Your kid misses him

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Your kid misses him

Your kid misses him while he is out.

Harry: Harry has been at the studio all day, recording with the boys. You were home with your 4 year old daughter Darcy, who was sick. As all kids do when they are sick they whine, and that's exactly what Darcy did all day. It was 8:30 at night, "Mummy when's daddy coming home?" Darcy asks as she sits on the couch wearing one of Harry's jumpers she decided to put on. "I don't know sweet heart, soon I hope" you reply, as you go and sit with her, "I want daddy mummy" she whines and starts to cry, "I know Darc I know, he should be home soon" you say comforting her as you embrace her in your arms. "doesn't daddy like me any more?" she sobs, "of course he does Darcy, he is just working, he will be home soon" you say trying to get her to stop crying, "how about we call Aunty Eleanor, and see what she is doing?" you suggest to get her mind off Harry. "no I want daddy" she whines, "okay shh don't cry, look" you say as you see Harry's headlines pull into the drive way. She looks at you weirdly, you pick her up, and walk to the window, "daddy's home" Darcy says happily, as she peeks through the window as you hold her. Harry walks through the door, and you put Darcy down, Harry drops everything and picks her up straight away, "how's my little princess?" he says tiredly, "I'm sick Daddy" she says, "that's not good" he says, as he kisses her forehead, "no, but mummy has been making me get better" she says cutely, "has she Darcy? Well I think you should give her a big hug and thank her for being an amazing mum" Harry says smiling at you, and you smile, "thank you mummy for being my mummy" Darcy says, and Harry puts her down, "I got you something Darcy" Harry says and he face lights up, "what did you get me daddy?" she asks, and Harry hands her a tweety bird plush toy. "yay thank you Daddy" she says and hugs his legs, "it's okay Darcy, how about you get into bed and I'll be right up to tuck you in okay?" Harry says, "okay, good night mummy" Darcy says as she comes and hugs you, you pick her up, and kiss her, "sweet dreams Darc" you say and Put her down, as she goes up stairs. Harry comes over to you, "hi luv" he says and kisses your lips, "hey Harry, how are you?" "tired, how about you, are you okay?" he asks, "go to bed Harry, I'm fine, Darcy is a handful when she is sick, she takes after you" you joke, "I don't whine when I'm sick do I?" he says, "no not all" you reply, "you love me" he says, "that has nothing to do with anything, but yes I love you Harry" you say, "I'll tuck Darcy in, and I'll come back to spend time with you." Harry says and runs up stairs. After a few minutes he comes back down, "she was out like a light, I got you something too" Harry says as he walks down stairs, "yay what is it?" you ask, "you and I haven't had much time together, so Liam and Danielle offered to take Darcy for tomorrow night" Harry says, "aww that's sweet, thank you Harry" you say and kiss him sweetly, "I love you" "I love you too Harry" you reply, and kiss again but more passionately, "ewwies" you hear and see Darcy standing on the steps as you break away, Harry laughs, "what's wrong Darc?" Harry asks, "I feel sick" she mumbles, "I thought you said she was out like a light?" you whisper to Harry, "she was" Harry replies, "come here Darc" you say and she walks to you and you pick he up, you give her, her medicine, "can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?" Darcy asks, you look at Harry, and Harry sighs, "come on Darc" Harry says and picks her up, and carries her up to your room. You close the lights and go up to your room, and see Darc cuddled up to Harry. "care to come join us?" Harry whispers, you crawl in on the other side of Harry, and cuddle next to him.

Liam: Liam and your 14 year old son Adrian were very close, Adrian was very much like his dad, very caring. You're daughter Stella who was 7 was also close with Liam and missed him dearly when he was on tour. Liam had just recently gotten back but, the kids barely saw him, because of school, him being tired and going in and out of the studio, and occasionally having to fly out with the boys unexpectedly. So when you picked up your daughter from school you weren't surprised that she was upset. "Stella what's wrong?" you asked as you open the door to your house. "nothing!" she tells and storms up to her room crying. As Stella was going up Adrian was coming down, "what's her problem?" he asks, "she misses your dad, he was meant to pick her up today" you sigh, "oh well while you were picking her up dad came by quickly and said he would be home at 5" Adrian says as he starts to undo his school tie. "okay, I'm going to talk to her" you say and make your way up to Stella's room. You sit on the bed next to your sobbing daughter, "Stella what's wrong gorgeous, talk to me" you say, "Dad is meant to pick me up, and he didn't he forgot about me, he is never around it not fair" she cries, before you could respond, "I'm sorry Stell" you hear your husband say at the door. "DAD!" she says happily, and jumps up and hugs him, "I'm sorry I haven't been around but I'll make it up to you I promise" he says giving Stella a nice big hug. You walk out and smile at Liam and leave them to talk. You walk down stairs to Adrian watching trying to listen in from downstairs. "what are you smiling about? What did you do Adrian?" you ask, "I made dad come home early" he says, "that's sweet of you Adrian, how come?" you ask, "Stella missed him and yeh" he says trailing off, "you missed him too" you say and Adrian smiles, "my home work is calling sorry mum got to cut this short" he says and runs up the stairs.

