Your daughter is afraid and he comforts her

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Harry: "I promise the doggy won't hurt you, Darce," Harry assures, looking into green eyes that mirror his own. She shakes her head and buries her face against the fabric of his shirt. Liam's golden retriever Brit looks up innocently from the ground and sticks out her tongue. Darcy turns to look at the dog from where she's snuggled in her father's arms and yelps. "Doggy! No! I scared!" she sniffs, shaking her head. "Shhh,shh, look. Nice doggy, good doggy," Harry whispers, guiding Darcy's hand to pet the dog softly. Brit's tail thumps happily and Darcy laughs. "Good doggy, nice doggy," she says softly, giving the dog a pat on the nose. "See? Nothing to be scared of, sweetie," Harry smiles, setting her down and watching her run her tiny fingers through the dog's soft coat.

Louis: "Help! Help!" your daughter Adrienne shrieks, covering her ears. Fireworks erupt and light up the sky, causing her to yelp in fear. "Hey! Hey," Louis says quickly, walking over and crouching down beside her. Tears fill her big blue eyes and dot her porcelain cheeks and he gingerly wipes them away. "Adrienne, it's okay. It's just fireworks--pretty colors," he soothes, She frowns and winces as another firework goes off. "Here, come here," he pulls her into his lap and points up at the sky. "See? Pretty, not scary," he smiles, watching her face light up as blue and yellow dance across the sky. "Pretty," she mumbles, her eyes following the colors with amusement.

Liam: "Emily! God, are you okay?" Liam quickly runs into the living room where your daughter Emily is absolutely screaming her head off. As soon as she spots him, she goes running and wraps her tiny arms around his leg. "SPIDA! SPIDA!" she squeals, grabbing the hem of her shorts. "Calm down, it's okay, sweetie," Liam says softly, ruffling her curly auburn hair. "Where's the spider? Daddy will save you." She points to the wall across the room at a tiny black spider and Liam grabs a napkin. "Daddy to the rescue!" he exclaims, setting her on the sofa and walking over to the spider, killing it and tossing it in the bin. "Yay! Yay!" Emily cheers, clapping her hands. "See? All gone. Nothing to be afraid of," Liam smiles, kissing her nose.

Niall: "Bridgette, I promise there are no monsters under your bed," Niall assures your daughter for the fifth time that night. She pulls her blankets up to her chin, blue eyes wide. "They monsters they eat me," she frowns, shaking her head. Niall sighs and kisses her forehead. "Here, I'll check for monsters again. Okay, Bridge?" She nods vigorously and Niall climbs under the bed, pretending to look for monsters. "Nothing there! Just some dust bunnies," Niall teases, making Bridgette smile. "But what if they invisdible?" Bridgette whispers, her eyes darting around the room. Niall thinks of how to calm her for a moment then brightens at an idea. He grabs the giant stuffed rabbit she'd gotten from Harry for her last birthday and places it on the bed next to her. "Bunny will keep you safe, he has magic powers," he says softly, her blue eyes widening. She nods happily and wraps her arms around the stuffed animal's plush fur.

Zayn: "Sierra, hey, it's okay," Zayn walks over to where his daughter is fearfully standing at the edge of the pool. "I scared," she says softly, reaching up for Zayn. He picks her up in his arms and smiles. "I'm a little scared of swimming myself," he admits, his hazel eyes meeting her nearly identical ones. "But, how about this. I'll go in the pool if you go in the pool." She smiles and then looks at the sparkling water unsurely over her shoulder. "Look, you can use your floaties," he offers, holding up the inflatable princess armbands. She nods unsurely and Zayn slides them on her tiny arms. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" he hesitantly steps into the least deep end of the pool and holds her hand as she follows. "See? Isn't this fun?" he smiles, running his fingers through the water. Sierra nods and splashes him, bursting into a fit of laughter.

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