He gives your child a bath #2

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Preference #2 He gives your child a bath
"NO MIA DON'T EAT THE BUBBLES" You hear your husband yell from the bathroom as you headed in there to remind him that Mia your 2 year old needed to have her dinner so could he hurry up. You never take this long bathing her, so you had no idea why Niall was taking so long. Now you knew. Mia liked playing up for her daddy.
"Niall, you are being controlled by a two year old" You said with a smirk on your face. He looked at you and continued washing Mia's thick light brown hair.
"Am not"
"Am too"
"Am not"
"Am too"
"Am not"
"I'm two!" Mia shouted out, throwing her arms to the water, splashing Niall and giggling. Niall and you laughed at your silly baby and you bent down next to Niall, picking up the jug and purging the warm water over her head, washing away the bubbles.
"All done baby, see it wasn't that hard was it" You picked her up and stood her on the bath mat as Niall wrapped the fluffy towel around her body.

"Daddy, why does the boat float?" Hayden asked his father as he poked the sponge in front of him.
"Because it's light and something to do with science that I can't remember" Zayn answered putting a big handful of bubbles on top of your 4 year olds head and shaped it into a quiff. "See now you look even more like daddy" Zayn grinned as Hayden done Zayn's signature smile with his tongue behind his teeth.
"It's scary how much you two look alike" You commented as you sat on the toilet lid watching Hayden play around in the water and Zayn sitting next to the bath tub.
"He has your nose" Zayn turned saying to you.
"Yeah he's about 10% me and 90% you! The only way I know he's my son is that I gave birth to him!" You exclaimed widening your eyes.
"We'll maybe our next one will look like you" Zayn smiled pointing towards your protruding baby bump.
"Mummy will I be aloud to help bath my baby brother or sister?" Hayden asked looking up from his toy boat.
"Of course you can help! How else will I bath it, daddy isn't much help" you grinned and Zayn picked up the jug half filled with water and poured it on you.

"Courtney I don't care how much you cry, get in the bath" You said sternly but not harshly. Your 3 year old continued to wail and stomp her feet as she stood in nothing but her nappy (diaper) next to the bathtub. "Courtney, please get in" She shook her head and you sighed.
"Aww Courtney why is daddies angel crying?" Louis cooed as he walked threw the bathroom door, she immediately put her arms up running towards him.
"She won't get in the bath"
"Why's that baby?" He asks her quietly as he picks her up and puts her on his hip.
"Don't want to" she says with a grumpy pout and frown on her face.
"But Court you are smelly! And smelly girls don't get to be princesses do they now?" He tried reasoning with her, she shook her head. "So you gonna get in the bath now?" She nodded her head and he placed her down gently on the floor, slipping her nappy (diaper) off and then setting her in the bath. He kneeled next to the bath and rolled his sleeves up preparing to bath her.
"Have fun" You mumbled shuffling out the bathroom.
"We will" You heard Courtney giggling, knowing she is such a daddies girl.

"Freddie stop closing your eyes, now is not the time to be sleeping" Liam poked your 5 year olds chest and his eyes popped open. It was his first day of school today and he had been running around and playing all day, he was so tired he could barely keep his big brown puppy dog eyes open. You kept your gaze on the scene in front of you, you heart melting at how cute they looked.
"Freddie look here's woody and buzz, play with them" Liam tried to hand them to him, but he just closed his eyes and ignored them. Drifting off into dream land. "(Y/N) can you hold him up while I finish bathing him?) Liam asked keeping his hold around Freddie's body, so he doesn't slip under water.
"Sure" You get up from the toilet lid and kneel next to Liam, you replace his hands and hold Freddie up so Liam can finish washing the bubbles from his body. When you finish bathing him, Liam wraps him in a fluffy towel before drying him and putting him in his favourite pyjamas. Liam rests him on his own chest as he lays on the sofa and closes his eyes, you smile and take a picture before falling asleep yourself.

"Sophie-May! Come back!!!" You hear Harry shout just as you see a naked, soaked 5 year old rum past you as fast as her little legs will carry her. Harry soon comes jogging past you and you frown in confusion as they disappear into the dinning room. "Sophie-May Abigail Styles, get your butt out from under the table! You're going to get ill if you don't get back in the bath soon" You walk in to see Harry trying to squeeze under the table to retrieve Sophie-May, she had a big grin on her face and was moving back further away from Harry making his life just a little more difficult.
"Fine. I'll just go tear the head off of Mr Whoop!" Harry stood up and walked upstairs.
"NOOOOOOOOOO MR WHOOP!" Sophie-May got out from under the table and tried to run past Harry but he caught her and lifted her over his shoulder.
"Back to the bath young lady!" You stood squinting your eyes and tilting you head.
"What the hell just happened?" You asked yourself and shook your head at your strange family.

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