Your child say their first word

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Harry: "What're we watching?" Harry asks, gently plopping down beside you on the couch as some dull family sitcom flashes across the television screen. "Not this." you reply, changing the channel. As you scroll through the countless shows, Harry turns his attention to your 5 month old baby girl, who is sitting on the floor in front of you two, fumbling with the plastic toys on her blanket. "Hi love!" Harry coos, leaning down to her. "Hi!" The baby smiles her toothless grin and giggles, sticking her hand in her mouth. "HA!" you suddenly say, chuckling as you land on a channel. "Well lookie here." You smirk as the opening beats of the What Makes You Beautiful music video play through your flatscreen's speakers. Harry groans and tilts his head back. "Oh god." he groans, chuckling to himself. You pull your attention back to the screen and watch the younger version of your husband jump around the beach, feeling a twinge of nostalgia. Your gaze then goes to your baby girl, whose eyes seem to be glued to the television as well. She suddenly turns to face you. "Dada?" she says, turning her head back and forth from the screen to you and Harry. Your jaw drops and you and Harry exchange looks of bewilderment before scooting down to join her. "Dada?" she repeats, reaching her itty bitty hand out to touch Harry's. "Yes!" Harry cries, a huge grin on his face. "Yes! Dada!" He exchanges another look with you before wiping at his eyes, trying to wipe away the tears of joy streaming down his face.

Louis: At the Tomlinson family reunion, you and Louis' baby was quite popular. All of the members of the family were crowded around you three, cooing at the baby or complimenting you and Louis. "Has he said his first word yet?" someone asks. You shake your head. "Not yet!" you say, bouncing the baby on your lap as you hold his hands. "But he should really soon!" Louis comments, a smile forming on his lips. "He should say Daisy!" Daisy, Louis' little sister, suddenly says as she pushes into the crowd. "Day-see." Phoebe darts in front of Daisy, blocking her from the baby's view. "No no no!" she cries. "Phee-bee. Phee-bee." The little boy just continues to look around in confusion. "Daisy!" Daisy says loudly. "Phoebe!" the other twin retorts. "Daisy!" "Phoebe!" "Daisy!" "Phoebe!" The escalation of shouting is suddenly quieted by the baby's shrill cry. "Now look what you've done!" Daisy says, placing her hands on her hips. "Me?!" Phoebe replies. You shake your head and rub the baby's back, trying to comfort him. "Maybe we should take him inside." you comment, exchanging a look with Lou. He nods. "A bit too much excitement for him." he says with a grin to the crowd of people. As you begin to get out of your chair, Lottie suddenly appears. "Here." she says, extending her arms. "Let me. I'll take care of the little guy, you two enjoy the party." You reluctantly hand the red-faced baby boy over to Lottie, not wanting her to have to deal with the baby's shrieks. But as soon as he's placed in Lottie's arms, he stops crying. "Wow." Louis remarks. "I've never seen him quiet down that fast." Lottie smiles, shifting the baby in her arms. "I think he needs a nap." she says, "I'll take him inside." She begins to turn. "Thanks Lottie!" Louis says. Before she is able to walk away, the little boy cries out "Loddeh!" You all stop. "Are you trying to say my name?" Lottie coos. "Loddeh Loddeh Loddeh!" he repeats. Louis chuckles, putting his arm around you as Phoebe and Daisy frown. "Well... I guess somebody has a favorite auntie!"

Niall: You duck your head back into the kitchen. "It isn't Cherry, is it? Because Liam and Danielle's daughter-" "Doesn't like cherries..." Niall finishes for you, packing up the fresh pie he made for Liam and Danielle's daughter's birthday party. "I got it. And no, it's not cherry, it's blueberry. Isn't that right?" he asks, smiling at your small daughter, who is sitting in her basket carrier on the counter. You smile as your little girl beams ear to ear. "We've been working all day while Mommy was out shopping, haven't we?" Niall continues, hoisting his daughter into his arms. "Yes we have." He gently bounces around, smiling at the baby as he holds her close. "It's a good thing I have a man who can bake." you say as you join them, planting a kiss on Niall's smooth cheek. He chuckles. "I knew you only married me for my pie!" he cries in fake offence. You roll your eyes as you go to grab the last of the baby stuff you need when you hear a small squeak and a sudden gasp from Niall. You spin around sharply. "What?" you ask tentatively. "She...she just said her first word." he responds, gazing at the baby in shock. You march up to them and lean down, meeting the baby's eyes. "What did she say?" you ask. Niall looks at the baby, as if egging her on to say it again. You all pause. "Pie!" the baby squeals out proudly. You look at Niall, completely wonderstruck. "I knew this was coming!" Niall hoots, kissing the baby's head. "She's a Horan! She loves her food!"

Liam: Even though it had been a good 5 months since you had brought your baby girl home, you had barely gotten a wink of sleep. Liam was trying to be a good sport about it and take care of the baby as much as possible, but he was still hounded with work during the weekdays. So weekends became "Mommy relax days" where you actually got to sleep. After about an hour into a refreshing Sunday afternoon nap, Liam comes knocking at the bedroom door. "(Y/N)?" he whispers, gently creaking open the door. You groan, flinching away from the light filtering in. "(Y/N) I know that you're tired, but you're not gonna want to miss this." Liam flicks on the light switch and shuffles into the bedroom, your pajama-clad baby boy in his arms. As you sit up in bed, rubbing your eyes, Liam sets the baby on the end of the bed and joins you. "I was about to put him to bed but... I think he's...trying to say something..." You frown and lock your eyes on the baby, who is playing with the blanket at the foot of your bed. "What is it, little man?" you ask, pulling the attention of the baby. He opens his mouth, something clearly on the tip of his tongue. "Go on!" Liam coos, smiling ear to ear. "M-mama!" the baby says proudly. Your heart nearly melts on the spot. You clutch at your chest, about to burst into tears. You lean forward and scoop up the baby, clutching him to your chest and kissing his head repeatedly. "Told ya you wouldn't want to miss it." Liam says, nudging you.

Zayn: "And this is Uncle Niall!" Zayn says enthusiastically, "Remember Uncle Niall? And Harry?" It was Zayn's first time bringing his child backstage at a concert, and he was making sure everyone saw him. "Say hi!" The baby looks around, baffled by all of the new people. You take his hand and move it back and forth, making his little hand wave. "Say hi sweetie!" you coo. "Hello!" Harry says, waving. The others join him and wave at the baby, their smiles friendly and warm. "Hi there!" Niall says as he leans down, now eye to eye with the baby in your arms. The baby suddenly opens his mouth. "Hey!" Zayn says, nudging you, "I think he's gonna say something!"All eyes are suddenly on the baby boy in your arms. He pauses. "H-hii." he says timidly, his eyes darting from person to person. You all break out in smiles. "He said his first word!" you squeal. You all jump around and smile, happy to experience this milestone with so many of the people you love surrounding you. "Let's see who else he'll say hi to!" Zayn says eagerly. "Hey Lou, Josh, can you come here a second?!"

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