Bringing your kids to one of his shows (Zayn)

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Bringing your kids to one of his shows (Zayn)

Zayn- "I can't believe I'm not going to be able to see you guys on my birthday. It's been hard enough not being able to see you in a month but now, I'm going to spend my birthday alone."
"Honey, you won't be alone. You've got the boys with you! And we can always have one of our skype dates!"
"I know, it just won't be the same. Not being able to see you and the boys is going to kill me. I've got to go now, Paul's calling me. I love you, goodnight." He hung up before you could answer. Zayn and the rest of the boys were on another tour which meant you were going to be home alone with your two boys, Tyler who was 6, and James who was 4. You had just put them to bed and didn't want to disturb so you went to the living room, putting in a movie. You didn't know what movie you grabbed, and frankly you didn't care. You just put the movie on to drown out the sobs that were coming from the couch. You hated when Zayn left. As a kid you had abandonment problems with your father and never could trust any other guy, until Zayn came along. You knew that he would be touring and that you wouldn't always be able to go with him, but you loved Zayn so you put your fears aside and took a chance. You fell asleep on the couch. Slowly sitting up you see Tyler on the chair across from the couch you were laying on.
"Mom, what's wrong?"
"I'm okay, honey. Is your brother awake? How about some breakfast?"
"Mom I heard you crying last night. Is it because dad's gone?"
"I just miss him, but I'm going to be okay. Now go get your brother so I can get breakfast ready." As Tyler walked away a tear slowly sank down your cheek. You weren't going to let your sadness upset your kids. You went over to the kitchen and picked up your phone. "3 missed calls from Harry," you giggled quietly to yourself. Harry and you have been close friends ever since you and Zayn started dating. He's been like a big brother to you. Just as you were going to call Harry back James attacked your leg.
"Good morning mommie!" Your face lit up with joy. "How about we have, um..muffins for breakfast!"
"Sounds like a great idea, sweetie." You got James and Tyler dressed, as well as yourself, and got into the car to drive to the local bakery shop you always go to. Being in a rush you left your phone at home. Once you arrived at the bakery, Tyler and James ran to look at all the different cakes and pastries, while you went up to the counter. Soon, the baker had your box of treats ready and you went over to your son's who were eyeing a birthday cake.
"Mommie, we should get this for daddy and send it to him!" James looked at you with hope in his eye's. That's when it sparked. You had the perfect idea.
"Come on boys. We gotta go home. I've got a big surprise for you and I'm going to need your help!" Without another word the boys were racing to the car. You buckled them in and set the box down in the passenger seat, shuffling around in your purse looking for your phone. After 5 minutes, you gave up and figured you left it at home. Pulling up in your drive way you went to unbuckle the boys, and grab the box of morning treats for the three of you. The boys ran up to the front door, opening it and rushing to the kitchen table, waiting for their surprise. Getting in the house and setting everything down, you run to find your phone. Surprise, you have another missed call from Harry. It was only from 6 minutes ago so you called him back, excited to tell him your surprise.
"Hello, love."
"Harry, I've got the best idea." You told him your plan and he agreed that you should do it.
"I'll be right back (Y/N), I'm going to talk to Paul about this." He put you on hold, but for only about 10 minutes. While waiting you got Tyler and James their muffins. "Okay, I'm back and Paul said he loves the idea. But you're going to have to leave tonight if you want to make it on time."
"I'll be on a flight to New York in a couple hours! Thank you Harry. Tell the boys I love them." You hung up quick, and rushed upstairs to pack a small bag for you and the boys. When you were done you walked into the kitchen. "Boys, go get your shoes and coats on. We're going on a ride." Once everyone was dressed you got into the car and drove over to the airport.
"Mommie why are we at the airport. Where are we going?" James questioned you. Without answering, you went to the service counter and got 3 tickets to New York and handed them to James and Tyler. With their jaws dropped, they ran into your arms. The plan was scheduled to leave in an hour so you had to get through security quick. You made it just in time to board the plane. You were all exhausted so the 9 hour plane ride was mostly spent sleeping. The turbulence eventually ended up shaking you awake so you nudged your son's and their sleepy eyes were still full of joy. The plane landed and you went into the entrance of the airport. Waiting for the car to come pick you up. It was running a bit late, so you hurried to get everything into the car. The driver rushed you to the hotel that Zayn and the rest of the boys were staying at. The plan was that since today was one of their days off, you would get settled into your hotel room, and get ready for your Skype date with Zayn. But little did he know that you were going to be a couple rooms over. You sent Harry a quick text, telling him you were in the lobby of the hotel, and to make sure Zayn didn't leave the room. Your nerves were on fire and you just wanted this to work. After checking in, you grabbed Tyler and James' hand, leading them to elevator. Once it stopped on your floor you quietly walked passed Zayn's door and finally reached your room. Right when you got in the room you got your computer set up and ready for Skype and within second you got a call from Zayn.
"Hey boo!"
"Hello Zayn," you giggled.
"I miss you! I've been so lonely." before you could reply, you heard a crash, followed by crying.
"I'll be right back. I think James got hurt." Leaving the computer, you get up and grab James, rocking him back and forth in your arms. "Harry's supposed to be here anytime soon," you whispered quietly to yourself. After about 5 minutes, Harry finally arrived, taking James in his arms. It was finally time. You ran over to the Skype call and ended it, rushing out of your room, you stood in front of Zayn's door. You can hear him slamming stuff around out of frustration.
You knocked on the door. Your heart pounding, tears already forming in your eyes.
"Leave me alone." Zayn shouted through the door. You knocked again, and this time he ran up to the door, opening it.
"Happy Birthday, Zayn." You jumped into his arms, holding him tight.

a/n : this one is more about suprising him 😋

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