You find out your daughter did it for the first time

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You find out your daughter did it for the first time
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Niall: "Y/N do something!" Niall pushed you. "What?" you muttered back. "Go in there!" the two of you whispered loudly outside Megan's door. She's been in there crying for hours. "Why don't you?!" you whisper-shouted back. "You're the mom!" you groaned, "How about we both go?" he suggested caving in. You nodded, slowly tiptoeing to her door with Niall hot on your heels. "Megan," you knocked softly on her closed door, "May we come in?" You heard the sobs come to an abrupt stop as she grew silent. "Megan?" Niall tried, "Please?" You heard the button on the lock of the door unlatch as you were free to walk in. By the time you entered her room, she was back on her bed face down. Her face was concealed in a pillow, and crumpled tissues lay scattered around the floor. "Megan?" you asked walking over to her with Niall. "What's wrong babygirl?" Niall asked rubbing her back trying to relax her. She stayed like this for a few more minutes, you exchanged often glances with Niall wondering what to do. "Megan?" you tried again, "Tell us what's wrong. We can help you." It felt like months before she finally rolled over, pulled the bangs from her eyes, and spoke, "You're gonna hate me." "We won't hate you. We will always love you," Niall said, "No matter what. Just tell us whatever it is." "I-I had sex," she whimpered out regret already showering her eyes as the tears refused to stop. "Oh honey that's what you're crying about? Sex is a good thing!" Niall grinned. You gasped smacking his right shoulder. She looked up, and watched as you glared bullets into Niall's skull. And she started to giggle.

Zayn: "What the hell Isabelle?!" Zayn pounded from deep in his throat. You looked at the expression on your daughter's face, and even you were scared. Zayn's eyebrow dipped in anger, shock. You didn't know what to do. "I-I don't know what happened!" your 17-year-old daughter stuttered attempting to defend herself. "What do you mean you don't know what happened?" he stepped closer and closer to your terrified daughter, "What do you mean you don't know how you both got naked and he stuck his dick up you? You don't know?!" "Zayn!" you cried butting yourself into the conversation, "Don't talk to her like that!" You grabbed for his arm pulling him away from Isabelle. Isabelle sat on the couch, her hands folded neatly in her lap as she pondered her next move, what to say. "We were at this party-" "Save it Isabelle!" Zayn snapped. He stormed out of the living room nearly leaving Isabelle in tears. You hurried to sit next to her, you placed a loving hand over her shoulder. "Just give him some time hun," you soothed into her ear, rubbing your hand up and down her back. It's never easy the first time you have sex, you still remember your first time. It was with Zayn, at his flat one night. You were a wreck afterwards. Well you know because Zayn isn't exactly gentle in bed. "I'm so sorry," she whispered burying her head in her hands. "It's okay," you whispered, "I knew this day would come sweetie. I just kind of wish you would have told us first. Well at least me."

Harry: "Em what's wrong babe?" Harry asked your 18-year-old daughter sitting at the kitchen table. She sifted through her Lucky Charms, her face purred in a scowl, her lips glued in a straight line. "Nothing," she mumbled. "Emily?" you asked raising an eyebrow. "Nothing!" she cried out louder, clanking down her spoon loudly on the side of the bowl. You saw a horse shoe marshmallow fly out of the bowl as she stood up. "Emily Jane Styles!" Harry yelled. She stopped. He was good, real good. He played the middle name card. She took a deep breath. "I'm just dealing with some stuff right now okay!" she cried out. "What kind of stuff?" you asked curiously. You were her mother, you had the right to know. "I don't wanna talk about it," she said shielding her face from your gaze. "Emily? You can tell us anything," you said softer. "I had sex alright," she said standing up to face you. Your eyes widened as you saw Harry drop the newspaper. "What?!" you and Harry exclaimed in unison. "See? This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you," she said turning to go to her room. "Oh no young lady. You sit down. We have to have a long talk," Harry ordered. She gulped, and took a sit back on the kitchen table. "What?" she asked rolling her eyes like an average teenage girl. "Did you use a condom?" Harry asked immediately. "Of course!" she shouted standing up sharply to leave. "Okay then you can go," Harry said returning to his newspaper. "That's it? That's your long talk?" you asked once she left the room. "Yeah. As long as it was protected I don't mind. We were her age when we first had sex remember?"

Liam: "Oh jesus," he breathed, "How did I not see this coming?" He brought his hands up to weave through his invisible hair. You giggled. "C'mon Li. Back off a little. She's almost out of high school. I think she's old enough," you said. Your daughter Jacey just told you she had sex with her boyfriend of 3 years last night. You were surprisingly alright with it, but Liam? Not so much. You spun around as you heard someone clear their throat trying to get your attention. It was Jacey. "Hey Jacey," you smiled to her. She walked hesitantly into the room, her face awfully tear-stained. "Have you been crying?" Liam asked. She stayed silent. "Oh honey," you said walking over to her and pulling her in for a long hug, "Are you okay? It can be pretty emotional the first time around." She pulled away to look between you and Liam. "Was it emotional for you guys? When you did it?" "Which time?" you joked. Liam laughed nervously. "Yes. It can be one heck of an emotional roller coaster. But sex is just another part of life. It's something that everyone should experience. It may be good for some people, and could be horrible for others. It just depends if you're ready for it or not-" "And if you really love the guy," you butt in, knowing Liam could ramble on for hours and hours. Really. You've heard it before. "Like I really love your dad," you said walking over to Liam. He snaked his arm around your waist, tugging you closer to himself. You felt him relax for the first time since Jacey had told you the news. "And like I love your mum."

Louis: "Oh Louis what are we gonna do?" you asked pacing one way across the floor, "We should have been prepared for this," you paced the other way, "Why didn't we see it coming?" you paced back, "Who do you think it was with?" you paced again, "They better have used protection," you stopped to face Louis. He was lying down on the sofa, his feet propped up on the brown, leather ottoman. "Why aren't you concerned right now Louis?" you growled at him as he changed the channel with the remote. "Because she told me who it's with," he shrugged as if it was nothing. It was true, Daisy and Louis have always had the better relationship. She was the "daddy's girl" kind of daughter. "What?!" you began to pace again, "That's so not fair!" you looked up at the ceiling as your feet shuffled before you, "Wait who was it with?! You have to tell me!" you could tell Louis was getting annoyed, "I bet it was with that Jeremy guy wasn't it?" because you were blocking his view of the new Family Guy, "Or maybe it was Noah?" you stopped again covering his view completely and crossing your arms. He groaned, "It was Andy." Your eyes widened as you couldn't keep your feet from pacing again, "Andy?!" you tried to comprehend it, "Andy Keller?!" you kept your eyes glued ahead of you as you walked the carpet, "I never liked that guy-" Before you could walk anymore Louis grabbed you by your arm pulling you down on to the sofa next to him. He pulled you close into his arms, whispering into your hair, "You have a worrying problem you know that?" he kissed your hair sweetly, "and a pacing problem."

a/n : niall can u not ? ! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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