Your Child Cries When He Leaves For Tour

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Your Child Cries When He Leaves For Tour


Harry: You're at the airport with your husband and two year old daughter, standing by the gates with sad expressions and heavy hearts. His job is calling him away again, across the world for yet another tour. It hurts, but he has no choice. Harry does his best to shield his little girl from the screaming fans and flashing lights because he knows how much it frightens her, but there's only so much that he can do. Biting your lip to keep in the tears, you place your hand on top of Darcey's curly head of hair. She looks up at you with a set of confused green eyes, not quite understanding why her father has to leave her behind, why he can't just take her with him. You have to be strong for your daughter, knowing that if you lose it, she will too. Pecking the both of you on the cheek, he turns on his heel and begins to walk through the gates, the lady over the intercom calling out that this is the last call for his flight. "Daddy, wait!" Darcey cries, darting away from you before you can catch her and running towards Harry. Her tiny arms are outstretched before her and he scoops her up, holding her tight against his chest, "Daddy, no, please don't leave! Don't you love us anymore?" She asks, tears streaming down her chubby cheeks as Harry tries not to break down right then and there. "Of course I love you, sweetheart," He croaks, using all of his strength to grin through it, "But this is Daddy's job, you know that. I'll be home soon, I promise. And when I am, I'll take you out on an ice cream date, okay? Just you and me." She smiles in spite of herself and buries her face into his neck, not wanting to let him go. He kisses her head and bounces her up and down a few times, feeling the exact same way.

Liam: It's early in the morning, and you're up helping Liam pack a few little things that he'll need for the plane that he's set to catch in a few hours. Though he's excited about getting back on the road with his four best mates, he'd much rather have you and Eli with him. He hates that he's going to be absent for six months of his son's life, missing his first baseball game, his first day of preschool, and many other things. With a sigh, he closes the suitcase and places his hands on his hips, debating how awful it would be if he actually did decide to stay home. "Daddy?" The both of you whirl your head around to see your four year old standing in the doorway, his favorite dinosaur toy dangling from his hand and his eyes heavy with sleep. Liam smiles and kneels down to his height and asks, "What are you doing up, buddy?" The young boy's bottom lip begins to quiver as he looks at his father, tears building up in his brown eyes. "Daddy, I really don't want you to go," He whines, hiding his face in shame as he cries, like it's something that he's embarrassed of. Glancing back at you, Liam takes the shaking child into his arms, petting his head comfortingly and wishing that there was some way for him to stay. He pulls him away and looks at his son, "I know, buddy, I don't want to go either but I have to. I'm going to need you to do me a favor, okay? Can you do that?" Liam says, raising his eyebrows and anticipating his son's response. When he nods his head, clearly not happy that there's no way to change the situation, Liam continues, "I need you to take care of Mommy. You're the man of the house now, and I need you to keep an eye on her while I'm gone, sound good?" Eli mulls it over in his head for a few moments before a small smile tugs at his lips, feeling important that the man he looks up to so much is trusting him with a job as big as this. He wants to make his father proud, so he accepts his request, prepared to fill Liam's shoes.

Louis: The whole house is asleep as Louis grabs his suitcase and slowly closes the door to the bedroom you two share, so as not to wake you up. It's a little after four in the morning and he's leaving to catch his flight that's set to take him across the world, to bring him to places that you'll only ever get to see in pictures. He pauses for a moment, leaning his head against the door and sighing, hesitant to leave you and the girls home without him. What if something happens? What if one of the kids gets sick? What if his youngest, only two months old, forgets him? Sighing, he lifts his head up, catching sight of a tiny shadow at the end of the hallway. The eldest child, Wendy, is very much awake and watching her father worry himself half to death. She rubs her blue eyes with her tiny fists and yawns, her pink mouth forming a tiny little 'o'. He smiles at her, though he's not sure if she can see it in the dark or not. "Daddy, I wish you wouldn't go," She whispers, holding her stuffed bunny that he bought for her while you were still pregnant with the now five year old, "We need you here." Your husband frowns, hanging his head as a piece of his heart breaks from her words. He can hear her sniffling and automatically crosses the distance between the two of them, taking his beautiful girl into his tattoo covered arms. "I know, angel, I know," He says, kissing the top of her caramel colored hair that smells of the strawberry shampoo you love to buy the kids. He holds her and comforts her for a few moments before speaking again, brushing his fingers through her long locks. "It's going to be alright, Wendy. I'll fly home as soon as I can, I promise. But until then, you're going to have to be strong for Daddy, okay? Can you give me a little smile?" He asks, pulling back a bit so he can see her face, the very face that resembles him in so many ways. They're practically carbon copies of each other. The corner of her lip curls up sadly at him, but he accepts it, understanding exactly how hard it is to put on a smile when all you want to do is cry. "That's my girl," He praises, pulling her in for one more tight hug.

