GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM): Part 12: First Best Friend

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GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM): Part 12: First Best Friend
a/n: sorry for the late update .. CREDITS;tumblrrr

Two Weeks Later.....
After finally getting into a routine, (y/n) was having the time of her life in school. We would come home every night and sit and talk about her day. We came home one Friday night and we sat on the couch and talked. "So me and Ameiya, we were sitting on the swings at lunch time and we were playing and talking!" Lately, she has been talking about this Ameiya girl. She hasn't really mentioned exactly who it was. I was now on a mission to figure out who it was. "Baby, can you answer a question for me?" She nodded. "Sure LiLi!" "Who's Ameiya?" Her eyes lit up and she smiled. "She's my bestest friend. We promised each other that we would always be best friends and never leave each other" So that's when I found out, my baby had her first best friend. "That's amazing baby!" She smiled. "Can she come over and play sometime?" I nodded. "Of course, sweetheart. How about this weekend?" She smiled. That morning, I met Ameiya and her mom. We talked about her coming over and decided that she could spend Saturday with us. That Saturday Ameiya came over and the girls were having a blast. I was so happy. They played and laughed and smiled. "Girls?" They both came running in. "Yes, Li?" "Would
you two like something to eat?" They both nodded. I made then some popcorn and I put on UP. We all sat there and watched the movie. Both girls eventually fell asleep from playing so hard. I cleaned up the house and finished making some dessert that I had started earlier. I walked back in and they were curled up together on the couch. I smiled and took a picture. I finished up some other things and they were both awake. "Hi girls. Did you have a good nap?" They smiled and laughed. "Can we play a little longer?" I smiled and nodded. They played for a little while longer and eventually Ameiya's mom came and picked her up. We all said goodbye and we promised the girls another play date soon. They hugged and I shut the door. I walked back into the kitchen and began making dinner. "Thank you Li" "You're welcome baby. Did you have fun?" She nodded. "What's for dinner?" "I'm going to make some chicken and some french fries. How does that sound?" "Yummy" We talked a little more about Ameiya and things that have happened. It's safe to say my little girl now has her very first best friend....

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