#07 - Pregnancy Series - Finding Out The Gender

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#07 - Pregnancy Series - Finding Out The Gender

Louis: "Oh look at them..." Jay smiled, staring at the screen. Louis grinned, looking over at you as his mum continued to talk softly about the babies. "Are we sure you don't want to know the gender right now?" The doctor asked. "Absolutely. We want you to write it down and give it to my mum and she'll surprise us at our baby shower in a few weeks." Louis said. She nodded and wrote the two genders down on a tiny slip of paper and handed it to Jay. Her eyes instantly light up, making you smile. "Oh...I'm going to have fun with this." Jay grins.

Niall: "Do we have a specific gender we want?" She asks as the baby popped up on the screen. "No...but, if I had to pick I want a little girl." Niall grins. "I want a boy first. It was always nice to have a big brother." You smile, squeezing Niall's hand. "Well...your little one is doing great. You're moving right along...and your baby girl is perfect." She smiles. "Girl? Did you say baby girl?" Niall asked, jumping up from his chair. "I sure did. You're having a little girl." She laughed. "Oh my God...Oh my God. A girl." He said jumping up and down before sitting back down and kissing the side of your stomach and then you.

Liam: The one day you needed Liam to be with you the most, was the one day that they wouldn't let him leave the studio. You both decided that you wouldn't find out the gender since he wasn't going to be there. You didn't want to be the only one who knew, neither did he. When he came home that evening, he found you snuggled up in bed and the sonogram on his bedside table. "How's little peanut doing in there?" He asked, slipping in beside you. "Perfect. Heartbeat is strong, weighs around two pounds already." You say, snuggling up to his side. "I didn't find out the gender...but the doctor knows. I have a feeling it's a girl, but I don't know." You smile. "A girl, huh?" He asks, kissing your forehead. "A girl would be nice."

Zayn: "So, you two don't want to know?" The doctor asked as she began the sonogram. "Nope...We want to be surprised when the little one pops out." You smile. She nods and you take Zayn's hand, bringing it up to your mouth, kissing his knuckles lightly. "Here's the head...and here's the arms. Baby is measuring at one pound, which is great. You're doing everything right." She smiles. You nod and finish the appointment quickly, going back to the car with Zayn. "Hey...C'mere." He says softly before pulling you into a tight embrace. "I know we weren't going to find out, but when you went to the bathroom...I kinda asked the doctor and she told me the gender." He whispers. You pull back and laugh, "Seriously?" He nods, smiling sheepishly. "Well...tell me then!" You laugh. He grins and looks down at you, "We're going to have a mini you running around our house." Your eyes went wide and you stared up at him. "A girl?" You whisper. "A girl." He smiles and hugs you again.

Harry: You sat down at your desk in your office and smiled when Harry's face popped up on the desktop. "Hey babe!" He grinned, leaning closer to the camera. You smile and lean back in your chair, chatting with him while he sat on the tour bus in the back to not bother the boys. "So...I went to the doctor today." You smiled. "Oh yeah! It was the big gender reveal." He grins. You nod and grab the sonogram, here's the little tiny thing." You smile, holding it up for him to see. "What do you think it is?" You ask. "It's a boy. I know it." He smiles. You laugh and grab the second sonogram. "Well, hate to break it to you, but it's a girl." You grin. "Wait...are you serious?" He asks softly. You nod and begin to tear up when he hides his face in his hands, obviously crying. "A daughter..." He whispers, smiling wide as he shook his head. "I have a daughter."

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