Your child gets jealous because he spends time with Lux

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Preference #100: Your child gets jealous because he spends time with Lux.
"No, I don't want to go to her birthday!" your daughter said to Harry when you were about to go to Lux birthday.
"Why not? She's a nice girl! You two can be friends!" he said kneeling in front of her.
"No, I don't want daddy! She wants to take you away from me, you're always with her" he smiled and closed his eyes.
"Baby, she's the daughter of my stylist but I love you more than anyone in the world. I would never leave you. Come on you're gonna have fun. I love you so much darling" he said to your daughter hugging her.
"Me too daddy"

You found your child crying in her bedroom and you run towards him. "Hey, what is it baby?"
"Dad doesn't love me anymore. She found another daughter" she said pointing to a picture of him a Lux.
"Oh baby, come here" you said lifting her up and hugging her. "Dad loves you so much"
"Then why I can't be with him and Lux can?" You sighed and kissed her cheek.
"Because she's the daughter of their stylist and she travels with them. I can't because I have to work but I promise when I'm on holiday we're gonna be with dad ok darling?" she nodded and hugged you tightly while you tried to wipe away her tears from her eyes.

"Dad! Come on let's play Batman!" your son said to your husband
"Oh, not now kiddo, I'm tired" he said. He has come back from tour three hours ago and that was a long journey.
"But, daddy! You barely spend time with me! You're always with Lux! Don't you love me anymore?" he said sad.
"Of course I love you sweetheart! You're the most important person for me" he said smiling to him.
"Then why you don't want to play with me?"
"Look, let me rest an hour or so and then we play whatever you want ok? Daddy's exhausted now"
"Ok, but later!"
"Done!" he said giving your son a kiss on the cheek.

When you were going to visit Lux and his family because Lou was going to do your hair, Lux run to your husband arms. "Uncle Zayn!" she said hugging him. He lifted her up and kissed her cheek. "Hi Lux, how are you?" While you were with your hair wet you saw your Zayn and Lux were coloring but your son was there looking at them a little bit upset. "Darling, what's wrong?" you asked him kneeling toward his height. "Daddy doesn't want to play with me" "What? That's not true, dad always wants to play with you" "She's always with Lux mummy" Your son started crying and Zayn noticed it, he went towards him to hugged him but he rejected him. "Hey, what's wrong with you kiddo?" he said worried. "You don't want to spend time with me, so I won't spend time with you" he gave him a weird look and asked him why he said that. When he explained everything to him he felt a little bit guilty and then suggested to go with the two of them to play football.

Lou asked you to take care of Lux while she and Tom were on some event. You agreed and soon she was with you, Niall and your daughter. Niall was playing with Lux making her a crown and playing some songs when your daughter went towards you and sat next to you. "Hey baby, what's up" She looked at you with her beautiful big blue eyes with tears on them. "Hey, what's wrong?" you asked worried and hugged her. "Daddy doesn't want me, he prefers Lux. Look, he's making her a crown of princess.... He always says I'm his princess but he's a liar!" "Awww babe, that's because you don't need a crown, your a princess just the way you are" Niall walked in the room and saw the two of you hugging. "Hey princess, you want to come with me and Lux to buy some ice cream?" he asked her smiling. She shook her head and you gave him a look like saying talk to her. You left the room and Niall sat next to her "Hey, what's wrong with you sweetheart?" "Daddy, you think I'm a princess?" she asked with her tiny voice. "Of course I think that! If I didn't thin that I wouldn't have called you my princess" "But do you love me?" "Of course I love you! Why are you saying this?" "You spend so much time with Lux.„" she said and Niall understood everything. "Although I spend more time with her than you because she travels with me and the boys it doesn't mean that I love you less than her, because that's not true. I love you to the infinite and beyond, never forget that ok?" she nodded and hugged her dad while he picked the girls to buy ice cream.

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