#13 - Pregnancy Series - Talking To The Baby

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#13 - Pregnancy Series - Talking To The Baby

Louis: "So they can hear me?" He asks, his eyes wide. "Yeah...They've been able to hear everyone for a long time." You nod, continuing to search through twitter on your phone. He nodded and laid his head down in your lap, lifting your shirt up. "Don't mind me." He said to you as he began to talk to the babies. "And don't worry Quincy, I'll teach you how to play football too, but Grayson will be my footballer." He says once again. "I can't wait till you both are here...We're going to have so much fun."

Niall: "You're going to love little Theo." You carried on as you chopped up the vegetables for dinner that night, not knowing Niall was standing in the doorway watching. "You're going to love Uncle Greg and Aunt Denise, too. Grandma Maura and Grandpa Bobby are pretty amazing too." You say softly, moving around the kitchen. "You're going to be so loved, Soph...." You trail off, staring down at your stomach. "So loved." Niall echoed your words, smiling as you turned around and looked at him.

Liam: "Call me whenever you wake up and before you go to sleep. Call me whenever you need to talk or whatever you need, okay?" Liam asks, brushing your hair out of your face. "You're only gone for three days, I'll be alright Li." You remind him. He nods and lets out a slow breath before kneeling down and kissing your belly. "You be good for mummy peanut. No causing trouble while daddy is gone." He says against your shirt before kissing your belly again. "Love you baby." He says as he came back up to your level and kissed you.

Zayn: You moaned softly as your eyes fluttered open once you felt your shirt being tugged up. Zayn didn't notice and continued his conversation with his unborn daughter. "You're going to be so beautiful, Caroline...You're going to be just like your mummy...Hopefully you'll draw or sing like daddy, but if you don't I won't be mad. You're perfect no matter what. We already love you so much baby...We've loved you since the moment we found out that you were in mummy's belly." He whispers, kissing your belly button. You smile, resting your head back against your pillow, breathing in your scent and falling asleep.

Harry: You leaned back against your pillows and pulled up your shirt, watching your belly jump up and down as Olivia hiccuped. "Harry, she's got em again." You smile, waving him towards you. I smiled and laid on his stomach next to you, watching your belly jump. He placed his head on your chest and wrapped my arm around the bottom of your bump. "Poor Olivia." He says softly as he rubbed your bump. "Calm down in there little girl...Moving around isn't going to get them to go away." He laughs softly as she starts to move around hearing his voice.

A/N:To people who spam me with votes ILYTTMAB ❤️❤️❤️

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