Your child find out that you used to have another child

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Your child find out that you used to have another child


Harry: You and Harry never talked about you dead son. He was 10 when he committed suicide and you daughter was only 1 at that time and can hardly remember him. She's now 13 and it isn't until she finds your diary she finds out about her older brother. After he died you and Harry went to a therapist and she told you to write a diary, so that's what you did.
"What are you reading?" you ask you daughter, as she sits on her bed reading a black, old book.
"Oh... It's... Ehm..." she says and try to it.
"What?" you say.
"Don't get mad, but I found your diary. Sorry, but it's really depressing to read! And who's William?" she asks. You sit down on her bed and take the book.
"When you were 1 year old your brother died. You don't remember him?" you say.
"I... remember a boy, but I don't remember him as William... How did he die?"
"He committed suicide... He took some pills."
"Why did he do that?" You start crying. You haven't talked about him in so many years.
"He was bullied in school. He thought no one liked him, not even us. He always said we never had time to be with him anymore and that we always took care of you."

Louis: Louis and his mom is sitting in the living room, talking about random stuff. They start talking about your son, who died 5 years ago and two years later you had another child.
"What are you talking about?" your 3 year old daughter says and yawn, as she stands in the walk towards Louis.
"Nothing," he says and pick her up to put her on his lap.
"Who are you talking about? I heard you walked about someone named Markus..." she says and look up at Louis with her blue, tired eyes.
"Markus was your brother, but he... died some years ago..." Louis says, getting tears in his eyes.
"Oh. Do you still love him?" she asks.
"Yes, of course we do," both Louis and his mom says and smile at you daughter.

Niall: "Why have never told me I had a brother?!" your son yell as he walk through the front door.
"What?" Niall says, pretending not to know what he talks about. Your son walks into the living room, where you and Niall sit.
"Today one of the old teachers on my school told me about a boy named Noah today and that she has him as a student when he was alive. I asked what she meant and she just said "I thought you knew"... What the fuck did she mean?!" he says and sits down on the couch next to you.
"Just after you were born, your brother Noah died," you say and take his hand.
"And you never told me?" he said.
"No, we couldn't make ourselves do that. We thought it was... the best to just... forget. We thought, that if you knew about Noah you would feel less loved," Niall says.
"Why would I feel less loved. I'm just sort of angry that you never told me," you son says, but still forgiving you.

Liam: "Dad?" your 13 year old daughter says one day, when her and Liam sits in the couch, while you're at work. She's looking through some pictures from when she was younger.
"Yes, love?" Liam says and look at her.
"Who's this girl in this picture?" she asks pointing to a picture of her when she was a baby and another girl, holding her.
"That's Olivia. She's your sister," Liam says in a sad voice.
"What?! My sister?" your daughter says "What happened to her?"
"When you were just 6 months old, Olivia was raped and killed afterwards. She was only 13 years old, just like you are now," Liam says, starting to cry. She puts her arms around him and sigh.
"Why did you never tell me?" she asks, almost crying herself.
"I don't know. When you were younger, your mom said that you were too young to know, so she waited and I guessed we just... God, this make us sound like awful parents, but we forgot her," Liam says.
"Not to make you feel worse that you properly already do, it actually make you sound like an awful parent, when you say you "forgot" about your dead daughter!" she says and giggle a little, trying to make him feel better.
"Shut up," Liam laugh and kiss the top of her head.

Zayn: "Who's that?" your 2½-year old daugther asks, as you and her sit on you and Zayns bed. She's sitting with your phone, looking at pictures. She has found a picture of Zayn and your son, Lukas, who died when he was 4 years old.
"That's Lukas," you say emotionless. You and Lukas crossed the road and a drunken driver hit you and he died.
"Who's Lukas? Is he your friend?" she asks. You smile at how cute your daughter is.
"Sort of... Or... He used to be," you say, tears forming in your eyes.
"Lukas is your brother," you hear Zayn say. He sits down on the bed and takes your hand.
"But... Where is he?" she says and smile "I want to meet him!" Both of you smile.
"You can't ," he says, getting serious.
"Why?" she asks, getting a little sad.
"Cause he's not here. He's up there," Zayn says and point up, towards the sky.
"What's he doing there? Why isn't he here? Doesn't he like me?" she says, starting to cry.
"I'm sure he would love you if he knew you..." you say.
"But why isn't he here?!" she say again.
"Do you remember when Boris went to the vet and didn't come back?" you say.
"Did Lukas go to the vet to?" she ask confused.
"No. But he's with Boris," you say.
"So he's never coming back? He'll never visit me?"
"No. When you were a little baby, you met him, but then he had to go," Zayn says and start to cry too.

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