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Louis: "Lou! (Y/N)! Quick!" Jay practically shouts from the living room. You looked at Louis and rushed into the living room, your heart racing, "What? Who's hurt?" You shout, staring at her. "No, no one's hurt. Just watch Quin." She says softly, pointing to Quincy who was standing up in the middle of the room. She took a few steps before falling to the ground. You smile and turn to Louis, "Now if only we can get Gray off his bum." He laughs as he picks her up.

Niall: Niall tiredly rubbed his eyes as he walked into Sophie's room, stopping in the doorway as he looked at her standing in her crib. "Princess, what're you doing?" He laughs before calling for you. You rushed in and grinned, "Sophie girl! Did you pull yourself up?" You laugh as you lift her out of bed. "Too big little girl...You're getting too big." Niall smiles, kissing her head. "Next think you know she'll be running up and down the stairs." He jokes.

Liam: "Alright, big man. Let's do this." He grins, helping Ben up into a standing position. Ben gripped onto Liam's index fingers and wobbled slightly. You held you breathe as you watched, scared that he might fall even though Liam was right there. Ben slowly took a step forward and Liam grinned, "Few more dude. C'mon." He encouraged. Ben smiled and took a few forward, letting go of Liam. He took one more step and fell on his butt, giggling. "You're getting too big." Liam laughs, watching you as you wipe your tears.

Zayn: You watched as Caroline slowly stood up on her own and walked effortlessly over to Niall who was sitting on the floor next to Liam. "Did she just walk over here to me?" He laughs. You nod with a small smile, "Yeah, she's been doing that a lot now. She just...took off one morning and that was that. She's making her way around the house now by herself." You laugh as Zayn watches her walk back over to him. "My little girl is amazing, aren't you Car?" He grins, throwing her up in the air.

Harry: You stood Olivia up on her mat in the living room and slowly moved your hands away from her sides, allowing her to stand there. "C'mere Liv." Harry smiled, holding his arms open. She grinned and took a slow step forward, wobbling slightly. She took another step giggled as Harry encouraged her. Suddenly, she took two more, rushing over to Harry, leaving you speechless. Harry laughed and kissed her before turning her around and watching as she made her way to you. "Good job baby girl!" You grin, kissing her multiple times. "Oh mummy's so proud of you."

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