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Parenting Series (Children) - Surprise

Louis: After deciding that you two wanted to try for another baby, you had no time to actually try. One night both of the twins went to bed early, giving you and Louis and window of opportunity. He hovered above you as he moved in and out of you quickly, making you moan into his neck, trying to keep quiet. You both were getting near your end just as your door flung open and Grayson stood in the doorway. "Hey bud...what's up?" Louis asks as he slowly climbed off of you. "I had a bad dream..." He mumbled. "Okay bud, why don't you go back to bed and I'll come in a just a second." Louis smiles. Grayson nods and shuffles down the hall while you wrap yourself up. "Next time, we're locking the door." You mumble.

Niall: You sat in the waiting room, bouncing your knees up and down as you waited for the doctor to emerge from the delivery room doors. Just two months ago, you and Niall had received a call from the adoption agency, telling you the great news that a young mum had picked you to adopt her baby girl. Thankfully you had gotten everything ready because early this morning you had gotten the call that the mother had gotten into a bad car wreck, making her delivery the baby ten weeks early. The doctor walked out and you stood up quickly, followed by Niall who was holding a sleeping Sophie to his chest. "The baby and the mum are okay. Your daughter is going to be put in the NICU because she's too young to live on her own....She'll be in there for a good amount of time..." She says, explaining everything that would happen over the next few months. After she left, Niall leaned down and kissed you, "She'll be okay. She'll pull we have to think of a name."

Liam: When you began feeling light headed, you pushed it to the back of your mind. But, when you looked down and realized that you were bleeding, you knew something was wrong. Liam rushed you to the hospital, leaving Ben with his parents on the way. After your examination, the doctor revealed to you and Liam that you had been pregnant and you had miscarried your child. Even though you two had no idea you were pregnant, you were crushed. Liam hugged you tightly as you cried into his shoulder, "I know that it hurts...and I know that it's going to hurt you more than it does me because you went through it physically, but I promise you that we can do it. We got through it before when you lost the baby before Ben...we can do it now. Once you're all healed up and you're ready to move on, we'll try for another little Payne, okay?" He whispers, putting you at ease quickly.

Zayn: You had felt off for weeks now and Zayn finally convinced you to go to the doctor. After your check up, you drove home completely in shock from the news the doctor shared with you. "Hey babe." Zayn greeted as you walked into the living room to find him sitting with Caroline. "H-hey..." You mumble as you sat down across the room from him. "What'd the doctor say, babe?" He asks slowly, noticing your expression. "Um...well, I'm pregnant for starters." You say. He freezes and stares at you with wide eyes. "And it's twins." You nod, playing with your hands. He cleared his throat and nodded, "Um...okay, this is some um...big news." He nods. You nod and get up, leaving him to adjust to the news. After the shock wore off, he joined you in bed and kissed your neck, "I'm excited...I just wasn't expecting that."

Harry: You and Harry learned just last month that you were expecting your first boy and you both were over the moon. You went back for your next monthly check up, not expecting to be shocked by the news from your doctor. He told you that the tests he ran on the baby to make sure he was healthy, came back with a high level or a certain hormone that detects downs syndrome. You sat in your bed that night, running your hand over your growing belly. "He's going to be okay, babe." Harry says from the bathroom. "I know...It's just scary to think that he might have it...I mean, I still love him so so much, but that changes everything." You sigh as you look at him. "Look, if he does have downs...that's great. It's just a sign that God wants us to take care of a very special baby boy. If he doesn't that's great, too. Whatever happens is meant to be." He says softly.

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