#01 - Pregnancy Series - Thoughts About Having Children

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#01 - Pregnancy Series - Thoughts About Having Children

Louis: He grinned down at his new little brother, "Finally another man." He laughs softly as you stared down at the little girl in your arms. "I'm going to teach you how to play football and (Y/N) will teach your sister how to be nice and kind and perfect." He says, babbling on and on to the newborn baby in his arms. You glance over at him and smile before turning your gaze back down to your newest sister-in-law, "You're going to love your big bubby." You whisper and press your lips to her forehead. A little bit later you returned the twins back to Jay and her fiance before saying goobye to the girls. As you were walking to the car, Louis reached over and grabbed your hand, squeezing it lightly. "I think it's time we try..." He says softly. "You don't think it'll be weird if your siblings will be close in age to our baby?" You ask, raising your eyebrows. "We'll get over it." He grins. s

Niall: You stood in the doorway watching Niall lay on the couch with the tiny baby laid against his chest. Niall's brother and sister-in-law had asked you to watch Theo for the night so they could get away. Theo let out a small grunt, kicking his tiny legs up slightly. Niall kissed his head and rubbed his back lightly. "I bet you want auntie (Y/N). Yeah...You like her." He mumbles, sitting him up on his chest. "Support his head." You say quickly. He jumped slightly at the sound of your voice, not knowing you were behind him. "Go see (Y/N)." He says softly and holds him towards you. You grab him quickly and lay him down in your arms. "You're going to be such a good mum to our kids." He whispers as he gets up and stretches. "Oh, so we're having kids now?" You tease as you gently rocked Theo. "Like it or not, we're having kids." He shrugs before walking over and pecking your cheek. "I want four so be ready." He smiles against your neck. "Perfectly fine with me." You whisper back, staring down at Theo, trying to imagine your own baby.

Liam: You ran your finger up his chest and stopped at his collarbone. His eyes were closed and his breathing was steady. You figured he was asleep by the way he had a peaceful look on his face. "I want a baby." He says suddenly, making you stop your fingers as they trailed down his chest. "W-What?" You ask, sitting up and looking down at him. His eyes opened and looked up at you. "I really want a baby (Y/N). I think we're ready..." He says softly, running his hand over your thigh. You nod and tuck your hair behind your ear. "But your job and everything." You mutter, "It's going to get in the way." He sits still for a second before nodding, "If you're not ready, tell me." You take a deep breath and look at him. "I'm not opposed to the idea." You shrug. "Then how about this? We'll just have sex...and if it happens, it happens." He says, gently massaging your thigh. You nod in agreement. "Sounds like a plan."

Zayn: You stood aside from Zayn as a group of girls walked up to him. A young mum stood with her young daughter next to her with a new baby in her arms. You immediately noticed the baby and smiled, staring at the cute little chubby face. You instantly felt like you had baby fever and you wanted to hold the baby badly. After her little girl took a picture with Zayn (including the baby of course) the mum turned to you and smiled, "Can I get a picture of you and the little ones?" She asked. You nodded eagerly and carefully took the baby from Zayn. You smiled down at the little girl and squatted down so you were at the little girls level. She snapped a picture quickly. You reluctantly gave the baby back to her and waved goodbye as you were ushered inside by security. "Hey...C'mere." Zayn says softly, pulling you towards his chest. "What's up?" You asked. "I saw the way you looked at that baby back there..." He says softly, brushing his thumb over your cheek. You nodded, staying silent as you felt a rush of red go to your face. "Why don't we try for one?" He whispers against your lips. You nod and kiss him, "That would make my world." You say with a small laugh.

Harry: You smiled and hugged Gemma lightly after she revealed to you and Harry that her and her fiance were expecting a baby. The rest of the afternoon while they were at your house, you were off in your own land in your head. After they left Harry sat down next to you and sighed, "Alright...Spill it." You looked over at him, your eyebrows furrowed. "Huh?" He sighs and rubs your back, "What's wrong? The moment Gem announced she was pregnant was the moment your face twisted and have been quiet ever since." He mumbles. You stood up and grabbed the drinks that had been left on the coffee table. "It's nothing. It's stupid. Forget it." You mumble as you walked off to the kitchen and sat the cups in the sink. "Babe...Not telling me is not going to make you feel better. I know it." He sighs. You turn to him, your eyes watery. "I just...I really want a baby." You mutter as a few tears slipped out. "Whoa, hey, why are you crying?" He says, wrapping his arms around you. "Because I feel like you don't want kids right now and I've wanted one for a while and I just never ask-" You began to ramble but his lips cut you off. "I wish one of us would have said something sooner..." He says softly. "We're trying, okay? We're going to start trying as soon as we can. We're going to have a baby." He says, rubbing your back. "I promise."

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