Zayn: Zayn was on tour with the boys and you were left to look after your 3 year old daughter, and 5 month old son. It was hard trying to look after the both of them without Zayn but you managed. "mummy, mummy, mummy" was all you heard all day, from your daughter Sofia, in between the cries of your son, Aydan. "Mummy is daddy tucking me in tonight?" Sofia asks as you help her in her pjs. "sorry Sofia daddy is working, he will be soon" you say hating having to see the sadness on your daughters face. "I want daddy!" she says about to throw a tantrum, "shhh you will wake Aydan" you say trying to quieten her down. "I want daddy!!" she cries, "Sofia shhh, calm down come on, Daddy will be home soon enough" you say, "I want daddy now mummy, why can't he come home" she whines, "he's working baby, if you calm down if you like I'll call him for you okay?" you reason, "okay mummy" she nods and stops crying. You get your phone and ring your husband Zayn in hope he answers, thankfully he did. You hand the phone to Sofia, and she talks to Zayn, after a while she hands the phone back, "daddy's coming home" she says jumping up and down, "okay come on bed time" you say as you start to talk to Zayn and he tells you the news he was coming home. Sofia was too excited and insisted on sleeping with you, wanting to know exactly when her dad got home. You let her sleep with you, and she stayed awake until Zayn walked through that door, she leaped into his arms, and didn't let go. She ended up falling asleep in his arms.

Louis: Today was the day Louis got back from tour. You decided to go to the airport with your daughter to welcome Louis home. Your 4 year old Gabriella, was really excited to see her Dad. Every night she would stay up just go say good night to him, an refused to go to sleep until she got to talk to him. She couldn't keep still, with the crowd you had to carry her in, just to be safe, but she had other ideas, and wanted to run and find Louis. You were waiting with her by your side, as security made sure fans kept their distance, while you stood with his mum, and sisters. Although you were family you were all being forced to stay behind a barrier for safety reasons, so they say. Gabriella was getting impatient and just wanted to see her Dad. As soon as she saw her uncle Harry walk out of those doors she squeezed through the barrier and ran to Harry. "uncle Harry!" she shouts, you quickly run after her, as Harry picks her up, and says hello, before putting her down because he knows Louis is coming right behind him. Louis walks through the doors, and drops his bags as Gabriella jumps into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I missed you daddy!!" she says as she kisses his cheek, "I missed you too Gab" he says as he holds her, smiling.

Niall: You had put your daughter to sleep it was just you and your teenage son who was 14 who were up, you were on the couch trying to stay awake for Niall, while your son was on his computer. "mum go to sleep" he say, "no your dad will be home soon" you reply happily, your son Justin just shrugs, as soon as you close your eyes you hear your daughter Amelia cryin for Niall. You quickly run to her room to see what was wrong, all she kept doing was asking for her Dad, and no matter what you did she wouldn't stop crying. Your son Justin came in to see what was wrong, him being exactly like Niall, was able to calm Amelia down, his hugs were exactly like Niall, and everything about him was basically a resemblance of Niall. While you were all on Amelias room, Niall got home, and came up to Amelia's room, "hi princess what are you doing up?" he asks sweetly as he sees his little girl in tears. "I had a bad dream you never came back and left us" she sobs, "you know I would never do that Amelia, daddy loves you, Justin, and mummy too much." he says sweetly and gives her a big hug just like her big brother did. You all get her to sleep, before Niall then hugs his son then you. "I missed you" Niall says, "I missed you too Niall" you say, as you hug each other. You all walk out, "Justin" Niall says, "yeah?" he asks turning around to face the two of you, "thank you for looking after your mum and sister while I was gone" Niall says, "it's okay dad. I uh missed you" "that's my boy I knew you did" Niall laughs before putting his arm around his shoulders, "so what's happening with the ladies?" Niall asks, "dad not while mums around" your son says embarrassed, "Justin we all know you like Liam's daughter Tia" you say which makes your son blush, "as I was saying I missed you dad, but it's getting late I better go to bed, need to get up early to spend time with the worlds best dad" he says and runs off to his room. "both our kids missed you, and so did I, I love you Niall" "I love you too baby, I missed you all so much."

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