Niall: "Shh, it's alright, Licity, no need for tears!" Niall exclaims, bouncing his two year old daughter up and down in the airport, patting her back rhythmically. She's extremely upset about her father leaving, and there's nothing that you can do to make that any better for her. He glances at you with wide-eyes, him having no idea that it was going to affect her this much. Niall and the boys have been on a break for the past year, and in that time the two of them practically became attached at the hip. She's such a Daddy's girl, so in retrospect, you're not all that surprised by this. She wails into his chest, dampening his plain white t-shirt and causing him to frown. He hates it when his little girl is upset, especially now when it's because of him. Paparazzi snaps photos as he cradles her, whispering words of comfort and trying to figure out some way to calm her down so he can board the plane without feeling like an ass for leaving behind his distraught child. "Daddy, stay!" She cries, earning a sad pout from you upon hearing her words, definitely not expecting that one. It's the first coherent thing she's muttered all night, and it's almost enough to make him listen to her and blow off this tour. He purses his lips, thinking about what he's can possibly say to that desperate plea. He kisses her head, his face getting lost in her mess of blonde hair that she inherited from him. "I wish I could stay, princess, I really do, but you know that I've got to go play music for all the fans," Your husband explains, doing his best to get the point across to the toddler, "I've got to go out there and make you and Mommy proud." Continuing to coax her, he lists off all the great places he's going to go on this tour, and also all the presents he'll bring home.

Zayn: You watch your five year old daughter hug your husband tight, her arms wrapped around his waist as if it could somehow keep him here. A small part of her is used to this by now, the way he's always having to pack up and hop on a plane for weeks on end, and yet it still hasn't gotten any easier. She has a bit too much pride to admit how much it kills her to watch her father leave, but you can see the sadness in her eyes as she waves her little hands at him. This time, however, is different, and as he starts to walk away, she runs into your arms with tears streaming down her sun-kissed face. She's never done this before, and you think that it might be because she's finally getting to the point where she's envious of the fans that get to see him when she doesn't. "Mommy, it's not fair," She sobs, her whole body shaking as you do your best to try and comfort her, to no avail. You catch Zayn's eyes when he turns around to look at his family one last time, and he freezes, taking in the sight of his daughter breaking down. He drops his bags and jogs back over to her, bending down to her level instantly. "Hey, hey, hey Willow, it's alright, it's okay, I'm here," He coos, taking her from you and pulling her to him, the intensity of her cries punching him right in the gut. She hides her face, slightly mortified about her breakdown, but not caring so much now that Zayn's holding her. She begs him to stay, saying that she'll do anything, even clean the whole house so that it's completely spotless. Smiling, he puts his hands on either side of her face, wiping underneath her eyes with his thumbs and catching her fresh tears as well. "Willow, honey, I don't have a choice. If I did, I'd stay home with you, believe me," He admits, hating the way the hope in her eyes fades when he declines her request. She nods her head, slipping back into her calm and placid state from before, understanding that her father is famous and there's nothing he can do about the fact that he's needed elsewhere. She gets it, but it doesn't mean she likes it. He frowns, wishing more than anything that she would smile. This isn't his fault, so why does he feel so awful?

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