He comforts your child

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preference: he comforts your child when they're scared
Liam: "Mom?" you heard your child ask as he opened the door. You stirred ready to comfort him. "Stay in bed love, I got this," Liam whispered sweetly into your ear. You smiled as he kissed your cheek and got up. He picked up your son and walked to his room. "What's wrong Kiddo?" Liam asked. "I'm scared," your son answered. Liam gave him a big hug and walked over to his book shelf. He picked out a book and sat down by your child's bed. He read him the book until he saw your son close his eyes. He kissed his forehead and walked back to your guys' room. He jumped in bed and cuddled up to you.

Louis: Louis walked by his daughter's room and peeked into her door. He was on his way to go to your shared room where you were sleeping, but he wanted to make sure your daughter was okay. He looked in and was surprised that she was sitting up. "What's wrong sweetie?" He asked as he entered her pink room. "I'm a bit scared, that's all," she replied sweetly. Those words made Louis melt. He jumped onto her bed and attacked her with tickles. She was giggling her head off until she looked like she was about to collapse with sleep. He sat in her bed until her little eyes fluttered shut.

Zayn: Zayn was watching TV on the couch late in the night. You were gone on a trip for business and it was just him and your beautiful son. Zayn was laughing loudly to a funny part of the show, when he felt something tap him. He looked down to see your son with tears in his eyes. "You okay?" Zayn asked. "I'm scared Dad," the boy answered. Zayn smiled and pulled the boy onto his lap. He cuddled him and stroked his hair until he heard the faint snores of the boy.

Niall: Niall was in the kitchen when he heard someone enter the room. He knew you were out with your parents, so he wasn't surprised when he saw you cute little daughter grasping her teddy bear. "Hey babe, you alright?" Niall asked. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you, but I'm scared." Niall smiled and picked her up over his shoulding, causing a giggle to escape from her lips. "Come on kiddo," Niall laughed as he set her down on a stool. He grabbed some cookies and milk for the two of them and sat down next to her. They ate their cookies as they talked about cartoons. When they were finished Niall carried her to her room and told her how much he loved her as she fell into a deep sleep.

Harry: Harry and you were in your room. You were just about to fall asleep when you heard your twin girls walk in. "Dad," they said in unison. "We're scared." One of the girls said, "We heard noises. Sorry." Harry got out of bed with no hesitation. "Don't be sorry, come on princesses," he said as he grabbed their hands. He walked them back to their room. He slowly pushed their beds together and jumped in the middle. He patted the spots on either side of him where the two girls jumped in. They all cuddled under the blankets as Harry told them bedtime stories he made up. You walked in the next morning to find all three of them sound asleep in the bed.

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