#09 - Pregnancy Series - Baby Shower

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#09 - Pregnancy Series - Baby Shower


Being that you and Louis still didn't know the genders of the twins, you left it up to Jay to reveal it to you. You knew that it would happen sometime during the baby shower, you just didn't know when and how. "Babe? Are you sure this looks okay?" You ask for the millionth time as you wait for the okay from Jay to come into the backyard where the baby shower was taking place. "I promise you look amazing." He smiles, pecking your nose. You nod with a small smile. "Alright, lovebirds! Come on back!" You heard Jay shout from the screen door that led onto the patio. You walked out with Louis right behind you and smiled as everyone started cheering. "So...I found a way to reveal the genders of my grandbaby's to you guys." Jay smiled. "All the food is color coated in what the genders are. So, on three turn around and you'll find out." She grins. You nod and grip Louis' hand tightly. "One...two...three!" The crowd shouts and you turn around. "Oh my goodness!" You laugh, seeing the pink AND the blue. "Yes!" Louis shouts, throwing his hands up in the year. You smile up at him as he wraps his arms around you, kissing your forehead, over the moon that he was going to have both a son and a daughter.


You grinned as you walked into the reception hall where your baby shower was being held. "Oh this looks exactly like I imagined it!" You squeal as Niall walks in behind you. "This looks so cute." He grins, patting your stomach gently. "Everyone's going to love it." You say softly as you look at him. "I hope so." He says with a smile as Denise walks in with Theo. "Hi big boy!" You grin, taking him as he lunged for you. "Alright, out you go Niall!" She says, pushing him towards the entrance. "What? Hey!" He whines. "Sorry, all girl party. Excluding Theo." She grins. "Hey, you call me if you need anything, got it?" He asks as you nod. "Got it." You nod as you sat down with Theo and began to play with him.


Since you and Liam didn't want to know the gender until the baby was born, you picked a color scheme that could go with either gender. You sat down in your designated "Mummy to be" seat next to Liam who sat to your left. He rubbed your back and smiled as your two year old niece handed you yet another gift. "This is from mummy and me!" She grins as you look up at your sister and smile. "Thank you Issy." You smile as she sits back down in your sisters lap. You pull the picture frame out and smile as you take it in. Your latest sonogram sat in the middle with pictures of you and Liam as babies, toddlers, children, teens, all the way up to your wedding. Liam smiled and took it from you, kissing your temple. "It's perfect, thank you." He says softly as you try not to cry.

Zayn (His POV):

I smiled as I watched her sit down between our mums and sisters, gushing over a gift she had just unwrapped. Her dad came up and put a hand on my shoulder and smiled, "Are you excited for her?" He asks, looking around at the room decked out in pink and green. I nod with a huge smile. "You have no idea..." I say trailing off. "Is she doing okay? Adjusting to everything and such? She doesn't really like to open up to me or her mum." He says, worry in his voice. I nod and shift my gaze over at him. "She's loving it. I mean, there are moments where it's hard for her, but she pushes through and then she's back to herself." I nod. He smiles and watches you. "Just keep taking caring of her...and that baby girl...Don't let anything happen to them." He whispers. I nod, watching you too. "Don't worry, they're my world." I whisper.


"Alright! Time for another game!" Anne grins, standing up and grabbing everyone's attention. You looked up at her and smiled as she pulled out multiple rolls of toilet paper. "Everyone gets a roll and they try to get enough to wrap around (Y/N)'s belly!" She says passing it around to everyone. You smile and watch as everyone, including Harry, tries to guesstimate how large your belly was. One by one they each came up and wrapped their toilet paper around your stomach, careful not to break it. Finally it was Harry's turn and he grinned, wrapping his around your belly. You slap his arm as you realize that his was way too big to fit you. "Uh oh, someone's in trouble." Gemma laughs as everyone joins her. "You're lucky I love you, Styles." You mumble, pecking his cheek.

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