl." You grin, kissing her head. "It's not that bad, I promise." You begin as you gently washed the warm water over her chubby legs. Her cries dulled and you smiled over at Niall, "Here you do it. Just keep talking to her. It calms her down." You mumble as Niall started repeating your motions. "Yeah, see you're a tough girl. It's not that bad." Niall smiles down at her. "I still can't believe she's ours." He says suddenly, looking up at you. You smile and nod, "Me either."

Liam (His POV): My eyes never moved off of Ben. (Y/N) had gone to take a relaxing bath to calm herself down after taking care of Ben all day. Ben laid strapped into his swing, fast asleep. I got up and went to the kitchen, retrieving a bottle for when he woke up. When I walked back into the room, I smiled seeing that he was wide awake. "Hey big man." I grinned, lifting him up and resting him in my arms before sliding the bottle into his mouth. "I can't believe you are actually here..." I mumble, "You were inside your mummy a week ago and now you're here." I whisper as he stares up at me with confusion. "I love you buddy." I smile, kissing his tiny hand.

Zayn (His POV): I shut the shower door and wrapped the towel around my waist, going over to the counter and leaning against it. I slowly got dressed, tiredness already beginning to take me over. "Yeah, you've got your daddy's eyes..." I hear (Y/N) say in almost a hushed whisper. I peeked out of the bathroom down and spotted her laying in bed with Caroline on her chest. She slowly rubbed her hand up and down her tiny back. "You know, you spent nine months inside me and it wasn't until you were put on my chest that I actually believed I was a mummy." She continued. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me...other than your daddy of course." She adds. I smile to myself and walk out, laying down next to them, acting like I hadn't heard anything she had just said.

Harry: You sighed, hearing the soft cries of your two week old daughter ring through the baby monitor on your nightstand. You moaned loudly, rolling over and seeing that it was one in the morning. "I've got her." Harry mumbled tiredly as he forced himself out of bed. You thankfully laid back into your pillows, closing your eyes to go back to sleep. Suddenly, you heard a familiar song being sing over the baby monitor. You smiled as you heard Harry singing the song you and Harry had danced to at your wedding for your first dance to your daughter. Her cries dulled quickly and soon Harry was back in bed, his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you as close to him as possible.

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