PARENTING SERIES - BABY SERIES : P1: He Talks About The Baby In An Interview

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He Talks About The Baby In An Interview

Louis: "And this morning I got the advantage to meet two of the cutest babies in the world. Lou, congratulations on becoming a daddy." She smiles. "Thank you very much." He laughs as he watches the video of you and Louis that morning carrying the twins into the studio for the interview. "They're my pride and joy." "I can tell. What's your favorite part about parenthood so far?" He lets out a slow breathe and sighs, "Oh man, that's a tough one...I'd have to say those late nights. I mean even though it's three in the morning and I'm half asleep, when I go in there and see them, they automatically put a smile on my face. That's our bonding time. I love it. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for them." He grins. "Congratulations once again. They're perfect."

Niall: The interviewer continued to ask them all questions, but Niall barely answered. All he could think about was you and Sophie back at home and how that morning Sophie hadn't been feeling good. "Niall, you seem a bit jumpy today. Everything alright?" She asked. "Oh, yeah. I'm just thinking about the Misses and the baby." He smiles. "Oh." She nods. "Yeah, Soph had a stomach ache when I left this morning and I'm just hoping that she's feeling better now." He nods. She smiles and watches his eyes light up as he spoke about her. "Do you have a picture of her? I've only seen the few you put on twitter." He nods and digs his phone out of his pocket, pulling up a picture he took the night before. "Here's my little princess." He grins, passing it to her. "That's my girl."

Liam: You stood to the side, watching as Liam and the rest of the boys took their seats and began their interviews. Ben was fast asleep in your arms and you were smiling as you watched Liam glance over at you both every few seconds. Ben started moving around in your arms and let out a small cry. You got up from your seat and started walking back to the dressing rooms so you wouldn't interrupt them. "Whoa, babe come back." Liam shouts, "C'mere, she was going to ask me about Ben and then he cried. She wants to see him." He says, waving you back to the set. You nod and walk over to them. "Oh my goodness." The interviewer smiles as you walk over to her. "He looks just like you, (Y/N)." She laughs, "Sorry Liam." He shakes his head and smiles as you pass Ben to him. "Hi buddy."

Zayn: All the boys had a one on one interview with Barbra Walters and it was finally Zayn's turn. She asked him the regular routine questions and then finally brought up Caroline. "How did you feel when she was finally here?" She asks. Zayn laughs softly and shook his head. "I just...Even though she was right there laying on (Y/N)'s chest and crying, it still didn't seem real to me. I literally couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she was here. I remember clearly the moment (Y/N) told me she was pregnant, the first sonogram, the kick, everything, but when it comes to the birth it was all a blur until I saw her. When I saw Caroline for the first time...She was all that mattered to me. She's the best thing that's happened to me, along with my wife. I wasn't put here to sing or be in a popular boyband, I was put here to have that perfect little girl and to care for her and (Y/N)." He said, realizing that he had rambled. "Sorry...I just really love her." He laughs.

Harry: "So Harry, you recently just became a father." Savannah Guthrie of the Today Show smiled. Harry nodded with a small smile. "That I did." She smiles, "Tell us about it. How're you and (Y/N) adjusting to parenthood?" He shifts in his seat and his eyes light up. "It's absolutely amazing. Her name is Olivia Rae and she's the most perfect little thing, I swear. She's a perfect mix of (Y/N) and I and even though she's only a month and a half old, she is already acting like us both." He laughs. Savannah smiles and points to a picture up on the large screen to their side. "Here is a picture that your wife sent us today." She smiles. "Oh! I took that this morning!" Harry grinned. "She was all giggly today and I just thought it captured her perfectly..."

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