Baby/Toddler Moments

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Baby/Toddler Moments

Liam Payne: 'Mr Payne, we're ready for you.' Your husband's heart leapt; this was the moment he'd been waiting for for the last nine months. The doctor pushed open your hospital door and Liam quietly walked in. You looked up and smiled, your newborn daughter safe in your arms. A lump caught in Liam's throat as he sat down next to you. For a moment, there was silence, until Liam whispered,
'Can I hold her?' You nodded and handed your daughter over. Liam looked at her in wonder. Her blue eyes widened, as if knowing that she was in her daddy's arms. 'Hi, baby, I'm your daddy.' Liam cooed. Tears of joy gradually made their way down your cheeks as you watched the pair. 'What're we gonna call her, darling?' Liam asked, gently rocking the infant back and forth in his arms.
'How about... Jasmine? Jasmine Elizabeth?' Liam's eyes lit up.
'I knew I married you for a reason.' he teased. You were too exhausted to whack him, so you just settled for giving him the Finger. 'Look at that, Jasmine, your mommy's being rude. Actually, don't look at that. Can't have my princess being corrupted!' You frowned playfully.
'I thought I was your princess!'
'Jasmine's my princess. You, however, are my queen.' You both chuckled. Liam looked lovingly down at his daughter. 'Welcome to the world, Jasmine Elizabeth Payne.'

Harry Styles: Harry was trying to teach your daughter, 18-month-old Darcy, how to walk. However, the video camera in your husband's hand was evidently more interesting. 'Come on sweetie, just a little further!' Harry cooed. Darcy looked at the camera, then at him, then at you (you were leaning against the doorframe, watching) and then back at the camera. She pointed up at you and then mumbled,
'Mama?' Your eyed widened as you rushed forward to take her up into your arms, ignoring Harry's shocked face.
'Yeah, that's right darling! I'm your Mama! And who's that?' You asked, pointing at Harry, who was still filming.
'Mama!' Darcy gurgled. You giggled hysterically at Harry's face, a mixture between amusement and embarrassment.
'I told you not to grow out your hair, babe.' You teased, fluffing Harry's hair.

Niall Horan: Your husband was (naturally) nervous when the time came for you and your son, James, to go home from hospital.
'Princess, are you sure you're going to be alright? There's already a crowd of fans and paps out there.' Niall fretted as you collected the last of your belongings. You giggled and pecked his cheek.
'Babe, I'm fine. James is fine. Stop worrying.' He sighed.
'I've still called security for you. It takes the name of Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam.' You giggled.
'Why do I think only Liam will be suitable for this job?' He laughed. James started crying a little bit, but after you put him into his car seat and popped a pacifier into his mouth, his crying ceased. 'There you go, baby.' you cooed, stroking his tiny cheek.
'Y/N! Niall, are you ready?' Liam asked, popping his head into the room. You and Niall looked at each other before smiling.
'Yeah, Liam. Coming.' Niall led the way into the hallway and the boys formed a protective circle around you and James, Niall taking hold of the hand that wasn't clutching onto James's car seat. As predicted, a swarm of fans was banging on the doors, screams heard from every direction.
'GET BACK! GET BACK!' You heard Paul, Preston and the rest of security shout. Surprisingly, the fans co-operated and stepped back. One girl, however, risked clawing James's car seat.
'Touch. Him. Again.' Louis growled. The girl whimpered and stepped back. You were momentarily surprised at Louis's protectiveness over his godson (yes, you and Niall made Louis and Eleanor the godparents). Everyone reached the van without further incident.
'And that, James, is what Daddy has to go through every day!' you joked, making the boys laugh.

Louis Tomlinson: You and Louis were on the brink of getting a good night's sleep for the first time in months before you heard your 10 day old daughter, Zoe, scream. You groaned and made to stand up, but Louis gently pushed you back, saying,
'You've done enough, sweetheart. My turn.' You mumbled your thanks and slumped down onto the pillows. Louis darted into Zoe's room. 'Hey, baby girl. What's the matter? Shh, shh, Daddy's here now. Daddy's here.' Zoe looked up at him with her wide blue eyes, identical to his. He picked her up and rocked her back and forth. Her screams gradually turned into sobs, then into cries, then into gurgles and then she finally fell asleep, warm and safe in her father's arms. 'There we go. Goodnight, darling.' Louis kissed her forehead and placed her back into her cot. He hurried back into your bedroom and clambered back into bed. 'She just wanted some attention, so I cuddled her for a bit before she fell asleep again,' he murmured, kissing your hair.
'How did I ever get so lucky?' you mumbled, cuddling into his toned chest again. Louis wrapped his arms around your waist.
'I love you, Y/N.' he whispered.
'I love you too, Louis.' you whispered back. Louis hummed 'Little Things' before you both fell asleep.

Zayn Malik: 'Zayn, Clara, I'm home!' You sang, hanging your coat up and kicking off your trainers.
'In the living room, honey!' Zayn's deep Bradford voice replied. Your brow furrowed in confusion; it sounded like he was moving... Deciding to go and investigate, you followed your husband's voice. Once in the living room, you started to giggle. Zayn and your five year old daughter Clara were watching 'Beauty and the Beast', Clara dressed in her Belle costume, and copying the dance moves perfectly. You giggled to yourself as you leant on the doorframe to watch, taking out your phone to record them on video. Clara spotted you after two minutes of filming, rushing over to hug your legs.
'Mummy, you can be Belle, Daddy can be Beast and I can be Chip the cup!' she giggled delightedly. You smiled, stopped recording and picked your daughter up, balancing her on your hip. Zayn passed you, pecking your cheek on his way, and went off to the kitchen to start making dinner.
'Well, sweetie, I think Daddy's gonna put some dinner on now.' She pouted. 'But after dinner, we can have a Disney movie night?' Clara's small face lit up.

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