GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM):part 4:first steps

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GROWING UP SERIES: Part 4: First Steps

Liam's POV
It was getting close to (y/n)'s bedtime when I decided I was going to help her walk. She had all of it: the balance, the motivation, the eagerness. The poor girl just couldn't get her legs up and walk. She could walk holding onto someone or holding onto an object, like the coffee table, but I wanted her to walk on her own. We were sitting in the living room, playing with her toys I had recently bought her. "Baby, you walk?" I cooed as she played with a doll. She laughed and grabbed towards me, so I picked her up and held onto her and let her walk a few steps. I sat back down in front of her and held her hands. I slowly let go with one hand and she began to lose her balance. "Whoa there, balance sweetheart" I encourage picking her up. She looked at me and smiled. I let go and just let her stand there, my arms close to her in case she fell. She stood there and lifted her leg, but set it back down. I grabbed onto one of her little hands and encouraged her to begin moving. She took one step and almost fell, so I caught her. "Good job baby!" I smiled at her. I always heard praise and encouragement works on a baby. "Come on, come to Li" I cooed at her. I let go of her and she fell. "That's okay sweetie, we'll try again in the morning" I carried her up and put her in her crib. "Night baby, love you" I whispered.
___next morning
I woke up and got (y/n) out and changed her. We walked into the kitchen and I set her down on the floor. I walked over and began to make breakfast, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw her standing up. I watched carefully as she deliberated whether to take a step or not. "Come on baby, you can do it. Come here and get yummies" I encouraged holding my hands out. She took two steps and fell. I flipped out on the inside, but kept encouraging her to walk to me. "Come on, you're almost there bug, just a little farther!" She took a few more steps and she was there "Baby!! You did it! You walked!" I had never felt more pride in her or myself. That was our first "Special Moment". Walking. She can finally walk. We worked on walking all day. By the end of the night, she was able to walk to me from one side of the living room to the next. I called the boys and told them.Harry demanded a video and Niall demanded pictures. I took lots of pictures and a video and sent them all to the boys. I was so excited now that she could walk, I just wasn't looking forward to having to chase her everywhere. She was like the light I had been missing in my life. I never thought that this would happen. Seeing her first walk, and having her with me all the time. I could get used to it. I'm so looking forward to raising her. I am going
to be the best guardian possible. I smiled at (y/n). She was trying to walk around the living room. She was a spitting image of our mother. I didn't like that. I wanted (y/n) to have a new start. And I'm going to be that new start.

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