You and Your Child Surprise Him on Tour

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You and Your Child Surprise Him on Tour

Niall:"Shh, let's go see daddy." you said, rocking you baby girl in your arms. You had just arrived at the hotel the boys were staying in, you kept a low profile because you were surprising Niall. The only person who knew you were coming was Paul, he was currently with you keeping the both of you safe. He lead you up to Niall's room and knocked on the door. You and your daughter were hid behind Paul's larger exterior. "What's up, Paul?" you heard the familiar Irish accent say. "I got a surprise for you." Paul said, moving to the side to reveal you and your daughter. "W-what?" he stuttered, pulling you into a hug. He held onto you tight, but not enough to hurt the little person that was in between you too. "I'm so happy to see you two," he said, giving you a kiss, "come here princess." He pulled your daughter out of his arms and into his, he gave her a kiss and talked to her in baby talk. It was a cute sight to see. You guys all walked into the hotel room, with the help of Paul, and spent the rest of the night as a family. Seeing how happy he was to see the both of you made you feel very loved and missed.

Zayn: You had been on a never ending flight, well it ended but it felt like forever before it did. You and your 2 year old son went straight to the arena the boys were playing at as soon as you got off the flight. Surprisingly no one noticed you guys, lucky for you because you were trying to surprise Zayn. You got tot he arena, being let in quickly because you were well known with the security staff. You and your son sat backstage while the boys performed, your son kept asking for his 'dada' whenever he saw him on the big screen. During the boys break you went ans stood off to the side of the stage while they came down. Zayn almost bypassed you until your son squealed and called for him, Zayn instantly turned around with a bug smile on his face. "YN, what are you guys doing her?" he said, grabbing your son and pulling you into a hug. You laughed and so did he, "Surprise." "Well this is a great surprise, but I have to get changed, babe." "Oh, I know. Go. We'll be here when you're done." He handed you back your son, giving you both a kiss before going back to get changed. He made a shout out to you two during the concert saying he was very happy to have you, both, there.

Louis: Your twins had been asking for their dad for weeks now, the time apart was killing all of you. You decided to fly out to see him, with the help of the boys and Paul of course. When you arrived Paul picked you up and took you to the place the boys were being interviewed. You guys stood backstage while the boys worked trying to keep all the attention away from you. When it was almost over you took the kids into their dad's dressing room and within a couple minutes he walked in. "Daddy!" they both yelled in unison. He was shocked as they went and tackled him, making him laugh as you walked over to him. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked, getting up with the kids in his arms. He put them down an walked to you. "We missed you." you said, giving him a hug. "I missed you guys, too. This is a nice surprise." He gave you a kiss before the kids interrupted by hugging his legs. They missed him, as did you, and he missed all of you. He was thankful that you surprised him because he was going crazy not seeing you guys.

Harry: You had been trying to calm down your baby boy while waiting for Harry to return back to his hotel room from his concert, but he wouldn't stop crying. You had decided to surprise him because you missed him, so with the help of security you made it to his hotel in one piece. Your son's crying was so loud that you didn't hear Harry walk in the door. "Babe? Wh-hat? You're here!" he exclaimed, walking over to the both of you. "Yeah, but he won't stop crying. I don't think he liked the flight and he's so tired. This was supposed to be a nice surprise not one where the baby keeps crying." you said. He smiled and took your son in his arms, he sang to him making him fall asleep. You smiled at the sight before you, he went and put the baby down before pulling you into his embrace. "I'm happy you're here. Both of you." "Me too." you mumbled, into his shirt. You guys sat on the couch and caught up, when the baby cried Harry was the one to comfort him. He said he missed his 'daddy duties', so you let him be. It was nice to see him with your son, it was nice to be with him again.

Liam: Your three year old daughter was running around the airport, while you waited to get picked up by Paul or one of the boys. You were currently trying to surprise Liam, you heard a lot of noise coming so you suspected it was on of the boys causing attention. You got your daughter and waited to see one of them come, but instead yo saw Liam. He saw you and ran to you, quickly giving you a hug before picking up his little girl."Liam. I was trying to surprise you." you pouted. He laughed and pulled you into him, still with your daughter in his arm. "Well, it backfired and I surprised you. None of the boys could make it and Paul couldn't say no to me when I found out you were coming. It's still a surprise, babe. I missed you guys, thanks for coming." He smiled, making you smile too. "Well, I guess it wasn't completely ruined. We missed you, too." you said, giving him another hug, You guys walked out together, hand in hand and your daughter being held by her dad. The surprise was on you, but he kept telling you it surprised him that you came. All three of you were happy to be together again.


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